Friday, February 27, 2009

Indie Craft Experience -- Summer 2009

Deadline: April 17, 2009 (ONLINE)

Indie Craft Experience -- Summer 2009
Centennial Olympic Park
Atlanta, GA
May 30 & May 31, 2009

All items sold at the Indie Craft Experience must be handmade. This is
a juried event with a limited number of slots. We receive many
applications and cannot accept everyone. The application deadline is
April 17, 2009. We will send out notifications by April 22, 2009. We
will not consider your application if it is not complete or if we
receive it after the deadline. A complete application includes all the
information we request including photos, plus payment.

Fee: $225 (this amount does not include parking - parking fees are
the responsibility of each vendor). This amount is due with your
application. Once accepted, you will be given the option to rent a
tent ($100), tables ($10 each) and chairs ($5 each) from us to use
during the event. This is optional, you can bring your own.

You may share a space with another vendor, BUT you must apply
together. This is a juried event so we must approve both of you. Put
info about Vendor #2 in the "Briefly Describe Your Craft" section and
include a photo from each of you.

Each vendor will have a space that is 10 ft. x 10 ft. Vendors are
responsible for their entire display: tents, tables, chairs, table
clothes, racks, etc. This includes hauling and setting up your
display. We have an extremely small staff, and it is your
responsibility to haul your belongings and to set up & break down your

Online Application and Complete Details:

You can contact the Indie Craft Experience by sending an email to:

Quilts in the Gardens -- Visiting Guilds Entries

Deadline: March 5, 2009 (RECEIVE)

Quilts in the Gardens
Halton Quilters' Guild
Royal Botanical Gardens
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
April 25-26, 2009

Quilt Entry Form for Visiting Guilds

We are excited to be having our 2009 Show at the Royal Botanical Gardens and we are inviting other guilds to submit one or two quilts for display at our show (number accepted will be limited by space available).

The quilts will be displayed in the new wing of the Royal Botanical Gardens, in an exhibit entitled "Best of Ontario." This is a wonderful venue with considerable space and we feel that "Viewers' Choice" from your own show, or other quilts your guild considers to have exceptional qualities, will add to the impressive show our many quilts will offer to the visitors.

  • All quilts must have a 4" hanging sleeve securely attached to the back of the quillt.
  • A permanent fabric label indicating quilt name and exibitor's name must be stitched to the back of quilt.
  • Only one item on each registration form

  • Apply online:

    Quilts in the Gardens -- Vendors

    Deadline: Unspecified

    Quilts in the Gardens
    Halton Quilters' Guild
    Royal Botanical Gardens
    Burlington, Ontario, Canada
    April 25-26, 2009

    Quilts in the Gardens, a special exhibition of the Halton Quilters'
    Guild. The exhibition takes place on April 25-26, 2009 at the Royal
    Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. The Show Hours are
    10am – 6pm on Saturday and 10am – 5pm on Sunday.

    THIS year's show is better – and much bigger – than ever! We will
    showcase 200 quilts by members of the Halton Quilters's Guild. The
    beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens have recently opened a new wing,
    which will house a special exhibit called "The Best of Ontario," made
    up of quilts from other Ontario guilds.

    VENDORS will have their displays throughout the facility.

    The show is taking place in the large auditorium at the Royal
    Botanical Gardens. The Vendors' Mall will be in the front hallway of
    the building, 2nd floor hallway, and the newly opened Portico. All
    persons entering and leaving the show will pass through the Vendor's
    Mall area, providing the vendors a perfect opportunity to showcase
    their products.

    We have been offered space for additional vendor booths! For details,
    please call our Vendor Coordinator Alison McDonald at 905-385-2014.

    You can also go to the Contact Page ( and send Alison an email.


    Quilts in the Gardens
    c/o Halton Quilters' Guild
    P.O. Box 171
    Oakville, Ontario L6J 4Z5

    40th Street Artist-in-Residence Program

    Deadline: April 17, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    40th Street Artist-in-Residence Program

    Philadelphia, PA
    Residency: August 15, 2009 – August 15, 2010

    The program is intended mainly for emerging artists who live in neighborhoods west of the Schuylkill River. All applications are due by April 17, 2009, and residents will be selected by an advisory board comprised of artists, former AIR residents, educators, and community organizations.

    The mission of the 40th Street Artist-in-Residence program is:

    • To address the need for artist studio space in West Philadelphia by offering studios rent-free, on a rotating basis, primarily to those artists who reside in/are affiliated with Philadelphia neighborhoods west of the Schuylkill River.

    • To assist in the career growth and provide exhibition opportunities for new and emerging artists and those whose work has not been recognized in mainstream venues.

    • To enrich the area around 40th Street by placing artists in the neighborhood who share their creative talents with members of the local community.

    If accepted to the program, you will be granted a studio space at our site at either 4007 or 4013 Chestnut Street for a period of one year, beginning on August 15, 2009 and ending August 15, 2010. You will be encouraged to use that time to develop your own creative work. In exchange, you will be asked to share your talents with the community through a minimum of 80 hours of outreach work over the course of the year. Examples of this might include creating a public installation or holding a workshop or class in the community. Support will be provided to help you develop this project effectively. In addition, the artists in residence will have opportunities to work together to plan group exhibitions both of their own work and of their outreach work. Monthly meetings (or more when necessary during planning processes) will help facilitate this work as well as create opportunities for artists to share ideas and create a true community.

    Please note that our sites are not live-in facilities. The studios are available at all times, but the buildings are shared; you must be considerate of other tenants. The space can accommodate a variety of creative activities, including painting, sculpture, installation art, photography, and performance art. Collaborative as well as individual efforts are welcome. Ceilings are high (approximately 12 feet in some areas); rooms range from 100-400 square feet. Some areas have ample natural light, while others have none at all (making them ideal as darkrooms). The studios are not furnished with easels, tables, photographic equipment, etc.; artists are expected to bring their own. The buildings also have small yards in the rear that may be used for assembling larger works, or as a place to exhibit sculpture. The space has ventilation, running water, and 120- volt AC outlets. However, the facility will not accommodate highly toxic chemicals, welding, or very high-powered electrical equipment. Note also that within the space, there is open access to the different work areas; we count on resident artists to show respect for others’ property and privacy.

    Overall, the 40th Street Artist-in-Residence program strives to create a community of artists who share their talents with each other and with the surrounding community.

    To apply, please complete and submit the attached application by April 17, 2009 to Feel free to email with any questions about the program or application process.

    Detailed Program Description

    Application Form


    2009 I.O.L.I. Lace Contest and Lace Challenge

    Deadline: July 1, 2009 (POSTMARK)

    2009 I.O.L.I. Lace Contest and Lace Challenge

    International Old Lacers 56th Convention
    Hosts: The Freeway Lace Guild
    Hilton Los Angeles Airport
    Los Angeles, California
    July 25 - August 1, 2009

    2009 I.O.L.I. Lace Contest theme: "All that's Golden"

    Categories for submission:

    Original Lace Design: The entry must be designed and worked by the entrant. A copy of the original pattern and working directions must be submitted with the entry.

    Technical Proficiency: The entry must be worked completely by the entrant, but another lace designer's pattern may be used. Information acknowledging the designer and source of the pattern must be provided with the entry.

    2009 I.O.L.I. Lace Challenge

    Three new laces have been selected for the 2009 Challenge. Work an interpretation of bobbin lace, needle lace or tatting from the Eunice Sein Koon Lace Collection.

    Only the Bulletin Editor or I.O.L. I. Designated photographer will photograph the lace pieces.

