Thursday, December 15, 2011

15th OIDFA World Lace Congress

Deadline: March 1, 2012 (RECEIVE)

15th OIDFA World Lace Congress

Congress Centre
Caen, France
6 - 7 - 8 July, 2012

Theme: Bridges
A bridge is a symbol of union between peoples. For centuries bridges have been built to span rivers, estuaries, valleys. They were built to provide communication. Bridges have been built of stone, wood, metal or even rope. Some bridges have been danced upon, some have been painted and some have even been the subject of songs.

With this theme we invite you to create a bridge in lace, either in two or three dimensions, in white or in colour, in any material, in bobbin lace, needle lace or mixed lace.

There will be three categories:

Young lacemakers (aged 8 to 16 years)
Work of a group of lacemakers

Competition rules

The competition is open to all lacemakers, except members of the Executive Committee and the organising committee of the 2012 congress.
The lace must be designed and worked by the participants.
The lace will remain the property of the maker.
The lace must be original and may not have previously been published or submitted in competition.
The design must be worked in bobbin or needle lace or a combination of both.
More than one piece of lace may be submitted.
The total dimension of the lace may not exceed 1m x 0.50m x 0.50m.
The lace may be framed but must be without glass.
Participation in the competition gives OIDFA the right to publish the design.
The lace will be judged by an impartial jury who will give consideration to the originality, design and workmanship.
The judges’ decision is final.

Prizes will be awarded:
Individual:- 1st prize: 500€, 2nd prize: 300€, 3rd prize: 200€
Young lacemakers:- Trophy + certificates
Groups:- 1st prize: 500€ + certificates.

Entry forms are available from
Judith Watts, Pradal, 24440 Beaumont-du-Périgord, France or by e-maila

Visit website for details: