Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Maker to Manufacturer to Market Initiative
The Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council is seeking applications for the MMM - Maker to Manufacturer to Market initiative.
Request for Tender: $30,000 (x4)
The aim of the MMM initiative is to encourage the development of successful models of industry practice in the Australian craft/design maker sector, with object designers and manufacturers developing relationships that lead to significant sales.
Your proposal will need to demonstrate:
The existence of a finished prototype that demonstrates a high degree of artistic excellence and has the potential to introduce contemporary craft/design to a wide market
A manufacturing plan designed to result in a completed product that is ready for market
A marketing plan designed to focus on identified markets that shows evidence of consumer demand
The initiative is open to individuals, companies and organisations who are able to present a tender application that matches the $30,000 on offer from the Australia Council. This match funding can take the form of in-kind and/or cash contribution.
Selection criteria
The Australia Council will use the following selection criteria when assessing the tenders:
A high degree of artistic merit in the craft/design prototype
A demonstrated track record by the applicant in manufacturing design objects with a successful commercial outcome
The ability for the finished product to have a strong market presence
The degree to which the business plan demonstrates that it is well planned and that its outcomes are achievable
Important information
Your tender should comply with the Request for Tender template (RFT 1/2007 - Maker to Manufacturer to Market, at right).
Closing date: 1 June 2007
Decisions advised: mid-July 2007
Projects will run for up to two years.
MMM Request for Tender template (RFT 1/2007)
Download:(92k)PowerPoint Template
Download:(24k) Maker to Manufacturer to Market 2007
(02) 9215 9125
Humanities Fine Arts Gallery Call for Proposals

The Humanities Fine Arts Gallery of the University of Minnesota, Morris is currently accepting exhibition proposals for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 academic years.
For more information click here: PROSPECTUS
The mission of the Humanities Fine Arts Gallery is to provide a dynamic and accessible venue that supports the educational, cultural and artistic experiences of students, faculty, and the community. The gallery promotes diverse cultural and personal perspectives in both innovative and traditional art exhibitions linking our community with the global art world. The HFA Gallery has operated on the assumption that the visual arts is central to a liberal arts institution as a fundamental means of communicating beliefs, values, concepts, and visions.
First principles of operation have been that the institution through the gallery is to support artists by offering them a suitable place to show their work, to visit the campus and to become involved in a dialogue about their work with faculty and students, and to provide full financial support for shipment and insurance of work as well as travel, accommodations, and per diem expenses.
The HFA Gallery is a multilevel gallery space. The main floor consists of 2400 sq. feet; the second floor encompasses the Mezzanine Gallery, which overlooks the main floor and is made up of 800 sq. ft. Exact wall lengths and heights are enclosed in HFA Gallery plans.
A brief, typed cover letter explaining the work and general purpose of your exhibitions. Please indicate any unusual conditions or requirements it may involve.
Artist’s resume
Artist’s statement
Portfolio: 10-20 high quality jpeg/psd digital images on a CD, Mac compatible, NO SLIDES. This is the only acceptable format in which I will be reviewing your work. (DVD format is acceptable for video, installation, and performance proposals). Please no powerpoints or e-mailed/web site proposals. For solo or two-person shows submit 10-20 images representative of the work each artist intends to exhibit. For Group shows, submit five such images from each artist.
Image list: A list containing the following information: name, title of work, media, dimensions (HxWxD in inches), and the date the work was created. This list should be in the same numerical sequence as the images that appear on the CD/DVD
Send Proposals To: Michael Eble, Curator HFA Gallery Division of the Humanities University of Minnesota Morris Morris, MN 56267.
The University of Minnesota Morris is an equal opportunity employer and educator.
13th Annual International Women's Exhibition
SOHO20 Chelsea Gallery
July 17 - August 11, 2007
This exhibition is open to the international community of women artists. All work entered must have been completed within the last two years. All media are eligible (gallery space permitting). Artists may submit work with special installation requirements if the artist will be available to install.
There is a $30 non-refundable entry fee for up to 3 works, one slide per work. (Exceptions are sculpture and installation which must be represented by two views each at no additional cost.) If you wish to enter additional slides, include $5 for each additional work (two views for installation and sculpture.). There is a limit of 7 slides per applicant.
Department of Print and Special Collections - Whitney Museum
There will be a juror's award for best in show. The award winner will receive $1000 cash award.
A commission of 20% will be charged on all work sold through the exhibition. Work need not be for sale.
The entry form:
SOHO20 Chelsea Gallery
511 West 25th St., Suite 605
New York, NY 10001
Images of Peace
Images of Peace
Albert Schweitzer Institute
September 23-October 14, 2007
The Albert Schweitzer Institute invites submissions for a national juried art exhibition entitled Images of Peace. The exhibition will be held in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of Albert Schweitzer’s call for nuclear disarmament. All submitted work should explore the themes of Nuclear Disarmament, World Peace and/or the life and work of Albert Schweitzer.
The Albert Schweitzer Institute is a nonprofit organization that conducts US and international programs that link education, ethics and voluntarism.
Download prospectus and entry form (Adobe PDF)
Eligible Work: All original 2D (including photo) and small 3D work is eligible.
- No digital, video, giclee copies, installation or crafts.
- No artwork that has been commercially reproduced or created under instruction is eligible.
- 2D work maximum 30” in any direction.
- 3D work maximum 24”x10”x10” or 35 pounds.
Entry: One entry per artist submitted on CD in Jpeg format.
- All work must be original and personally executed.
- Artists are STRONGLY encouraged to include an artist’s statement relating to the show’s themes of nuclear disarmament, world peace and/or the life of Albert Schweitzer.
- There is no entry fee.
Curator/Juror: Professor Stephen B. Henderson, head, Art Program, Quinnipiac University
Selection: Work will be selected based upon overall artistic quality and how well it reflects the themes of nuclear disarmament, world peace and/or the life of Albert Schweitzer.
Eligibility: All artists 18 years of age and older living in the United States are eligible.
Sales: All sales will be referred to the artist. The Albert Schweitzer Institute will not collect any commission on sales.
Purchase Prize: The Albert Schweitzer Institute will select the one piece that best portrays the theme of nuclear disarmament, world peace and/or the work of Albert Schweitzer to become part of its permanent collection. The maximum purchase price paid will not exceed $500. Artists must indicate on their entry form if they wish to be considered for the Purchase Prize.
Yummy--NEXUS/foundation for today's art
NEXUS/foundation for today’s art
December 2007 – January 31, 2008
NEXUS/foundation for today’s art is seeking artist’s work in all mediums for “Yummy”
scheduled for December 5, 2007 – January 27, 2008.
Just as food brings people together, this exhibition seeks to promote collaboration by inviting individuals, artists, scholars, performers, musicians and local organizations to creatively address the role of food in our lives. The exhibition highlights American cultural and social relationship to food, while addressing the impact food has on our belief systems.