    Rules and entry form from:

    Rosemary J. Horr
    3503 S. Cocopah Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001

    or email

    Postmark deadline for submitting Lace Contest and Lace Challenge entries is July 1st, 2009

    Contest & Challenge entry form and rules
    Challenge information for Tatting
    Challenge information for Needle Lace
    Challenge information for Bobbin Lace

    Visit website for complete details:

    Fiber Artistry – Journey of the Imagination

    Deadline: July 1, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Fiber Artistry – Journey of the Imagination

    Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild
    Hudgens Center for the Arts
    Duluth, GA
    September 24 – October 26, 2009

    Sponsored by: The Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild

    Fiber Artistry – Journey of the Imagination is open to fiber artists residing in: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

    All fiber techniques are welcome, including weaving in its many forms, basketry, knitting, dyeing, surface design, felting and quilting, as well as ground-breaking fiber art that creates new frontiers in the fiber world. Entries must be executed and completed by the applying deadline. Entries must have been completed no earlier than July 2007.

    Glen Kaufman is an artist, author, lecturer, and retired University of Georgia professor who has an extensive exhibition record, with numerous solo exhibitions in the US and Japan and has been in group shows in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

    Entry fee by check for up to two pieces:
    CHG Members $25/ Non Members $30/ Student $20

    Entry may be by slide or CD. Send 2 images: a full view and a detail of the work. CD images must be no larger than 1200 pixels. They should also be in JPEG format.

    Prospectus and Entry Form: fiberartistryprospectus.pdf


    Contact Lynn Lowance 404-575-0039
    or email

    Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild
    P.O. Box 889244
    Atlanta, GA 30356


    Deadline: June 13, 2009 (RECEIVE)


    The Main Street Gallery
    Groton, New York
    July 23 - September 6, 2009

    Fiber artists residing in the USA and 18 years of age or older are eligible to submit slides/digital images for consideration. Entry fee $30/3 pieces of artwork. CD images must be either a jpeg or gif image (600 dpi largest dimensional side, PC compatible and 72 dpi). JURORS are:

    EUGENIA BARNES - Marcellus, NY has been a quiltmaker since the early 1960s and founded the first quilt guild in central New York. As a professional quiltmaker, teacher and lecturer, she was one of the first five to be certified by AQS as an appraiser of quilts and quilted textiles. Her quilts reflect and honor the tradition of quiltmaking, and she is well-known for her handwork, problem-solving skills and her sense of humor.

    ROGER SMITH - Painter, Sculptor, Educator and Director of the Main Street Gallery.

    Insurance on premises only. Awards. Shipping costs to and from the gallery are the responsibility of the artist if selected. The artwork must be no larger in dimension than 16 inches by 20 inches. All artwork must be for sale. Gallery commission is 40% of retail price.

    Deadline of prospectus application - June 13, 2009.

    For more information and prospectus, please email gallery send a SASE to 105 Main Street, P.O. Box 161, Groton, NY 13073.


    The Main Street Gallery
    Contemporary Fine Art
    105 Main Street
    Groton, New York 13073
    Tel: 607-898-9010


    Deadline: May 9, 2009 (RECEIVE)


    The Main Street Gallery
    Groton, New York
    June 11 - July 19, 2009

    Visual artists in all media, residing in the USA and 18 years of age or older are eligible to submit slides/ digital images for consideration. Entry fee $30/ 2 pieces of artwork. CD images must be either a jpeg or gif image (600 dpi largest dimensional side, PC compatible and 72 dpi).

    The theme of the artwork must be based on the subject of light, in either a physical, emotional, conceptual, cultural or spiritual way.

    Jurors are Adrienne Bea Smith and Roger Smith, Co-Directors of The Main Street Gallery.

    Insurance on premises only. Awards. Shipping costs to and from the gallery are the responsibility of the artist if selected. All artwork must be for sale. The gallery commission is 40% of retail price. The artwork must be no larger than 40" x 30".

    Deadline of prospectus application - May 9, 2009.

    For more information and prospectus, please email gallery or send a SASE to 105 Main Street, P.O. Box 161, Groton, NY 13073.


    The Main Street Gallery
    Contemporary Fine Art
    105 Main Street
    Groton, New York 13073
    Tel: 607-898-9010

    Craft Forms 2009

    Deadline: September 17, 2009 (RECEIVE) & (ONLINE)

    Craft Forms 2009

    15th International Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Craft
    Wayne Art Center
    Wayne, PA
    December 4, 2009 – January 23, 2010

    An international juried exhibition dedicated to enhancing the public’s awareness of contemporary American craft while providing a venue for established and emerging artists alike to share their functional and sculptural creative endeavors.

    JUROR — Bruce W. Pepich, Executive Director and Curator of Collections, Racine Art Museum

    Open to all professional artists working in clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood and/or mixed media crafts. All artwork must be original and completed within the last two years.

    All works will be juried digitally on-line. All submissions will be received by Wayne Art Center will no longer receive mail-in entries at our facilities. Please visit our website at and for full user friendly application process and communication.

    Digital Entry: $30

    The Wayne Art Center recommends sending digital images (1400 X 2200 pixels) – Jpeg file format.

    $4000+ in prizes to be awarded.
    Group and/or solo exhibition opportunities.

    All work accepted into Craft Forms 2009 will be illustrated in a fullcolor abbreviated catalogue, listing artist, resident state, title, and specific mediums. Catalogues will be available for all Craft Forms 2009 accepted artists.

    Visit website for application and complete details:

    413 Maplewood Avenue
    Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-4792

    2009 Edinburgh Art Festival

    Deadline: 2 March 2009 at 5pm (RECEIVE)

    2009 Edinburgh Art Festival

    Edinburgh, Scotland
    5 AUGUST – 5 SEPTEMBER 2009

    The Edinburgh Art Festival showcases the very best in Scottish, British and International visual art in Edinburgh during the August festivals. The Festival works in partnership with organisations and individuals committed to the presentation and communication of visual art of the highest quality, and celebrates their work through a selected programme of exhibitions and events within the festival framework.

    Edinburgh Art Festival is unlike other visual art festivals in that it does not commission its exhibition programme. Instead it encourages the development of a broad range of ambitious, high quality, visual art initiatives through a process of open invitation followed by rigorous selection.

    In the spring of each Festival year visual art practitioners, curators and organisations are invited to propose exhibitions and events characterised by a belief in art as inspirational and enlightening; an understanding of the needs of audiences in accessing such art; and an approach to the presentation and interpretation of work that best brings art and audiences together. In addition to promoting and celebrating the work of resident exhibiting organisations in the city of Edinburgh the Festival encourages additional projects conceived specifically for the Festival, from elsewhere.

    The Festival recognises artists at every stage of their career and seeks to promote and celebrate a wide range of visual art from the historical to the contemporary.

    The Edinburgh Art Festival targets both new and existing audiences, seeking to attract national and international art audiences, national and international cultural tourists, and Edinburgh and Scottish residents.

    Participation in the Edinburgh Art Festival is free of charge.

    Exhibitions should fall into one or more of the following categories; sculpture, painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, sound, experimental film, live art, installation, contextual practice, artists’ video and new media. Work that pushes the boundaries of definition, creates links between these categories and other art forms or utilises emerging technologies is equally welcome.

    Proposals which encourage collaboration across the sector or collaboration between Edinburgh based individuals/organisations and their counterparts from elsewhere are particularly encouraged.

    Import Information

    • Proposals are invited for exhibitions and events that meet the Festival criteria.

