Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Worn Fashion Journal: General Submissions

Deadline: Ongoing
The next pitch deadline is May 1, 2008

Worn Fashion Journal

About Worn Fashion Journal

Worn plays a unique role by bringing a political, environmental, historical and cultural context to fashion. Pushing boundaries of collaboration and authorship with fashion magazine tropes like the photo story, Worn expands traditional relationships between models, designers, writers, photographers and illustrators. By exploring where art and fashion overlap, connecting with Fashion scholars and artists, and paying attention to how what is worn gets made, interpreted, transformed, disseminated and copied, Worn opens new avenues in art theory.

How to Submit (truncated click link for full details)

Guidelines and Good-to-Knows: Article Submissions

Getting into the fold.
Before you start writing for Worn, we may ask you to do at least one profile of a store in your area, especially if you have not pubished before. This will show us that you can write, follow direction, and hand stuff in on time – namely that you’re serious. It also gets you published on the website.

Starting out
Read the publication. We can’t stress that enough. Your submission suggestions need to be something that fits with the rest of the journal to even be considered. Worn has a clear and specific voice, and is a labour of love for all it’s contributors. You should love Worn, or at least think the idea of it is interesting.

If you have an idea for a great article, we want to hear about it. Send me a pitch at Lay out a plan for your article. A point form format is fine, but go into some detail, about 200 words. If it is reserch based, you should include at least two reference titles and names of people you plan to contact. Be wary of all encompassing topics, re: the mod look. You won’t have the space to do them justice. Better to choose something like Mary Quant and her paper dresses. Pitches for the next issue are due 10 days after the previous issue release. The next pitch deadline is May 1st, 2008.

We are VERY interested in clothing articles from a non-traditional fashion perspective. The role of clothing in political campaigns, short fiction, how shoes are made, Hooters uniforms…the more obscure, the better. We are in no way interested in trends, what’s in style, or what’s Hot Right Now.

If you have an essay that you have written that you think can be adapted, please send it along with a note on what you plan to do with it.

Remember your reader.
And it’s not your professor. Remember that your reader may not be an academic – and they’re reading this for fun as much as for information. If you must use complicated technical words that apply to your story, think of alternative tools like side bars to explain them as apposed to slowing down the story for those who do know what you are talking about.

BUT REMEMBER ALSO, this isn’t Flare. Don’t push products, advise on what to wear, or talk like you’re on Sex in the City. Take clothing seriously, this journal is not about hype.

Get detailed.
We need articles that discuss a fashion idea, concept or historical happening in a new way. We prefer not to rehash easily accessible facts or overly disseminated information. Our readers could just pick up a Taschen book or read Wikipedia. We want to be more interesting than that. Be prepared to do some first-hand research.

Throw in your opinion.
That’s right, release yourself from the fear of essay doom: tell us what you think! We want information, but we want your voice more. Anecdotes, opinions, and detail bits of info are necessary to make an interesting article.