Friday, April 18, 2014

Focus: Fiber 2014

Deadline EXTENDED: May 7, 2014 (POSTMARK)
previous deadline: May 1, 2014

Focus: Fiber 2014
National Contemporary Fiber Art Show
Textile Art All
of the Cleveland Museum of Art
Erie Art Museum
Erie, Pennsylvania
September 26, 2014 – January 18, 2015

The exhibition is co-sponsored by the Textile Art Alliance of the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Erie Art Museum.

Open to all artists who live in the U.S.A. All work must be either fiber in content or executed in a fiber technique. Innovative two- and three-dimensional fiber art is encouraged. Individual and collaborative entries are invited. Each entry must be an original work completed after June 2011, and not previously exhibited in any juried show that produced a catalog. Work produced in a classroom or under instruction is not eligible.

Up to three works may be entered. The entry fee is $35 for TAA members and $45 for non-members.

Paola Morsiani, Director of the Neuberger Museum of Art of Purchase College, State University of New York.

Download Prospectus:

Visit website for additional details:

Exhibition Information: Mary Ann Tipple, 440-327-8087

TAA Membership Information: Allison Tillinger,
216-707-2669 ,