    • Participation in the Edinburgh Art Festival is FREE. There is no charge for the services which EAF provide in the promotion of your exhibition/event.

    • Edinburgh Art Festival does not offer participants financial support of any kind.

    • Participants in the Edinburgh Art Festival are solely responsible for providing a host venue for their exhibition/event and we encourage applicants to ensure venues are secured before making this application.

    Please email all completed proposal forms to or post to 2009 Proposal, Edinburgh Art Festival, PO BOX 23823, Edinburgh, EH1 1NT.

    Website for full details:

    Proposal Guidelines and Application:

    Edinburgh Art Festival
    PO BOX 23823
    Edinburgh EH1 1NT

    Office 00 44 (0) 782 533 6782
    Events 00 44 (0) 7500 461 332

    Frankie Magazine

    Deadline: Ongoing

    Frankie Magazine

    Publishing Opportunities

    contributor guidelines (truncated)

    frankie is a national bi-monthly aimed at 20-something women (and men) who can’t get their regular magazine fix anywhere else. We feature interviews, rants, reviews, photography projects, fashion shoots and editorial pictures all in keeping with the frankie ‘personality’ – smart, funny, sarcastic, friendly, cute, rude, naughty, curious, interested, serious, caring.

    frankie features are more than your average magazine articles – if you can imagine your idea running in another Australian publication, then you might have to re-think your pitch. Our readers expect the unexpected every time they open a new issue. The best ideas should be the kind that will make a reader go to their best friend and say, “You need to see this, it’s really inspirational/funny/gut-wrenching/creative/surprising.”

    Our writers have their own individual voices, and we encourage them to speak their minds. We’re looking for sharp-eyed perspectives and narratives, bursting with personal insight and wit. Our best writing is unflinchingly honest, irreverent and stylish but never too-cool-for-school. It should welcome the reader in rather than shut them out.

    Photographers and illustrators are also expected to be a little out of leftfield, providing smart, quirky, cute, lush, retro-tinged pictures readers can linger over and love. One of the magazine’s greatest strengths is in its individual design, and our best photographic contributors know what makes a picture ‘frankie’ and what doesn’t.

    For all contributors, both finished work and pitches are welcome. If sending only a pitch, please include clippings and/or portfolio samples. Read as many back issues as you can to get an idea of style and the ground we cover. Note that we work between three and four months in advance of our on-sale dates, and hey, everyone likes a (short) cover letter.

    Due to the overwhelming amount of daily submissions received, we will not be able to reply or provide feedback unless it is of interest.

    contact us (truncated)

    jo walker, editor
    story pitches, writing, letters, new music info and tech stuff

    lara burke, creative director
    submissions from artists, crafters and photographers, as well as fashion and product emails

    kashi somer, marketing and online
    sponsoring events and exhibitions, marketing ideas and any online queries

    Visit the website:

    The Grand National 2009

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    The Grand National 2009
    Invitational Quilt Exhibition

    Joseph Schneider Haus National Historic Site
    May through September 2009


    There will still be a GRAND NATIONAL in 2009. The Joseph Schneider Haus National Historic Site, just down the street from Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery will be hosting a mini-Grand National from May through September next year. It will feature fabulous postcard quilt art – yours!

    The Organizing Committee of the Grand National invites you to send along a fabric postcard to wish us well in our new venture. All quilted postcards of a standard size (4" x 6") will be displayed. As always, a Viewers’ Choice will be awarded and twelve entries will be chosen to be included in print form in a postcard booklet which will be offered for sale. A “Meet the Artists” reception is planned for the last week in May.

    Quilted postcards for the show must be sent to the Museum by April 1st, 2009, No fooling!!

    We also request that the Committee be allowed to retain all quilt entries to help “promote and support the Grand National and to assist with its transition.” To make this experience fun as well as rewarding for everyone, the Committee will be offering postcard workshops this fall and during the run of the show next spring.


    Please take special note that the “Off the Wall” show will now become the Grand National 2010 and will be hosted for that year only by Homer Watson House and Gallery in Kitchener. The new entry deadline is March 1, 2010.

    For more information please check THE website as developments unfold or inquire at

    Joseph Schneider Haus Museum
    466 Queen Street South
    Kitchener, ON N2G 1W7

    Hungarian Multicultural Center

    Three Deadlines: (RECEIVE)

    March 6, 2009 [June, July, August Residencies]
    June 6, 2009 [Sept/October Residency]
    September 6, 2009 [Dec/January Residency]

    A.I.R./International Artist Residencies

    Hungarian Multicultural Center [HMC]
    Budapest, Hungary
    May 19 to June 10, 2009
    June 16 to July 09, 2009
    July 14 to August 5, 2009
    Sept. 22 to October 6, 2009
    Dec. 28 to January 11, 2010

    The HMC invites interested visual artists, writers and musicians to submit application for its residency program in Hungary. Its principal focus is an international residency program to which artists from around the world are invited. The goal is to provide a supportive community with uninterrupted time to work. The residencies offer participants a unique opportunity to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Accepted applicants are expected to speak and understand English. Approximately 6 artists are invited for each session. The residence offers 2 bed per room/bath as living quarters. Studio, room, breakfast, lunch, exhibitions, seminar are included in the cost $950 (EURO600).

    Exhibition will be arranged at Ferencvarosi Gallery and two other galleries to be named.

    Artists will give at least one informal public slide/powerpoint/DVD/CD presentation (45 minutes) about their work during their stay at the HMC and leave one exhibition ready art work made during the residency as a donation to the HMC.

    While HMC does not provide funding for residencies, we are helping to facilitate the creation of program and the cost of the exhibitions. We encourage the applicants to apply for a grant or scholarship.

    Eligibility: Open to all professional artists

    Please download or cut & paste application form the web site: Application Form '09[online]
    hungarian-multicultural-center.com_entryform [pdf]

    For questions regarding the International Artist Residency please write to: (Beata Veszely, HMC's Hungarian representative)

    or (Beata Szechy, president)

    HMC, 2503 Costa Mesa Drive, Dallas, TX 75228

    Full details available on the website: Artist in Residence Info 2009

    Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc. (HMC) is an award winning 501©3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international art and the understanding of world cultures, through high quality art exhibitions, cultural exchanges and related educational programs. Based in Dallas and Budapest, the organization operates throughout the world. Incorporated in 1990, HMC has already received awards for artistic merit from the Hungarian National Art Found and Embassy of the United States of America, Budapest among others.

    Klondike Institute of Art and Culture Artist in Residence Program

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (POSTMARK)

    Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC)
    Artist in Residence Program

    Dawson City, Yukon
    January 1, 2010 through to December 31, 2010

    General Call:

    The Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) is now accepting applications from visual artists, media artists, and interdisciplinary artists for its 2010 Artist in Residence Program.

    The residence accommodates up to 2 artists concurrently - for research, development and production of ongoing or new bodies of work.

    Artists may also have the opportunity to facilitate outreach programs such as talks, workshops and exhibitions, intended to promote interaction and professional development, and provide exposure and access to a diverse range of contemporary arts practices and theories within the community.

    Residencies are from 4 - 12 weeks duration starting from January 1, 2009 through to December 31, 2009. Participants are responsible for all travel and personal expenses including food and materials related to their work.

    The Artist in Residence Program is located in the Macaulay Residence. Built in 1901, the home is now owned by Parks Canada as part of the Dawson Historical Complex National Historic Site of Canada.