The artwork in Yummy will address two major topics: cultural food traditions as related to family customs and social norms; and the influence of the entertainment and advertising industry has on our eating habits. The curators will be selecting artists who represent in their work the association of food to social events such as holidays, hunting/gathering and religion as well as larger societal themes including the connection of food options to class and income, eating disorders and gender roles associated with cooking and the kitchen. Artists whose work speaks to the effect the media has on eating habits and self-image, the representation of food in the media as well as the advertisement and packaging of food will also be considered for inclusion. These themes will be further explored through our extended programming series.
Notification: No later than Saturday, September 8, 2007
NEXUS/foundation for today's art
1400 N. American Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
The Acquisition Exhibition
The Acquisition Exhibition
Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
No prospectus needed. Open to US Artists, all media except video. At least $5,000 in purchase awards. All submitted work will be considered for purchase by The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago for the Chicago Corporate Art Collection. Finalists presented in an exhibition at Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago, October 8-November 8, 2007. Purchase awards will be announced at the catered reception on Friday, October 12, 2007.
$10 entry fee per slide… unlimited entries. Submit slides [or images on CD] labeled with: name, title, media, size, and date [red dot in lower left corner], price list, short statement/resume [optional], along with the $10 per slide entry fee [checks payable to: The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago]. Enclose a SASE for return of slides.
Send to:
Chuck Gniech, Exhibition Curator
Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
180 N. Wabash, Chicago, IL 60601
All American X-Mas--Altered Esthetics Gallery
All American X-Mas
Altered Esthetics Gallery
1224 quincy st ne
minneapolis mn 55413
(612) 378-8888
Buy buy buy, consume consume consume. Merry Chrisma-Hannu-Quanza… and BAH HUMBUG! Americans sure do have a unique way of ringing in the jolly, don’t they? Join us for our December exhibition, "All American X-Mas," as we view Artists' perspectives on the crazy holiday season.
* There is no fee for the submission of work.
* Accepted artists are responsible for their own postage and shipping to and from the gallery.
* All submissions must be received midnight on the day of the deadline to be considered.
* Entries can be submitted by mail or e-mail to the addresses listed above.
* Do not send originals - dvds, cds, photos, slides will not be returned.
* Entries must be related to the gallery theme. Unrelated works will not be considered.
* Suites of work, series, and sculptures will be considered. Please provide images/documents of all works .
* Accepted artists are asked to pay a $25 exhibition fee before displaying work. The exhibition fee goes towards covering the cost of printing, website services, distribution and other promotional costs of the show. No artist will be turned away due to lack of funds. Artists unable to contribute an exhibition fee can contact the gallery for exhibition fee waivers. Alternatives to fees include: helping with gallery set-up, use of alternative additional promotional means, trade of prints for gallery fees, etc.
* All unsold artwork must be retrieved within one month following the closing reception. Altered Esthetics makes a concerted attempt to aid the prompt pickup and retrieval of hosted artwork. However, particularly in the case of negligent or absent artists, Altered Esthetics cannot be held responsible for the security of abandoned work. Un-retrieved artwork will be moved, stored, or sold as needed.
* Show sales will be divided as such: 30% Gallery Compensation, 70% Artist Compensation
* Altered Esthetics reserves the right to use submitted work for promotional and display purposes. Artist credit by name will be given in every possible case.
Download complete submission guidelines and entry form:
submission guidelines and submission form - html
download submission guidelines and submission form - word document
Dia De Los Muertos--Altered Esthetics Gallery
Dia De Los Muertos
Altered Esthetics Gallery
1224 quincy st ne
minneapolis mn 55413
(612) 378-8888
This show is dedicated to the Mexican holiday, el dia de los muertos - the Day of the Dead.
* There is no fee for the submission of work.
* Accepted artists are responsible for their own postage and shipping to and from the gallery.
* All submissions must be received midnight on the day of the deadline to be considered.
* Entries can be submitted by mail or e-mail to the addresses listed above.
* Do not send originals - dvds, cds, photos, slides will not be returned.
* Entries must be related to the gallery theme. Unrelated works will not be considered.
* Suites of work, series, and sculptures will be considered. Please provide images/documents of all works .
* Accepted artists are asked to pay a $25 exhibition fee before displaying work. The exhibition fee goes towards covering the cost of printing, website services, distribution and other promotional costs of the show. No artist will be turned away due to lack of funds. Artists unable to contribute an exhibition fee can contact the gallery for exhibition fee waivers. Alternatives to fees include: helping with gallery set-up, use of alternative additional promotional means, trade of prints for gallery fees, etc.
* All unsold artwork must be retrieved within one month following the closing reception. Altered Esthetics makes a concerted attempt to aid the prompt pickup and retrieval of hosted artwork. However, particularly in the case of negligent or absent artists, Altered Esthetics cannot be held responsible for the security of abandoned work. Un-retrieved artwork will be moved, stored, or sold as needed.
* Show sales will be divided as such: 30% Gallery Compensation, 70% Artist Compensation
* Altered Esthetics reserves the right to use submitted work for promotional and display purposes. Artist credit by name will be given in every possible case.
Download complete submission guidelines and entry form:
submission guidelines and submission form - html
download submission guidelines and submission form - word document
Dirty Little Secrets--Altered Esthetics Gallery
Dirty Little Secrets
Altered Esthetics Gallery
1224 quincy st ne
minneapolis mn 55413
(612) 378-8888
Do you have something you need to confess? Purge your soul artist-style by submitting to our "Dirty Little Secrets" confessional art show. And yes, we are accepting anonymous submissions.
* There is no fee for the submission of work.
* Accepted artists are responsible for their own postage and shipping to and from the gallery.
* All submissions must be received midnight on the day of the deadline to be considered.
* Entries can be submitted by mail or e-mail to the addresses listed above.
* Do not send originals - dvds, cds, photos, slides will not be returned.
* Entries must be related to the gallery theme. Unrelated works will not be considered.
* Suites of work, series, and sculptures will be considered. Please provide images/documents of all works .
* Accepted artists are asked to pay a $25 exhibition fee before displaying work. The exhibition fee goes towards covering the cost of printing, website services, distribution and other promotional costs of the show. No artist will be turned away due to lack of funds. Artists unable to contribute an exhibition fee can contact the gallery for exhibition fee waivers. Alternatives to fees include: helping with gallery set-up, use of alternative additional promotional means, trade of prints for gallery fees, etc.
* All unsold artwork must be retrieved within one month following the closing reception. Altered Esthetics makes a concerted attempt to aid the prompt pickup and retrieval of hosted artwork. However, particularly in the case of negligent or absent artists, Altered Esthetics cannot be held responsible for the security of abandoned work. Un-retrieved artwork will be moved, stored, or sold as needed.
* Show sales will be divided as such: 30% Gallery Compensation, 70% Artist Compensation
* Altered Esthetics reserves the right to use submitted work for promotional and display purposes. Artist credit by name will be given in every possible case.
