Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Message in a Bottle. (Okay, not really. I'm just channeling vintage POLICE.)

To: FACFE Readers

From: The Keeper

RE: Modified Posting Schedule

We have so many new opportunities to share, we must split the items over the course of two or three--you read it right, THREE--days. The first set is slated for Thursday, January 15th; the second will be Friday, January 16th; and, if necessary, the third set will be added Saturday, January 17th. The purpose is to minimize the likelihood of unwieldy posts & mailings.

Here's a bit of good news: we've recently experienced an upsurge in Feedblitz subscribers. Thank you.

Of course, regardless of the method you choose to access the information on this site, we appreciate your readership.

As always, there's more to come.

Best regards,

The Keeper