    2010 The Natural & The Manufactured – An Odd Gallery and KIAC Artist in Residence Thematic Project:

    The Odd Gallery seeks proposals from visual artists working in all media for gallery-based and temporary off-venue exhibitions such as outdoor and site-specific installations. Artists may propose completed work or new work and are encouraged to apply for a concurrent residency with KIAC’s Artist in Residence Program.

    Currently, project activities are presented as part of KIAC’s annual Yukon Riverside Arts Festival that takes place in mid-August, and includes exhibitions (one gallery-based and one outdoor-based), opening receptions, artists’ talks and guest lectures that are intended to stimulate and engage audiences in a re-examination of the various cultural and economic values imposed on the environment, while exploring alternative political, social, economic and aesthetic agendas and strategies towards a re-interpretation of the regional landscape and social infrastructure.

    Please mark your application “Natural & Manufactured Residency”. Artists applying for this thematic project who are not offered an exhibition may still have their application for residency considered under the General Call for Submissions.

    Go to Odd Gallery on this website for exhibition proposal information and visit for more detailed project information.

    ELIGIBILITY: KIAC accepts applications from visual artists, media artists and interdisciplinary artists. Consideration will be given to professional, established and emerging Canadian and international artists. All disciplines will be considered including but not limited to: Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture, Ceramics, Design, Architecture, Photography, Installation, Performance, Video and Film, Filmmaking, New Media, and Audio. KIAC encourages applications from artists of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

    ELIGIBLE PROJECTS: Residencies are available for research, development and production of ongoing or new bodies of work. Artists' proposed projects should take into account KIAC's limited resources. Projects that do not require access to specialized equipment (currently available resources listed below) are most suitable to the residency program. Artists are responsible for ensuring any additional specialized equipment. Please refer to the Additional Information for Applicants section on our website for a description of KIAC resources.

    ADMISSIONS: Residents are selected by a jury composed of regional practicing artists and arts professionals.

    FEES: There is no fee charged or stipend paid for a residency. Participants are responsible for the cost of all travel to and from Dawson City as well as all materials related to their artwork and for personal living expenses including food. Artists in Residence are asked to provide one free public talk during their residency. Artists who provide additional outreach programming through KIAC will be paid accordingly within the current KIAC fee structure.

    FACILITIES: The Artist in Residence facilities are located in the Macaulay Residence. Constructed in 1901, this 2-story home is now owned by Parks Canada as part of the Dawson Historical Complex National Historic Site of Canada. The building can accommodate two individual artists concurrently. Residents are provided with an individual studio space and bedroom, along with shared living room, bathroom and kitchen areas. The studios measure 16' x 14' and 13' x 12' respectively and are provided with some natural light and additional portable studio lights and basic furnishings. There may be limited access, by special request, to additional KIAC facilities and equipment. For more detailed information on the Residence facilities and additional KIAC facilities go the Additional Information for Applicants section on our website. Contact the Residency Coordinator for details.

    COLLABORATION: If applying as a collaborative team, both artists should submit separate applications along with a joint project proposal. Work samples may be individual or examples of previous collaboration.

    COUPLES: Couples (who are both artists) may apply individually for concurrent residency. It is possible that only one or the other might be accepted.

    Application Form

    KIAC Artist in Residence Program
    Lance Blomgren, Program Coordinator

    Bag 8000
    902 - 2nd Avenue
    Dawson City, Yukon
    Y0B 1G0

    Phone: 1-867-993-5005
    Fax: 1-867-993-5838



    Lark Books: Book Proposals

    Deadline: Ongoing/Unspecified

    Book Proposals
    Lark Books

    Asheville, NC

    If you’ve got an idea that you’d love to see in print, we’re happy to consider any book proposals on craft and leisure activity topics.

    At present, our list is composed primarily of reference and how-to books with step-by-step instructions on practical subjects including: ceramics; crafts; pets; and other lifestyle topics.

    We currently do not publish fiction, and we rarely publish non-illustrated books.

    We publish a variety of camera manuals and how-to reference books on photography and digital imaging techniques.


    1) QUERY

    Please write to us explaining your idea in detail. What is the book about? Who is the audience? What techniques will the book cover? If the book contains projects, how many do you think there will be? What are some examples of what those projects might be?

    Be sure to include information about yourself with particular regard to your skills and qualifications in the subject area of your submission. We need to know that you have substantial expertise on the topic of the proposed book – that we can trust you to know what you’re talking about. If you have a resume outlining your education, writing and/or teaching experience, please send that along as well. Please send along images of your work or a link to
    a web site showcasing your work.

    If you have sent your proposal to other publishers, please let us know.

    Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Also include a stamped, self-addressed envelope, so materials can be returned to you.


    If we’re interested in your query, we’ll ask you for a complete proposal, which includes: (1) a table of contents, (2) an introduction to the book, (3) a sample chapter or sample set of instructions, (4) tear sheets (if you’ve been published before), (5) a list of the books on this topic that are currently in print, and (6) details on how your book would differ from them.

    You can, of course, skip the query and simply send us a full proposal, but we advise against it.

    Please note that, due to the volume of mail received, we cannot guarantee the return of unsolicited material. Please do not send original art or irreplaceable work of any kind; while we will make every effort to return your submissions, we are not responsible for any loss or damage.

    Submissions should be sent to the attention of the category editor, e.g., the material on a ceramics book should be addressed to the Ceramics Editor; a craft book proposal should be addressed to the Craft Acquisitions Editor; and so on. All children’s book submissions should be sent to the attention of the Children’s Acquisitions.

    Submissions can be sent electronically to or via snail mail to:

    Lark Books
    67 Broadway
    Asheville, NC 28801

    We will contact you as soon as we are able via either letter or telephone. Please do not attempt to call us regarding your submission. Given the volume of submissions we receive, it may take several months for us to reply.

    Submission guidelines available on the website:

    Nairn OpenArt Exhibition

    Deadline: 1 May 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Nairn Book Arts Festival
    Nairn OpenArt Exhibition

    The Court House, Nairn
    4th–14th June 2009

    This is the first year of Nairn’s Fine Art Competition; open to all artists in Scotland.

    Entry Fee
    An entry fee of £5 is required for each work.

    Number and size of works
    A maximum of three works may be submitted. Maximum size 5’ x 5’ including frames. Sculpture maximum 4’ x 2’ x 2’ on plinth.

    Works in oil, watercolour, pastel, gouache, acrylic and mixed media; screen prints, drawings and sculpture all accepted.

    Sale of work
    All work must be for sale. All sales are subject to 30% commission during the Exhibition. T

    1st Prize £1500
    Student Prize £500 and Gallery
    Space for 2010 Chairman’s Choice (any medium) £500
    Extra prize for Homecoming 2009 £500
    (To reflect one of the Homecoming 2009 themes as shown on:

    Full details:

    Application Form:

    Visit website:


    01667 451804 / 07949 394708

    Nairn Book & Arts Festival, Hilton,
    Lochloy Road, Nairn, IV12 5AF

    Quilt Visions Juried Exhibition

    Deadline: July 18, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Quilt Visions Juried Exhibition
    - Interpretations

    Visions Art Quilt Gallery
    November 14, 2009 through January 17, 2010

    1. You may enter up to three (3) cloth quilts by submitting the required materials. Incomplete entries will not be accepted.

    A set of coordinated pieces may be considered one work or entry. Each quilt must have a sleeve securely attached to the back of the quilt. Quilts that are 60 inches or wider must have a center opening in the sleeve to allow for proper hanging support. A second sleeve at the bottom is recommended for large quilts.