Download complete submission guidelines and entry form:
submission guidelines and submission form - html
download submission guidelines and submission form - word document
The Art of Sacrifice--Altered Esthetics Gallery
Art of Sacrifice
Altered Esthetics Gallery
1224 quincy st ne
minneapolis mn 55413
(612) 378-8888
Religious sacrifice… the tragedy of war… the pain of birthing and the efforts of parenting… life is full of sacrifices, from small daily trials to complete martyrdom. Join us as artists revere these immolations in our September exhibition "the Art of Sacrifice."
* There is no fee for the submission of work.
* Accepted artists are responsible for their own postage and shipping to and from the gallery.
* All submissions must be received midnight on the day of the deadline to be considered.
* Entries can be submitted by mail or e-mail to the addresses listed above.
* Do not send originals - dvds, cds, photos, slides will not be returned.
* Entries must be related to the gallery theme. Unrelated works will not be considered.
* Suites of work, series, and sculptures will be considered. Please provide images/documents of all works .
* Accepted artists are asked to pay a $25 exhibition fee before displaying work. The exhibition fee goes towards covering the cost of printing, website services, distribution and other promotional costs of the show. No artist will be turned away due to lack of funds. Artists unable to contribute an exhibition fee can contact the gallery for exhibition fee waivers. Alternatives to fees include: helping with gallery set-up, use of alternative additional promotional means, trade of prints for gallery fees, etc.
* All unsold artwork must be retrieved within one month following the closing reception. Altered Esthetics makes a concerted attempt to aid the prompt pickup and retrieval of hosted artwork. However, particularly in the case of negligent or absent artists, Altered Esthetics cannot be held responsible for the security of abandoned work. Un-retrieved artwork will be moved, stored, or sold as needed.
* Show sales will be divided as such: 30% Gallery Compensation, 70% Artist Compensation
* Altered Esthetics reserves the right to use submitted work for promotional and display purposes. Artist credit by name will be given in every possible case.
Download complete submission guidelines and entry form:
submission guidelines and submission form - html
download submission guidelines and submission form - word document
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Sixth Biennial International Juried Wearable Expressions 2008
Wearable Expressions 2008
February 22 - April 13, 2008
To promote the fine art aspect of wearable art media in an international forum.
To share vision and exploration of techniques and materials.To encourage the creation of innovative art to wear.
To share vision and exploration of techniques and materials.To share vision and exploration of techniques and materials.
Download the prospectus:
Glenys Mann, Australia - President of TAFTA, writer for
Textile Fibre Forum magazine, WOW New Zealand finalist since 1999, recipient of a Highly Commended award and purchase of Kitsane for the WOW museum, Nelson, New Zealand.Beatrijs Sterk, Germany - publisher of Textile Forum magazine, Secretary General and initiator of the European Textile Network (ETN), a European association that brings together textile professionals from diverse fields, as well as a juror for Artists at Work , 2004, Italy and Textile Visions, 2006, Turkey.
Arline Fisch, USA - teacher, lecturer, professor emeritus at San Diego State University and author of Textile Techniques in Metal.
Charles Lewton-Brain, Canada - distinguished Fellow of the Society of North American Goldsmiths and Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain, teacher, author, President of the Canadian Crafts Federation, an initiator of The Ganoksin Project on the web.
Rebecca Brown Thompson - New Zealand, botanical illustrator and bead artist, co-author of Rebellious Beads whose work has been featured in a wide array of magazines including Bead and Button, Embellishment by Interweave Press, Beader's Guide to Color and 500 Beaded Objects.
Requirements for Entry
Wearable art designed for the human body, in all media, including jewelry and accessories.
Fees: $25, one entry, $35 up to three entries (non-refundable fee). One entry can consist of several pieces if they are part of a complete ensemble or concept. PVAC is not responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected entries. Payment is by checks in US funds drawn on a bank in the US, Visa or MasterCard.
The competition is open to adults 18 years or older. Individual or collaborative entries are invited. Innovative fiber and jewelry entries are encouraged. Each entry must be original work completed within the last two years.
Slide Entries: For fibers, two images, front and back views, a third if the ensemble has several parts or to show detail. For jewelry, one or two images, plus detail if needed. Mark slides clearly as shown, facing front.
(Digital images are preferred.) Digital Entries, e-mailed or on a cd: One to three 300 dpi .jpg images no smaller than 4x5" or larger than 5x7." The entire entry can be sent digitally to Information
Palos Verdes Art Center
310-541-2479 X301
By the Hands of Men
By the Hands of Men
October 30th, 2007 – February 2nd, 2008
This biennial exhibit of the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum will showcase quilts by men. Male fiber artists have made an impressive mark on quilting history in recent years. This exhibit will highlight some of the great works currently being created by men.
Click here to download additional entry information.
Submissions must include:
- one full and one detail view of your entry (35 mm slides OR 300 dpi jpeg on CD)
- an artist statement of about 100 words
- description of materials used
There are no size requirements for the quilts but the dimensions of the piece must be noted on entry form.
Call Megan Aikman, RMQM Curator, at 303.277.0377 or email if you have additional questions.
WOODSTOCKBiennial 2007
Deadline: Monday June 25, 2007 at 5 pm (RECEIVE)
WOODSTOCKBiennial 2007, a juried exhibition
Saturday, October 20 – December 2, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 5 – 8 pm
The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, in Woodstock NY is pleased to invite artists to submit to the premiere of the Woodstock Biennial at its Kleinert/James Arts Center.
Open to all artists 18 years and older.
Juror: Nohra Haime, owner and director of the Nohra Haime Gallery in New York City.
All media accepted. No piece may exceed 72" [182.9cm] in any direction. Media artists must supply their own special equipment.
There is a $25/ general, $20/ Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild Member submission fee. To become a member visit our web site at Checks/Money Orders should be made out to: Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild.
Submit up to 5 slides or up to 5 digital images on a CD that is pc compatible. [If you would like to submit more than five images there will be an additional $5 charge for each image or slide].
The images must be formatted to 300 dpi JPEGS up to 1 MEG in size.
Applicants are encouraged to submit works that are for sale.
Should work sell, the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild will receive a 30% commission and the artist will receive 70%. Please price work accordingly.
All packages with slides and cds must be received no later than 5 pm on Monday June 25, 2007 [not a postmark date] Notification by: August 30 Delivery of accepted art: Monday, October 15 and Tuesday, October 16, 10:30 am – 5:00 pm
The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild [WBG] is not responsible for shipping and insurance of work while it is in transit. Art will be insured by the WBG while it is on premises.
Contact Information
Entry form and info available as a PDF.
Or call for more info, 845-679-2079
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Crafting A Better Planet™ Quilt Competition
Download Entry Form - 2.3M pdf
For more information and/or entry forms, contact:
Mountain Mist
2551 Crescentville Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
Mountain Mist®/Leggett & Platt, Incorporated and the International Quilt Study Center at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln announce the Crafting A Better Planet™ Quilt Competition. Quilted entries are sought that combine environmental and ecological themes and images with Eco-Friendly™/ Green products and techniques. All entrants will win the satisfaction of creating an heirloom with a global purpose.