    2. Entries must have been completed on or after January 1, 2007. A maximum of one (1) quilt per artist will be selected. An entry is considered to be a quilt if it is composed of three layers, two layers of cloth filled with “batting material” and held together by stitched design. Quilts may be embellished with materials other than cloth. All entries must meet the definition of a quilt.

    3. The fee is $30 (US) for up to three entries. Entries should be mailed to arrive at the Gallery no later than Saturday, July 18, 2009. Entry fees are non-refundable. Make check or money order payable to Quilt Visions. For entries outside the United States, an international money order in U.S. funds or Visa or MasterCard charge is required. If payment is not included, the entry will not be processed.

    4. Images: All entries must include digital images in PC compatible JPEG (.jpg) format on a compact disk (CD) which will not be returned. DVD discs will not be accepted.

    Members—$30 (US) for up to 3 quilts
    Non-Members—$70 (US) fee for up to 3 quilts includes a one year individual Quilt Visions membership

    Entry Form and Guidelines:

    Online Entry Form:


    Visions Art Quilt Gallery
    Attn: Exhibitions Committee
    2825 Dewey Road Suite 100
    San Diego, CA 92106

    Jury for Torpedo Factory Artist Members

    Deadline: March 2, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Studio Space
    Annual Jury for Torpedo Factory Artist Members

    Torpedo Factory
    Alexandria, VA
    March 2 - 5, 2009

    Artists must go through the annual jury process to become a Torpedo Factory artist. All artists working in fine arts and fine crafts are eligible. Fine crafts include such work as ceramics, textiles, jewelry, all kinds of sculpture, glass, and more.

    Upon selection, the applicant becomes a juried Torpedo Factory artist and is classified as an Associate Artist.

    The 2009 Annual Jury is scheduled for the first week in March of 2009. Drop off of work will be 9am-6pm on Monday, March 2, 2009.

    Benefits of Associate Membership
    - Eligible for short-term studio subleases (up to one year) from resident artists
    - May work toward joining a studio lease on a permanent basis
    - Web page on which gets approximately 11,000 unique visits per month (fee applies)
    - Opportunity to submit images and updates of shows, awards, and special projects for the Torpedo Factory Art Center online newsletter
    - Eligible to participate in complementary programming and Association volunteer opportunities

    Associates must remain current on annual dues in order to maintain juried status. Associates must also keep accurate contact information on file with the Association.

    Solo studio vacancies are rare, but the resident artist turnover rate averages 10% per year. Associates who are available and willing to accept subleases have a very good chance of placement, although it may take several years.

    The two ways to become a resident artist are:
    1) By joining a group studio. Established group studios select from the list of Associates when new members are needed.
    2) By subleasing for 180 days to gain eligibility for the Waiting List for Solo Studio Space. Associate artists must maintain a minimum sublease period of 120 days annually to remain on the waiting list.

    How to Apply
    On the first day of the Annual Jury, Monday, March 2, applicants bring six pieces of their artwork plus slide sheet or cd, completed application, and $50 fee to the Torpedo Factory. The work will be juried over the second and third days.

    The Jurors
    There are separate 3-person panels judging the 2-D work and the 3-D work. The jurors are highly qualified professional artists, curators, teachers, museum directors and the like, who are independent of the Torpedo Factory. Their decision is final. They will look for work that meets the highest standards of professionalism and promise.

    Contact for More Information
    Contact Tory Cowles, Jury Committee Chair, at 301-983-2167; cell 240-793-5425; or or send an email to the Business Office at


    Download the application: 2009 Torpedo Factory Studio/Membership Application [pdf]

    bound and unbound: altered book exhibition

    Deadline: March 16, 2009 by 6:00 p.m. (HAND DELIVERY)

    bound and unbound: altered book exhibition

    Art, Exhibits and Events Committee (AEE)
    University Libraries
    The University of South Dakota
    March 20 to June 15, 2009

    This exhibition is open to all. Artwork must be hand delivered on or before the due date. There is no entry fee. Artists may submit up to three entries, although space restrictions may limit the exhibition of all entries submitted by each artist. The University Libraries has a selection of withdrawn books for use in this project. These books may be selected upon request from the Circulation Desk during regular library hours.

    Materials pertaining to altered books are on reserve under the title “Altered Book Exhibition” at the Circulation Desk. These resources are available for 24-hour check-out to registered patrons.

    Books may come from any source. All work must be original and executed within the last 3 years. The University Libraries reserve the right to refuse work difficult to exhibit due to excessive size, weight, or difficulty in presentation. If in doubt, please contact Sarah A. Hanson or Patti Roberts-Pizzuto (contact information below) prior to submission.

    delivery of work
    Work must be hand delivered to the University Libraries’ Circulation Desk between 10 a.m. and
    6 p.m. no later than March 16, 2009. Entries must be accompanied by a completed and signed registration form. All work must be ready for display.

    The University Libraries, on behalf of The University of South Dakota, will make every effort to insure the safe handling of entries, but does not assume responsibility for damage or loss. Works will be exhibited in display cases behind glass, unless the artist wishes to have the works handled by viewers.

    The University Libraries, on behalf of The University of South Dakota, reserves the right to reproduce entries for exhibition and publicity purposes and for inclusion in its website, institutional repository and digital library with a signed release.

    sale of work
    Any inquiries for sale of work will be referred directly to the artist.

    Download the prospectus:

    visit website:

    For more information

    Sarah A. Hanson, 677-5249,
    Patti Roberts-Pizzuto, 677-6091 or 670-8288,

    Waynesburg Sheep and Fiber Fest

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Waynesburg Sheep and Fiber Fest

    Greene County Fair Grounds
    Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
    May 16 & 17 2009

    Celebrating the Heritage of Sheep, Wool & Fibers in Greene County

    Juried Crafts · Sheep To Shawl Competition · Shearing, Spinning & Weaving & More

    All applications must include:
    1. At least 5 color photos of the items you intend to sell (non-returnable).
    Please note: If you exhibited at our festival in the past, photos are not necessary.
    2. Brief description of these items
    3. List other festivals that you have attended & number of years you’ve participated

    The application fee is $50.00 for each site – 12’ x 12’.
    Electricity is available for $10.00, if needed.

    Awards will be presented for the Best Craft Exhibit and Best Fiber Arts Exhibit.
    Judging will be based on how well your booth appears, how well your items are marked and how well you relate to the public about your crafts.

    Craft and Vendor Application[pdf]
    Detailed Schedule of events
    Festival Flyer [pdf]
    Official Press Release

    For More Information Contact:

    Waynesburg Prosperous & Beautiful
    60 W. High St.
    Waynesburg, PA 15370

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Holland Papier Biënnale 2010

    Deadline: September 1, 2009* (RECEIVE)
    *must be received BEFORE this date

    Holland Papier Biënnale 2010

    Museum Rijswijk
    The Netherlands
    Summer 2010

    The next Holland Paper Biennial will be organized in the summer of 2010. If you would like to participate, please send us at least 5 (digital) photographs or slides of your recent artworks and a curriculum vitae in English before September 1, 2009. At the end of September 2009 a jury will meet and make a choice for the Holland Paper Biennial 2010. All photographs and slides will be returned.

    Visit website for additional details:

    Museum Rijswijk
    Holland Papier Biënnale 2010
    Herenstraat 67
    2282 BR Rijswijk

    Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2009
    Outside the Box

    Deadline: June 22nd 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2009
    Cheongju International Craft Competition

    Special Exhibition Room
    23rd September to 1st November 2009

    As the theme for the 2009 Biennale,‘Outside the box’ proposes that craft be considered or approached as a collective whole, rather than as a series of fragmentary and contending disciplines. To think outside the box, as the phrase goes in the West, is to transcend conditions and boundaries through the human faculty of imagination. ‘Outside the box’ is where the state of integration becomes attainable; where meetings become possible. The practice of craft is intrinsically the intercommunion between mankind and the immensity of nature. This is a substantializing principle in which all arts and crafts were once unified. What we term craft, as much as any art form, should in itself have the power to unify and represent all human values, in the here and now. To embrace an integrated world, both craftsman and fine artist must think across the spurious divisions of our times, and these reflections should inform the work itself.

    Conditions of entry
    ● Individual or group works are invited with no restrictions regarding age or nationality.
    ● There is no limitation regarding subject matter.
    ● Each applicant may enter a maximum of 2 works to the competition.
    ● Any item comprising separate components or units will be considered as a single work.
    ● Entries cannot be accepted from members of the Cheongju Biennale Committee (hereafter referred to as ‘the committee’) or those participating in the main exhibition.
    ● Works previously exhibited at the Biennale or submitted thereto and works executed more than three years before the date of submission will not be accepted.
    ● All works must be available for the duration of the Cheongju International Craft Biennale and may not be removed from the exhibition before the closing date.
    ● There is no application fee.

    Application forms must be accompanied by 3 digital images of each work, to include one view of the front elevation and two more of the work either in profile or in detail. Each image should be a jpg file with 300dpi between 2MB and 5MB. If the application is sent by post, it must include a CD with images as specified.

    The Prizes:
    There will be 26 prizes to include a total of $110,000 in cash.

    The First Prize of $30,000
    5 ‘Outside the box’ Special Awards of $8,000
    5 Merit Awards of $5,000
    15 ‘Craft Ideal’ Awards of $1,000
    Certificates will also be awarded to approximately 150 runners-up.
    Winners of the First Prize, ‘Outside the Box’ Special and Merit Awards will also receive travel and accommodation expenses for their attendance at the award ceremony.

    Application forms are available online until Monday 15th June 2009 at the official website: or

    Application forms and Image preparation guidelines also available at Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador site:

    Outside the Box, Competition Entry Guidelines

    Cheongju Image Preparation Guidelines

    Cheongju International Craft Biennale Committee
    329 Heungdeok-Ro, Heungdeok-Gu, Cheongju-Si, Chungcheongbuk-Do,
    361-828, Republic of Korea
    Tel +81 43 277 2501-3 Fax +82 43 277 2610 E-mail

    Crafthouse Shop and Gallery

    Deadline: Multiple Deadlines/Ongoing (see below)

    The Crafthouse Gallery
    The Crafthouse Shop

    Opportunities for Exhibition and Sales
    Crafts Association of British Columbia (CABC)
    Vancouver BC -- Canada


    The Crafthouse Gallery
    Exhibition Proposal Applications must be submitted to the Gallery Committee by May 31 of the year prior to the exhibition. Please request a Gallery Exhibition Proposal Application form for submission. The criteria for selection include: quality and strength of work, educational value and innovation. The proposal and slides should present a cohesive body of work with a unifying theme and personal style.

    The Crafthouse Shop
    Crafthouse juries work from craftspeople who are Canadian citizens or residents of Canada, on a bi-monthly basis. The criteria for selection is originality , good design, technical competency, good presentation and suitability to venue. Membership in the Crafts Association of BC is mandatory.

    Applicants must pre-register with Crafthouse by phone, personal visit, e-mail or fax, as a maximum of 10 people’s work is looked at per session (20 in October).

    The Crafthouse Shop 2009 jury dates are as follows: February 9, April 6, June 8, August 10, October 5 (this jury is aimed at the Holiday, with emphasis on hand made ornaments and work that retails in the $100 and under category. Other work is also accepted). There is no jury in December.

    The jury is comprised of the Crafthouse Shop Committee. Members of this committee include the shop manager, a Board member, craftspeople and occasionally craftspeople who are invited for their expertise in a particular medium.

    Please supply:
    1. Five samples of work. Pack this work safely and deliver in a labeled container/s. Indicate if this work is available for sale, should it be accepted.
    2. Biographical information, a brief description of the making of your work, artist statement and retail price. Please include your phone number.
    3. If the work is from outside Vancouver, slides or photos (preferable) can be sent, but a minimum of one piece should accompany the presentation. Return shipping instructions, an address label and costs should also be included.

    Upon acceptance, the craftsperson receives 55% of the retail price. Membership in the Crafts Association of BC is required at time of pre-registration. If your work is considered unsuitable for Crafthouse, membership is not refundable. If your work is accepted, Crafthouse asks for exclusivity in the shops on Granville Island.

    Juror's Guidelines and Suitability to Venue Guidelines included in the Application Guidelines.

    Crafthouse is a program of the Crafts Association of British Columbia (CABC), a non-profit charity.

    Download the Application Guidelines: [doc]

    Visit the website for additional details:

    Crafts Association of British Columbia (CABC)
    366 Cartwright
    Granville Island
    Vancouver BC
    Canada V6H 3R8
    Telephone: 604.687.7270
    Fax: 604.687.6711

    MAQS Annual Benefit Auction

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (RECEIVE)**

    MAQS Annual Benefit Auction

    Museum of the American Quilter's Society
    Paducah, KY
    April 22–25, 2009

    Every year the Annual Museum of the American Quilter’s Society Benefit Auction uses the good spirit of bidding frenzies to raise the funds needed to help maintain the excellence of our exhibits, contests and educational programs. Our success relies on your support through donations of fabric, notions, books, patterns and quilts of all sizes.

    Donations are now being accepted for the 2009 auction! Here are just a few ways you can donate:
    1) Have your guild stitch up a quilt
    2) Clean out your sewing room and donate unwanted quilt tops, fabric, unused patterns, books, etc.
    3) Have a product you want to promote? This is a great tax deductible way to advertise!

    Items being donated can be shipped to MAQS at the address below. Please fill out an Auction Donation Form (pdf) Pre-shipping will allow for an appropriate consideration of whether to place your item(s) in the Silent or Live Auction as well as provide a prompt delivery of your receipt for tax deductions. Please include the shipment fee in the item’s value.

    215 Jefferson St.
    Paducah, KY 42001

    **Donations may also be brought to the front desk at MAQS any time prior to 5 p.m. Tuesday of the Quilt Show week. Items received after 5 p.m., will be held for the Auction the following year.

    The funds raised are extremely important to THE Museum’s success in honoring today’s quilters. For more information, contact the Director of Public Affairs at 270-442-8856, or email

    Artcards for Acquisitions

    Deadline: Ongoing/Unspecified

    Artcards for Acquisitions

    Museum of the American Quilter's Society
    Paducah, Kentucky

    Quilters are invited to create and donate artcards to be sold. All proceeds will go to the MAQS Quilt Acquisitions Fund to purchase additional quilts for the MAQS Collection.