Quilts entered in the Crafting A Better Planet™ Quilt Competition must be made of all natural materials, including EcoCraft™ batting by Mountain Mist®. Entrants must choose EcoCraft™ Eco-Friendly™ Batting 100% PLA or Eco-Friendly™ Batting Blend 50% PLA 50% Cotton.
All entries must be postmarked by March 1, 2008. Cash prizes will be awarded and the finalist group of quilts will be exhibited at the new International Quilt Study Center museum in the Fall of 2008.
Mountain Mist®/ Leggett & Platt, Incorporated and the International Quilt Study Center have both given high priority to Eco-Friendly™/ Green initiatives:
Mountain Mist®/Leggett & Platt, Incorporated is marketing EcoCraft™: the world's first man-made, environmentally friendly, naturally based craft fiber product. The unique brand draws deeply from American heartland traditions, using renewable resources fresh from American cornfields. Creation of EcoCraft™ fiber products begins with Ingeo™ fiber, (trademarked owned by Natureworks,LLC) generically known as PLA, a polymer made from lactic acid, a natural product made from fermentable sugars found in plants, specifically corn. This process is revolutionary in the textile and fiber industry and is patented by Nature Works, LLC, the Mountain Mist®/ Leggett & Platt fiber partner.
The International Quilt Study Center will move into a new "green" home in early 2008. The new museum, designed by the New York firm of Robert A.M. Stern Architects, will be the first building on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus designed to meet the requirements for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. The environmentally sustainable structure will house the center's world class collection of more than 2300 quilts.
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIV Wearable Art Competition
Wearable Art Competition
September 6-9, 2007
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex
Harrisburg, PA
Download Entry Form:
Wearable Art Contest Rules
Open to all, but must be the work of the person or group applying to the competition. Limit of 2 entries per /-person or group. Garment(s) must be constructed by person(s) named on entry blank.
Full ensembles or individual articles of wearable art (a vest, jacket or coat) may be entered in the competition. No items constructed from kits are allowed.
Category Definitions -
Individual article: a vest, jacket or coat.
Full ensemble: garment or group of garments that need no other items to make it ready to wear in public. Examples: suit ensemble, dress, evening gown or pants outfit.
Entries must have been finished in 2005, 2006 or 2007 and be in excellent condition.
ENTRY FEE: $18.00 US (includes return shipping).
Mail Entry Form to:
PNQE XIV Wearable Art Competition
Mancuso Show Management
P.O. Box 667
New Hope, PA 18938
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
September 6-9, 2007
A Juried and Judged QUILT Competition
“Sew ... a needle pulling thread!”
Entry Form:
Theme Interpretation / A Brief Statement
It’s not quite that simple anymore with new technology, advanced tools and techniques, and the age-old love of quilting growing throughout the world every day. But the truth is, a passion for quilting begins with fabric, unique ideas and simply, sewing ... a needle pulling thread. “Sew,”
how does your love of quilting and sewing help your needle pull that thread to create your masterpiece?
Open to all, but must be the work of the person or group applying to the competition. Limit of 2 entries per person or group. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by person(s)named on entry blank.
Quilts and wall quilts only. Entry must be quilted either by hand or machine. No kits or tied quilts. Quilts must be greater than or equal to 1900 square inches. There is no maximum size for quilt entries. Wall quilts are defined as quilts less than 1900 square inches but more than 576 square inches.
Entries must have been finished in 2005, 2006 or 2007 and be in excellent condition.
Amateur entries (Full Size Quilts Only) are defined as entries created by persons who have never taught quilting for a fee, published books on the subject of quilting, made money from their quilting through selling, designing or stitching, or won prize monies at a quilt competition. Group quilts are not eligible for amateur entry status.
Entry must have a 4” sleeve casing as well as a cloth label with the name, address and telephone number of the entrant securely sewn to the back.
Entries must be available for display at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, September 6-9, 2007, at Expo Hall-Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA.
ENTRY FEE: $18.00 US (includes return shipping)
Mail Entry Form to:
Mancuso Show Management
P.O. Box 667
New Hope, PA 18938
August 9 - August 19, 2007
To enter the show, your work must be:
Executed since January 1, 2005
Original (“Original” means that the artist has used his/her own concepts, ideas and techniques for execution of the artwork. The artist has NOT copied ideas or techniques or exactly duplicated the subject matter of some other artist or photographer.)
Not previously exhibited in the Fine Art Exhibition of the Iowa State Fair
Executed by an artist 3 years or older
• Oils, Tempera, Acrylics
• Mixed Media
• Watercolors
• Pastels – This category includes work in both dry and oil based pastel.
• Drawings – This category includes work rendered with charcoal, pencil, ink or graphite.
• Prints – This category refers to traditional printmaking techniques and recent innovations in those areas, such as relief printmaking, etching and intaglio prints and planographic techniques. It does NOT refer to commercial print processes such as glicee prints or computer scanned images of photographs.
• Sculpture
• Pottery – This category includes handmade earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. Delicately constructed work requiring more than normal careful handling is not eligible.
• Art Glass – This category includes both hand blown and reverse glass painting.
• Jewelry – Jewelry must be provided with a box with the artist’s name and address.
• Fiber – Hand-woven and/or hand decorated textiles are eligible and should be accompanied by a label for identification. All articles must be strictly handcrafted by the exhibitor. NO WORK FROM KITS IS ACCEPTABLE. This category includes weaving, fiber construction, batik, tie dying, knotting, appliqué and trapunto.
Download Fine Arts
Rules and Regulations
Entry Form
2007 Asheville Quilt Show
25th Annual Asheville Quilt Show 2007
August 3-5, 2007
Presented by the Asheville Quilt Guild
2007 Theme: Quilts For All Seasons
Download the entry form:
Any group or individual is eligible to enter.
Entries for judged categories must have been completed after January 1, 2005 and not previously entered in the Asheville Quilt Show.
Entry limited to one (1) entry per category and three (3) categories per person.
Entry fee is $15, one entry fee per person. Current members of the Asheville Quilt Guild and Junior entrants DO NOT pay a fee.
Entry must have three (3) layers (top, batting, and backing).
Entry must be quilted, not tied, with the following exceptions: Junior category and Crazy Quilts.
With the exception of miniatures, all quilts must have a sleeve of four (4) or more inches attached to top back. Top of sleeve must not be more than 90 inches from the bottom of the quilt.
If you wish to sell your quilt during the AQG show, please state sales price. AQG charges a 10% commission.
Mail completed entry form, picture, and fee to:
Laura Walters
80 Wendover Road
Asheville, NC 28806
Address any questions to Laura Walters at:
828-251-6442 (day) or
828-350-9788 (evenings)
(subject: AQG SHOW)
World Quilt Show XI - New England
World Quilt Show XI - New England
Manchester, NH
August 16-19, 2007
Download the entry Form:
Open to all, but must be the work of the person or group applying to the competition. Limit of 2 entries per person or group. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by person(s)named on entry blank.