    1. All cards must be 4” x 6” (either horizontal or vertical design).
    2. Cards must be quilted in some way.
    3. Download the “postcard” back (pdf)
    to submit your name, address and phone number. Or use a commercial artcard-back stamp and permanent fabric stamping ink to include the information on the back of your card.
    4. Please sign your name on the front or back of the card.
    5. Send artcards in an envelope to:

    Museum of the American Quilter’s Society
    Attn: Artcards for Acquisitions
    215 Jefferson Street
    Paducah, KY 42001

    Everyone is invited to participate. And there is no limit on submissions. For more information on this new program or to learn how to donate to the MAQS Annual Benefit Auction, call 270-442-8856 or

    Additional information:

    (formerly) Museum of the American Quilter's Society
    215 Jefferson Street, Paducah, Kentucky 42001
    Phone: 270-442-8856 | FAX: 270-442-5448 |

    Living Arts of Tulsa

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Living Arts of Tulsa

    Call for Proposals
    Tulsa, OK
    July 2009-June 2010
    Calling for proposal

    Living Arts of Tulsa is seeking proposals in: Installation, New Media, New Music, Art Cars, Video, Outsider Art, Costume Art, Garden Art, Performance Art, New Movement and, Curation for events during the regualar season July 2009-June 2010

    SEND: a written proposal with description of the work to be documentation (DVD or VHS)...CD or audio tape,
    10-15 slides of representative work...or CD /or DVD (Mac/PC formatted) with images in jpeg format (900 x 1200 max.) with titles numbered in viewing order that corresponds to an accompanying list describing work (media, size, etc.)...artist(s) bio(s): include phone #'s, addresses, and e-mail addresses...minimum technical requirements in order to present the work...time needed to install and minimum budget...dates available...SASE for return of materials.

    Gallery Layout available online:

    SEND TO:
    Steve Liggett
    Artistic Director
    Living Arts of Tulsa
    308 S. Kenosha Ave.
    Tulsa, OK 74120
    Phone: 918.585.1234

    Flora: Growing Inspirations

    Deadline: March 13, 2009 by 5:00 pm (RECEIVE)

    Flora: Growing Inspirations

    US Botanic Garden
    Washington, DC
    May 23 – October 12, 2009

    Flora: Growing Inspirations will celebrate the place plants have long held in culture through artistic expression and symbolic representation. Essential as the energy base of all terrestrial life, plants carry out complex life processes and show remarkable diversity of form. They possess a powerful and persistent, if quiet, life force – one strong enough to buckle sidewalks, cleanse Earth’s atmosphere, support the energy needs of nearly all life forms, and bear witness to generations of human history. Contemporary artists are encouraged to draw on the fundamental strength of plants’ life force for powerful metaphors that comment on the state of modern society and individual human existence.

    Artists are invited to submit digital images of their sculptural work dealing with the theme of plants for consideration of inclusion in the indoor and/or outdoor exhibit areas. The US Botanic Garden will publish a black and white catalog in conjunction with the exhibit.

    Flora: Growing Inspirations, an exhibition coordinated by the US Botanic Garden and the Washington Sculptors Group, will feature approximately 40 original sculptures inspired by plants. The sculptures will be displayed in two areas:

    1. Outdoors as part of an exhibit of unique garden “rooms” defined by raised planting beds on the flagstone terrace surrounding the USBG Conservatory. Sculptures will be sited, at the discretion of the curators, within the raised beds or on the surface of the flagstone terrace. All applicants are encouraged to visit the Botanic Garden to see the setting.

    2. Indoors in the East Gallery, a 2400 sq. ft. air conditioned space. Sculptures will be situated on the floor or on pedestals. Artists may request other installation requirements (such as wall or ceiling mounting) that may be accepted at the discretion of the curators.

    The Washington Sculptors Group is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of sculpture and
    fostering exchanges among sculptors, sculpture enthusiasts and the public. Organized in 1984, membership has grown to over
    300; WSG sponsors frequent public programs and organizes professional sculpture exhibitions juried by prominent curators.
    Visit for more information about WSG membership and programs.

    The United States Botanic Garden (USBG) is operated by the Congress of the United States. It is located in Washington, DC on the National Mall across First Street SW from the US Capitol. Annual visitation is estimated at 850,000. The newly renovated Conservatory offers the citizens of Washington and visitors from across the nation a living plant museum that interprets the importance and irreplaceable value of plants to the well-being of humans and earth’s fragile ecosystems.

    For more information visit:

    “Flora: Growing Inspirations”
    US Botanic Garden
    245 First Street, SW
    Washington, DC 20024

    International Hats Art Competition 2009

    Deadline: March 6, 2009 (RECEIVE) & (HAND DELIVERY)

    International Hats Art Competition 2009

    Chazelles-sur-Lyon – France
    May 31, 2009 to october 4, 2009 &
    Other venues after initial exhibit

    Eligibility: Hobbyists and professional milliners, hat designers and makers are eligible to participate. No age limit.

    Theme: "Variable Geometry"
    Understood in the widest sense, it refers to any creation flexible in its shape or its function.

    Hat Selection Criteria:
    • The head size must be 57 cm diameter (22.5 inches) (fitting the jury members).
    • According to Chazelles-sur-Lyon hat making tradition, FELT will have to be part of the design.
    • Each designer will make sure that his/her creation is easy to wear (size, proportion, balance, comfort, etc...) in the spirit of an "everyday" or "event" product rather than an art creation. The main guideline for the designer will be:
    “event” product rather than an artistic creation.
    • Neither outside nor inside label showing the maker's identification will be permitted.

    Prizes: The jury will award 10 prizes.

    Panel of Judges: The panel of judges will include different well-known figures from the fashion and hat world.

    Registration Fees:
    • 10 euros for French participants
    • 20 euros for members of the European Union (except Norway) and Overseas French.
    • 28 euros for participants from Norway, Canada, the United States, the Near, Middle and Far East, Australia, New Zealand, African and Asian Countries

    Regulation and Entry form in English
    Regulation Contest 2009
    Entry Form Contest 2009

    Règlement et inscription en Français
    Règlement Concours 2009
    Bulletin de participation 2009

    Visit website:

    International Hats Art Competition 2009
    Atelier-Musée du Chapeau
    16 route de St-Galmier
    42140 Chazelles-sur-Lyon - France

    Twenty-Five Quilt Contest

    Deadline: March 2, 2009 (POSTMARK) or (RECEIVE)

    2009 Twenty-Five Quilt Contest

    Benefit for National Quilt Museum
    Paducah, KY
    April 22–25, 2009

    Each year AQS sponsors a quilt contest and the items are donated to the annual Quilt Auction in Paducah. The 2009 theme is Twenty-five in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the American Quilter's Society.

    The rules are simple:

    1. One quilt per person may be entered.

    2. Entry should be a quilt using 25 of anything — 25 blocks, 25 squares, 25 fabrics, 25 flowers — 25 of something.

    3. Each quilt must be constructed of fabric; be pieced, appliquéd, or use other quiltmaking techniques; and be quilted by hand, machine, or both.

    4. The minimum size is 30" on a side; there is no maximum size.

    5. All entries must include a rod pocket at the upper back for hanging.
      (New Requirements for Hanging Sleeves on Quilts - Please Read)

    6. Completed Twenty-Five quilt and entry form must be received by AQS or postmarked by March 2, 2009.

    1st Place, $300; 2nd Place, $250; 3rd Place, $200; 4th Place, $150; 5th Place, $100

    All quilts entered are donated to the live and silent auctions held during the 2009 AQS Quilt Show, April 22–25, to benefit The National Quilt Museum. Yyou will receive a donation acknowledgment from the quilt museum. If you have any questions, please call Mary Beth Head at 270-898-7903.

    These quilts will be displayed at the show until it's time for the auction on Thursday.