Entry must be quilted by hand or machine. No kits or tied quilts.
Quilts must be greater than or equal to 1,900 square inches.
Maximum size for entries is 108” in width and 108” in length.
Entries must have been finished in 2005, 2006 or 2007 and be in excellent condition. Quilts submitted to prior World Quilt Show Competitions are not eligible.
Entries must be available for display at the World Quilt Show - New England, August 16-19, 2007.
All U.S. prize winning quilts (any quilt receiving a ribbon)at World Quilt Show-New England, including Viewer’s Choice, will be displayed on tour to the following Mancuso Show Management events: Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza (September),
Pacific International Quilt Festival (October) and then in the Grand Finale of the 2007 World Quilt Competition Exhibition at Greater Chicago Quilt Exposition, November 8-11, 2007 in Schaumburg, IL.
$20.00 (nonrefundable), payable to Mancuso Show Management.
World Quilt Show XI - New England
P.O. Box 667
New Hope, PA 18938
Quilt Visions Members Juried Exhibition
Quilt Visions Members Juried Exhibition
November 11, 2007 – January 15, 2008
Download the entry form:
Quilt Visions members are invited to submit up to two (2) entries of high quality art work in any fiber medium for a juried exhibition at the Visions Art Quilt Gallery. Only one work from each artist is eligible for exhibit. Pedestals will be available for three-dimensional work. Entries must have been completed no earlier than January 1, 2004. Art works for sale are strongly encouraged and preferred, but NFS entries will be accepted. The Gallery’s commission is 50% of the retail price.
Beth Smith, Assistant Director of the Oceanside Museum of Art
Julia Zgliniec, Certified quilt appraiser and past president of Quilt Visions
Robert Leathers, Architect and award winning Art Quilter
Entry fee: $15 for one entry, $20 for two
Deadline for Entries: Entries should be mailed to arrive at the Gallery no later than Saturday, July 14, 2007.
The Gallery will insure accepted art work while in its possession at 50% of the retail price, and at the declared insurance value of not for sale (NSF) works.
Accepted artists will be honored at the Opening Reception on November 10, 2007.
Images: All entries must include digital images in JPEG format on a compact disk, which will not be returned.
Visions Art Quilt Gallery
Attn: Exhibitions Committee
2825 Dewey Road, Suite 100
San Diego CA 92106
Monday, May 14, 2007
Gallery Korea 2008 Call For Artists
Gallery Korea
2008 Call For Artists
Korean Cultural Service NY
460 Park Avenue 6th Floor
New York NY 10022
The website:
The Application:
1. Application Form
2. Resume
3. Artist's Statement
4. 5 to 10 Slides (35mm slides with mount)or CD
5. Description of each work
1. Same materials as above for individual artist
2. Exhibition Proposal
3. Resume of the organizer
Any medium is acceptable, but artworks may be two or three-dimensional, height of the works cannot exceed 6 1/2 feet high.
Minimum 5 up to 10 slides of your works can be submitted and the artist's name, title, year, medium and dimensions should be on each slide.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild Book Arts Fair
Book Arts Fair
June 9, 2007
St Barnabas Church
175 Hampton Avenue at Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
(Across from the Carrot Common, at the Chester Subway Station)
The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild is offering an opportunity for bookbinders and book artists, paper makers and paper decorators, calligraphers and printers, book sellers and book arts suppliers to meet with and sell to CBBAG members and the public.
The Book Arts Fair is free to the public.Pre-registration is required for exhibitors.
Suppliers are welcome to book a table in the Book Arts Fair.
For more information contact Scott Duncan at 416-418-7476.
How to Reserve A Table:
Tables can be book now and until May 31, 2007. Complete the Book Arts Fair and Gathering Registration Form and return it with your payment to the CBBAG office.
Price per table:
CBBAG Members
$40 each table (maximum 2 per exhibitor)
$100* for 1st table
$40 an additional table
(*includes 1-yr. membership fee)
$55 each each table (maximum 2)
(Suppliers need not be members of CBBAG)
Tables can be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Exhibitors should bring table covers and their own signage. Set-up begins at 9.00 a.m. on June 9th and tables of approximately 2' wide and 6' long will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Limit of 2 tables per exhibitor. Reservations will not be accepted without payment and a registration form .
The fair will be open to the public from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Take down will be between 4.00 and 4.30 p.m. A light lunch will be served to exhibitors. Further instructions, including accommodation information, will be sent with a confirmation of your reservation.
No cancellations will be accepted after May 31, 2007, and before then a cancellation fee of $10.00 will be charged. CBBAG reserves the right to cancel the Book Arts Fair due to insufficient participation - in that event all table fees will be fully refunded.
Information Table: CBBAG volunteers will distribute your brochures, flyers, or supply lists, which must be received at the CBBAG. office by June 1, 2007. There is no charge to display material on the Information Table. The brochures, etc., may not be for sale.
The Art of the Book '08
A juried exhibition of members' work celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild is pleased to announce that it will be accepting entries for its fifth juried members' exhibit, The Art of the Book '08, celebrating the 25th anniversary of CBBAG. A catalogue with photographs of all accepted entries will be published both in hard copy and on the CBBAG web site.
The Art of the Book '08 will open in Toronto in the fall of 2008 and travel to several other locations across Canada from December 2008 through to the year 2010.
Up to three works per participant may be submitted and they must reflect at least one of the following distinct but overlapping elements of the book arts: Fine Binding; Papermaking; Paper Decorating (including marbling); Calligraphy; Box Making; Fine Printing; and Artists' Books.
For payment by cheque, an entry free of $25 will be charged to CBBAG members ($85 for non-members, which includes 1-year membership). Because credit card payments are much more work to process (and to encourage payment by cheque), the credit card entry fee of $35 will be charged to CBBAG members ($95 for non-members, which includes 1-year membership).
Entries: Up to 3 works may be entered. Entry fee (1 - 3 works) for members is $25. The entry fee (1 - 3 works) for non-members is $85 and includes a one-year CBBAG membership.
Categories for submission are: Fine Binding; Paper Making; Paper Decorating (including marbling); Calligraphy; Box Making; Fine Printing; and Artists' Books.
Size restrictions: Three dimensional work cannot measure more than 0.6 metres (24") in any one direction; Two dimensional work cannot measure any more than 1 metre (3.3') in any one direction unless it can be rolled or folded for shipping. Works cannot weigh more than 7.5 kg. (16.5 lbs.) each.
Jurying: The exhibition will be juried on the excellence of the work. Criteria for judging will take into consideration standards of each media, as well as originality of design and the function of the object. The jurors are Nicole Billard, Crispin Elsted, and Ed Hutchins. Jurying will be held in two stages, Stage One from digital images, Stage Two from the work.
Entry fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
Limit of Liability: Work being returned to the artist in the United States or overseas after Stage Two jurying or the run of the exhibition will be insured for loss or damage UP TO A VALUE OF $1, 000.00 CDN, for mailing by Canada Post. Artists are advised to arrange appropriate insurance to cover any loss not coved by CBBAG. All work accepted to the exhibition is insured during its tour of Canada and the insurance list prepared for the insurers includes many works with a value over this limit.
For more information please e-mail CBBAG at
The Nave Gallery
The Nave Gallery
Somerville, MA
The Nave Gallery, a non-profit art space, invites curators to submit proposals for 4-6 week group exhibitions. Experimental work, multimedia work and installations are encouraged but must fit the available space. Artists shown to date have been local and national, emerging and established, and represent a variety of media. Projects detailing new collaborations and commentary on contemporary culture are especially sought.
Proposals may include work in any media but must be organized around a theme or technique. The work presented with each proposal must address the goals described in the curatorial mission statement. The ideas, values, and vision expressed by the curatorial proposal need to be clear and explicit. Curators may include their own work in the exhibit, but it must illuminate or further develop the exhibition's concept.
Gallery Space
Located in the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church near Tufts University, the Nave Gallery is an important partner in Somerville’s vibrant arts community. A project of ARTSomerville run in collaboration with the CHPC, the gallery provides space for artistic exchange and exploration. The exhibition space is approximately 1300 square feet. The ceilings are 10 feet tall. One wall is natural wood paneling and one wall has two windows allowing natural light. Work may be hung from the ceiling in select locations.
A list of hardware available for exhibition purposes is available upon request.
ARTSomerville covers the cost to produce 1000 4”x6” postcards and postage to its mailing list of 500. Artists are asked to cover the cost of an opening reception and any installation supplies.
Gallery Hours
The Nave Gallery is open Fri. 5-8, Sat., Sun. 1-5 and during special events. Exhibiting artists are asked to assist with gallery sitting.
A 20% commission is taken from all sales.
2007 Submission Guidelines/Deadlines
Submissions will be reviewed 15 March 2007 and 15 September 2007. If selected, scheduling of the exhibition will be determined jointly with the Nave Gallery liaison.
The submission should include the following:
• Exhibition title
• A brief curator's statement describing the exhibit concept. In this proposal, translate the idea for the exhibition layout as concretely as possible, particularly if there are 3-D pieces. A prior site visit is strongly encouraged. A floor plan is available upon request.
• Supporting visual materials can include DVDs, CD-ROMs, websites, and printed photographs. Include an explanation of how supporting visual materials fit into your vision of the exhibit. A self-addressed stamped envelope should be included in the submission, if the materials are to be returned.
Contact The Nave
For further inquiries, please email
Visit the website:
p.o. box 43600
somerville, ma 02143
European Art Quilts V
European Art Quilts V - August 2008
EAQ IV is still touring successfully throughout Europe and the USA but the European Art Quilt Foundation is already organizing its next juried exhibition: European Art Quilts V.
The exhibition will start at the Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, UK, August 2008, and will then travel throughout Europe.
The works will be returned to the artists at the latest end 2009.
- Artists living in Europe may apply for participation. Place of residence on 1 March 2008 will determine the country with which the artist will be associated.
- Each artist may submit a maximum of two works. The work must have been completed after 2006, and may not have been exhibited, or published about, before.
- The size of the work should be minimally 80 x 80 cm (or min. perimeter 320 cm) and maximally 180 x 180 cm (or max. perimeter 720 cm), and be provided, on the back, with a sleeve for hanging the work. There are no restrictions regarding the use of materials. It is, however, important that the pieces show the historical characteristics of a quilt: a construction of two layers, stitched together with a filler in between.
- The quilt must have a personal identity and may not be a translation or a copy of another work of art.
Entry form
An entry form is needed for each work . Each entry form is to be accompanied by:
- CD (labelled with name and address) with 2 digital photos (300dpi, 13 x 18 cm, JPEG format, named as artist’s name_title work); one of the whole work and one of a detail.
(please note that selection will be made based on these digital photos!)
- 1 photo on glossy paper (10 x 15 cm) of the whole work, marked with TOP, artist’s name and title work. All photographic material will remain with the EAQF.
- a small (max. A4 ) sample of a piece of the quilt; sample will be returned
(resembling part of the work, not a collection of materials!)
- A4 envelope with name and address
- 15 Euros entry fee, non-refundable, to be paid in cash, by bank transfer or credit card
NOTE : there will be an extra fee of 20 euros when the work is accepted !!!!
Jurors and Judging
Jurors will be announced on the EAQF website in due course:
The quilts will be judged on originality, personal expression and artistic quality.
The first judging will be based on the digital, unedited photos and the sample. Final decisions will be made on seeing the real work. Primarily selected work must be up to the standard of the EAQF for final selection.
Only one work per artist will be selected.
Aim is to have entries selected from as many different European countries as possible.
The judges’ decisions are final and not open to discussion.
A full colour catalogue (in English, French, German and Dutch) showing each quilt in full and with a detail will be published to accompany the exhibition.
Artists in the exhibition will receive one complimentary copy.
The artists are to send their work to Molenschot at their own expense. The EAQF will not take care of any customs charges.
The organisation will take care of all transportation costs between the participating museums and of returning the work to the artists.
The organisation will arrange all-risk insurance, subject to the usual exclusions, for the works for the complete length of the tour. Damage resulting from the construction and/or condition of the material used will not be covered, nor will damage occurred during transport as a result of inadequate packing.
Key dates
Deadline for submitting entry forms with photos and payment: 1 March 2008
Notice of preliminary acceptance or of rejection: before 15 April 2008
Deadline for submitting the actual work, incl. 20 euro acceptance fee: 15 May 2008
Notice of definitive selection or rejection: before 1 June 2008
Opening of the exhibition: August 2008
Expected return of the work: at the latest end 2009
Press release (2007)
Download PDF
EAQ V - Rules of Participation
Download PDF
Download Word-document
EAQ V - Entry form
Download PDF
Download Word-document
Bredasedijk 65
NL-5124 PT Molenschot
T: +31 (0)161 437178
F: +31 (0)161 437176
Friday, May 11, 2007
The Feed is Working Again!
Just a reminder: This site is being remodeled so expect to see changes to the overall look and feel.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
In the meantime, please visit the blog directly for updates. New posts will appear on or before Saturday, May 12, 2007.
Do you have questions, concerns, or an item you would like us to post? Please feel free to contact us by using the form below. The asterisk (*) denotes a required field.
style="width:100%; height:334px; border:none;" scrolling="yes"> |
We appreciate your patience during the transition.
Best regards,
The Keeper
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Stichting Wall House #2
Next residence period open for applications: Spring 2008
We currently have two periods of artist in residency: April - June and October - December. These residencies are payed for, in fact, you even get a small allowance. The Wall House is the apartment you would live in, and it also has got a studio space. The artist in residency period is an international program.
How to apply
If you are an emerging artist or architect with a specific interest in themes connected with designed space, particularly with the poetics of designed space, you may apply for a period of residence. Applications need to contain at least a written proposal of what you plan to work at during the period of residence, and a complete resume (Curriculum Vitae) of yourself, including visual references of your work. This resume should contain an overview of your work, your education, publications, exhibitions, built work, et cetera. The proposal should be approximately 500 words, in English, and should deal with any form of research on the poetics of designed space (in the broadest sense of the words). The visual references can either be sent in as pdf or jpg.
Send your application to:
Stichting Wall House #2
p/a Hofstraat 21
9712 JA Groningen
The Netherlands
or email your application to:
Linden's Innovators Program 2008
Linden's 2008 Innovators Program
Linden – Centre for Contemporary Arts
St Kilda Victoria
Linden is now accepting proposals from artists and curators for its 2008 Exhibition Program.
Applications are sought from young and emerging as well as more established contemporary artists and curators for solo, group or curated shows across a broad range of media and styles to be held in its five exhibition spaces and/or grounds as part of its 2008 Innovators Program.
Linden's Innovators Program provides artists with professional support, advice, installation assistance and access to a broad audience.
Linden does not show work by undergraduate students but will accept applications from students whose degree will be completed by the time of the exhibition.
An Innovators Program Committee, composed of six Melbourne based arts professionals, selects work based on Linden's programming objectives and selection policy. The committee also selects with the view to maintaining a varied program and takes into consideration the quality of applications alongside other programming issues.
Application Criteria for your proposal.
The work/exhibition must:
• not have been exhibited before in Victoria
• reflect a contemporary approach;
• be conceptually refined;
• be experimental and innovative;
• display a high level of skill and
• be appropriate to the gallery space.
Application Guidelines
download PDF version here
or phone 03 9209 6794 for application guidelines.
Linden – Centre for Contemporary Arts
26 Acland Street
St Kilda Victoria 3182
Office: 03 9209 6794
Friday, May 04, 2007
Cambridge Artists Cooperative 17th Annual Art to Wear Show
Cambridge Artists Cooperative
Art to Wear Show
September 20 - October 21, 2007
ATW Jury Application - PDF File
ATW Jury Application - Word Document
This show will feature nationally recognized fiber artists as well as emerging talents. The final collection will range from classically designed fine wearables to contemporary fiber arts.
Jury Process
The jury will evaluate work based on one example and five slides or photographs representing current work that will be available for exhibiting in September 2007. The gallery reserves the right to determine the acceptability of the actual pieces submitted to the show.
The following must be submitted:
One example of work and five slides or photographs
Completed application form
Biography or resume
SASE for jury notification
Return shipping label for work and slides
The application and work to be juried must be received by June 1 and may be picked up by arrangement on or after June 15. Jury notification and return shipping will be mailed the week of June 15.
Cambridge Artists' Cooperative is a successful gallery and retail store located in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts. We carry an eclectic array of fine crafts from around the country.
The Cooperative was established in 1989 by professional artisans who wanted to create an outlet for quality hand-made work, promote an appreciation of handcrafted items, and provide a forum for artists of various media to interact.
Additional Information
All work will be sold on a consignment basis. Commission for the show will be 60 artist /40 Cooperative. Work is fully insured upon arrival in the gallery. After the close of the show, arrangements must be made with the Gallery Manager for work to be picked up or it will be shipped by previous agreement.
Cambridge Artists Cooperative
59A Church Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617.868.4434
Karen Kelley, Show Coordinator:
Please indicate ATW 2007 in subject line
Commonwheel Artists 33rd Annual Labor Day Arts and Crafts Festival
Commonwheel Artists
33rd Annual Labor Day Arts and Crafts Festival
September 1, 2 & 3, 2007
Eligibility: Fine Art and Crafts; Food Vendors
Fees: $250/Artists; $320/Food
Visit website for complete details:
Atlanta Artists Center Fourth Annual National Juried Exhibition
Atlanta Artists Center
Fourth Annual National Juried Exhibition
August 21 - October 2, 2007
Eligibility: All media. Must be over 18 years old to enter. All original work.
Awards: Over $2500
Juror:Graham Boettcher, Ph.D.
Fees:$25 members, $30 non-members
C. Scheder
594 Outback Rd.
Jasper, GA 30143
25th Annual Small Works Exhibition
25th Annual Small Works Exhibition
TriCounty Arts Council
July 6, 2007 to August 24, 2007
Gallery 107
107 Union Street
Cobleskill, NY 12043
Artists currently residing in the USA may submit slides or digital images of two and three dimensional artworks including but not limited to painting, drawing, prints, sculpture, photography, ceramic, fiber, and mixed media. Two dimensional works are limited to 18"x18", including framing. Two dimensional works are limited to 12" in any dimension.
Awards: Cash awards
Juror: Leonard Dufresne
Fees: $25 for up to three works
Commission: 25%
Visit website for complete details:
Appalachian Center for Craft
Deadline: June 1, 2007
GALLERY ONE (700 sq. ft.)
GALLERY TWO (1430 sq. ft.)
All works insured / 40% Gallery commission on sales.
Gallery will provide one-way shipping up to $300.
Send 20 slides, or high-resolution digital images, image descriptions, resume, artist statement, and SASE.
Visit website for complete details:
Appalachian Center for Craft
1560 Craft Center Drive
Smithville TN 37166
615.597.6801 (ph)
615.597.6803 (fx) (email)
Americas 2000: All Media Exhibition
Americas 2000: All Media Exhibition
Northwest Art Center
Minot State University
August 27 - September 28, 2007
All Media Exhibition is open to artists 18+ years old.
Juror: Gordon McConnell
Fees: 2 entries/$15, $5 each additional - max of 5 entries
Commission: 30% commission on art sales
Visit website for complete details:
Americas 2000: All Media
Northwest Art Center
500 University Ave W
Minot, ND 58707
The Wichita National 2007
Deadline: June 4, 2007 (postmark)
The exhibit is open to all living American artists and craftspersons. Each entry must be wholly designed and executed by the artist. Works shown in previous Wichita National exhibitions are not eligible.
The Juror
Bede Clarke is a Professor of Art and Head of Ceramics at the University of Missouri - Columbia.
Media Limitations
Artists are encouraged to enter artwork in any traditional or non-traditional craft media. The exhibition is open, but not limited to, the following: ceramics, enamels, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, metalsmithing, paper, wood, and mixed media. All artwork, crates and cartons included, must fit through a standard 39" x 6'10" doorway.
Entry Procedures
Each artist may enter up to three (3) artworks. Each artwork may be represented by up to two (2) separate 35mm slides showing different views of the work. The Wichita Center for the Arts will retain slides of accepted entries as part of its permanent collection.
The entry fee is $25.00 per artist for up to three (3) artworks. The entry fee is nonrefundable.
All artwork included in the exhibition must be for sale. A 40% commission is charged on all sales from the exhibition. The artist is responsible for including this commission in the price stated on the entry form.
Brian Hinkle
Gallery Director
The Wichita National 2007
The Wichita Center for the Arts
9112 East Central
Wichita, KS 67206
(316) 634-2787 ext 218
Download the prospectus:
Art in the Park
Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild
Art in the Park
June 16 and 17, 2007
Open to Any artist over the age of 18
Fees:$95 per space; $10 non-refundable jury fee
Art in the Park
P.O. Box 1595
Myrtle Beach SC 29578
"HEAT" The Next Tortured Genius II
"HEAT" The Next Tortured Genius II
July 19 - August 11, 2007
Monkdogz Urban Art is launching an International Juried Exhibition in search of the next "Tortured Genius". The exhibition will be open to all media.
Juror: Monkdogz Creative Team and guests
Fees: $45 for first 3 slides/jpegs (6 slides for 3-D work), US $5 for each additional slide
Commission: 35% commission on sold artwork
Marina Hadley (email)
212 216-0030 (phone)
Small Impressions International Juried Exhibition
Small Impressions International Juried Exhibition
August 11 - October 27, 2007
Sponsor: Printmaking Council of New Jersey
Awards: 3 winners get 3-person show
Juror: Dr. Nancy Einreinhofer
Eligibility: Original work in printmaking, papermaking, photography, digital arts and book arts. Work must not exceed 12" in any dimension including frame.
Fees: $30 non-members, $25 members/3 images
Commission: 40% non-members, 30% members
New Visions Gallery
New Visions Gallery is accepting proposals for 2008-2009. We are always interested in seeing the work of new artists. Artists may submit proposals as individuals, as a group, or several artists may submit a joint proposal such as an exhibit including their work organized around a unifying theme. Original works in all media are considered. We mount very few one-person exhibits. Curatorial staff may group your work with other artists working in compatible themes or styles.
Work considered for exhibit will be previewed by the exhibition committee. Therefore it is best to submit slides.
In general, New Visions pays for exhibit costs such as printing, mailings, receptions, programs, and insurance while in our care. The artist is responsible for incoming shipping, the gallery outgoing shipping. Hand delivered work must also be picked up unless shipping materials are provided.
Visit website for complete details:
New Visions Gallery
Exhibition Proposals
1000 N. Oak Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
The Beck Center for the Arts
The Beck Center for the Arts is one of the area’s largest cultural and performing arts organizations and the only institution of its kind on Cleveland’s Westside. We are currently seeking art submissions to be considered for exhibition during our 2007-2008 theater season which runs from September though August.
Exhibits are needed for the Jean Bulicek Galleria in the Beck Center’s Main lobby, the Galleria located in the waiting area of the center’s Music Armory Building, and for other possible exhibit areas. Exhibits typically last for four to six weeks, and are promoted to the community through press releases, website posting, newsletters, postcards, and other means of communication.
Rules for exhibiting at Beck Center:
1) We accept all media that can be publicly displayed
2) Artists are responsible for installing and dismantling their exhibits
3) All works must be properly matted, framed, and include appropriate hanging apparatus
4) All works must be of appropriate subject matter as this is a center frequented by families. We have the right to not accept inappropriate artwork. No nudes as subject matter are accepted for exhibit.
5) Exhibited works may be offered for sale. The Beck Center collects 20% commission on works sold in its galleries, and all works must remain on display until the close of the exhibit.
Submissions should include the following:
5 – 10 images of your work. Digital files are preferred, either by disc or by electronic transfer. Slides are also acceptable. (no nudes as subject matter, please)
An artist statement
A bio sheet or resume which details your exhibit history
Note: there is no fee for submitting your work. Images submitted for exhibit will not be returned to the artist, but will be treated as proprietary and confidential.
Selection Process
A panel of artists, instructors, and administrators will review submissions and build a gallery schedule for the entire season. Artists will be notified of Beck Center’s intent to exhibit their work by August 1, 2007
Please send your submissions to:
The Beck Center for the Arts
Attn: John Coyne - Gallery
17801 Detroit Ave
Lakewood, OH 44107
Please feel free to contact John Coyne, Gallery Coordinator, with any questions:
Phone: 216-521-2540 ext 236
Art League Houston
Art League Houston is accepting proposals for 2008 - 2009 exhibitions.
This opportunity is open to professional artists and curators living ANYWHERE. There is no residency requirement for this opportunity. Each year we host six exhibitions in the main gallery and typically 4 -5 of those exhibits are developed from the proposals we receive. Priority will be given to proposals that include the creation of new work.
Art League Houston is committed to supporting opportunities for artists to create and show their work. We have been providing services to artists longer than any other organization in Houston. As part of this ongoing commitment we continue to offer a $1,500 honorarium for exhibits in the main gallery.
PLEASE READ the GUIDELINES ( for more information and the submission requirements.
Individual artists and curators are encouraged to submit proposals for work consistent with the Art League Houston mission and vision. Since 2005 we have offered a $1,500 honorarium for exhibits in the main gallery to help artists and curators offset material and production costs of creating and showing new work.
Click here ( for a printer friendly version of Proposal Guidelines
Art League Houston typically selects 4-5 of our six annual exhibitions from submitted proposals. The open submission process offers everyone the opportunity to present proposals for exhibitions.
Art League Houston provides the following for exhibitions:
Ÿ 1200 square foot main gallery exhibit space
Ÿ 400 square foot lobby/ exhibition space
Ÿ Design, printing and mailing of postcard invitations
Ÿ Press release and calendar listings and other promotion
Ÿ Standard gallery signage, price sheets, binder for show
Ÿ Insurance of work on site
Ÿ Assistance with installation
Ÿ An opening reception
Art League Houston does not provide framing, shipping, catalogues, professional documentation or extensive post exhibit/installation repairs. Honorariums may be used to help cover these or any other type of expenses.
Guidelines for Independent Curator Proposals
The Independent Curator Proposal Opportunity is for the development and presentation of original and previously unexhibited shows. Proposals should clearly articulate the proposed exhibit concept and format. For the purposes of this call, an installation proposal by an individual artist will be considered under the Independent Curator Proposal Opportunity.
Selection Process
Proposal selection is based upon the artistic merit of the work proposed, feasibility of the proposal and its relevance to the vision, mission and goals of Art League Houston.
Art League Houston reserves the right to reject all submissions and cancel this competition.
Art League Houston
Sunday Art Mart
Open Call to Local Artists for the Sunday Art Mart (July-Oct, 2007).
Citywide Arts Collective has worked with the City of Portland and Smart Park to offer a new open marketplace for artists (rain or shine) - at the Smart Park Garage at SW 3rd & Alder, across from Pioneer Place in the summer of 2007.
Applications are now available at
Open to all artists on a first-come-first-served basis. Fee low and no commission will be taken on sales.
For more information visit or contact:
Robert Tybie
Citywide Arts Collective
2000 NE 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213