    Here is the link for the rules and entry form for this contest:

    via: AQS Blog

    American Quilter's Society
    PO Box 3290
    Paducah, KY 42002-3290
    Phone: 270-898-7903
    Fax: 270-898-1173

    2009 AQS Quilt Expo – Des Moines

    Deadline: June 24, 2009 (POSTMARK) or (RECEIVE)

    2009 AQS Quilt Expo – Des Moines

    American Quilter's Society
    Iowa Events Center
    Des Moines, Iowa
    October 28-31, 2009

    General Contest Rules (truncated)

    1. The maker(s) of any cloth quilt can enter their completed work in the appropriate category by submitting entry blank, entry fee, and two images (one full view of the completed piece showing all four edges, and a close-up detail of the piece). The piece must be created by the entrant(s) according to the contest rules.
    2. Limit of two entries per person, one entry per category. Those listed as "other stitchers on this quilt" may also have their own two entries.
    3. All quilts (categories 1–5) must be quilted by hand, by machine, or both.
    4. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by person(s) named on entry blank.
    5. Quilts must have been finished between June 2006, and June 2009, and be in excellent condition.
    6. Quilts displayed in any previous AQS contest (Paducah, Nashville, Knoxville, or Des Moines) or made from precut or
    stamped kits are ineligible.
    7. Quilts must be a single unit and not framed with wood, metal, plastic, etc.


    Bed Quilts: Fabric quilts made for a bed, using any quiltmaking technique.
    1. Traditional
    2. Innovative

    Wall Quilts: Fabric quilts designed to hang on a wall, using any quiltmaking technique.
    3. Traditional
    4. Innovative

    Fabric Art: Works of visual art utilizing fabric as the primary medium.
    5. Fabric Art

    Cash Awards
    Best of Show Award - $10,000
    Best Hand Workmanship Award - $5,000
    Best Machine Workmanship Award - $5,000
    Best Longarm Workmanship Award - $3,000
    Best Wall Quilt Award - $3,000

    Additional prizes in each category:
    1st Place: $ 1,500
    2nd Place: $ 1,000
    3rd Place: $ 750

    Download contest rules:

    Entry fee:
    AQS members: $10.00 per quilt
    Non-members: $30.00 per quilt

    More information about the contest:

    American Quilter's Society
    PO Box 3290
    Paducah, KY 42002-3290
    Phone: 270-898-7903
    Fax: 270-898-1173

    2009 AQS Quilt Expo – Knoxville

    Deadline: April 1, 2009 (POSTMARK) or (RECEIVE)

    2009 AQS Quilt Expo – Knoxville

    American Quilter's Society
    IKnoxville Convention Center
    Knoxville, TN
    July 22 – 25, 2009

    General Contest Rules (truncated)

    1. The maker(s) of any cloth quilt can enter their completed work in the appropriate category by submitting entry blank, entry fee, and two images (one full view of the completed piece showing all four edges, and a close-up detail of the piece). The piece must be created by the entrant(s) according to the contest rules.
    2. Limit of two entries per person, one entry per category. Those listed as "other stitchers on this quilt" may also have their own two entries.
    3. All quilts (categories 1–5) must be quilted by hand, by machine, or both.
    4. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by person(s) named on entry blank.
    5. Quilts must have been finished between May 1, 2006, and May 1, 2009, and be in excellent condition.
    6. Quilts displayed in any previous AQS contest (Paducah, Nashville, Knoxville, or Des Moines) or made from precut or
    stamped kits are ineligible.
    7. Quilts must be a single unit and not framed with wood, metal, plastic, etc.


    Quilts: Quilts in Bed or Wall Size
    A-Quilter's Choice Quilts
    B-On The Wall Quilts

    SewTech: Quilts or Wallhanging made entirely by machine
    (home domestic sewing machine, longarm machine, or embroidery machine)
    C-Made by Machine Quilts

    Guild Challenge: Group of eight quilts submitted by quilt guilds
    D-The Ultimate Guild Challenge Quilts

    Embroidery: Featuring embroidery as the primary technique; crazy quilts can be entered in this category.
    E-Great Embroidered Quilt Contest

    Cash Awards
    Best of Show Award - $10,000
    Best Hand Workmanship Award - $5,000
    Best Machine Workmanship Award - $5,000
    Best Longarm Workmanship Award - $3,000
    Best Wall Quilt Award - $3,000

    Additional prizes in each category:
    1st Place: $ 1,500
    2nd Place: $ 1,000
    3rd Place: $ 750

    Download contest rules:

    Entry fee:
    AQS members: $10.00 per quilt
    Non-members: $30.00 per quilt

    More information about the contest:

    American Quilter's Society
    PO Box 3290
    Paducah, KY 42002-3290
    Phone: 270-898-7903
    Fax: 270-898-1173

    National Quilt Museum & World Equestrian Games

    Deadline: October 15, 2009

    The National Quilt Museum &
    World Equestrian Games in 2010

    Paducah, KY

    Kentucky will host the World Equestrian Games in 2010, the first time the games have been held outside of Europe. In keeping with this event The National Quilt Museum (Museum of the American Quilter’s Society) in Paducah, KY is holding a juried exhibit of quilts about and/or depicting horses in early fall of 2010.

    For submission guidelines, please email info @ and put “2010 horse exhibit” in the subject line. Deadline for submissions is October 15, 2009.

    The National Quilt Museum of the United States is a non-profit institution located in downtown Paducah, KY. The Museum is open year-round Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST; also open on Sundays 1-5 p.m. April - October. The Museum is ADA compliant.

    Sunday, February 15, 2009

    Origin: The London Craft Fair

    Deadline: 2 March 2009 at 6pm (RECEIVE)

    Origin: The London Craft Fair

    Somerset House (Edmond J. Safra Fountain Court)
    Strand, London
    Week One
    Tuesday 6 – Sunday 11 October 2009
    Week Two
    Tuesday 13 – Sunday 18 October 2009

    Origin is a presentation of the very best of craft talent, be it ceramics, glass, metal, jewellery, furniture, textiles, paper and wood. Exhibitors are a mixture of national and international designer-makers, established names and emerging talent and each stand at the event exhibits work of a consistently high standard, and demonstrates creativity and technical skill. Origin is also a chance to meet the people you are making for and for them to find out what inspires you. An important part of the show is being there to talk to visitors about your work.


    Origin is principally for the contemporary decorative and applied arts and therefore applications will not be accepted for painting, drawing, graphic design, print-making, photography or sculpture. Applications will not be accepted from those solely designing and co-ordinating products for industrial production, or from agents or wholesalers wanting to sell the work of others. Stands are allocated on an individual basis therefore we are unable to consider group applications for stands.

    It is also unlikely that applications to exhibit reproduction work will be accepted. As this is a two-week event the organisers seek to provide a balance of craft disciplines in each week in order to provide the visitors with a broad range of work. Further to this, only the body of work which applicants apply with will be eligible for sale. Exhibitors wishing to show one or more bodies of work, e.g. wood and jewellery will need to make two applications to ensure there is an equal selection process.


    Selection of exhibitors is principally on the images supplied. Additional information on the application form may be used for press and publicity purposes once exhibitors have been selected.

    An independent Selection panel will select the exhibitors for the event in April. This panel of selectors changes each year and will include: designer-makers, curators, craft retailers, journalists familiar with contemporary crafts and ‘opinion formers.’ During the selection process all six of an applicant’s images will be projected simultaneously, giving a clear indication of the full range of work.


    In addition to uploading six low resolution digital images as part of the online application form, you will need to supply six digital high resolution images of your work on a CD.


    Application Fee

    All applications are subject to a non-refundable £30 fee (incl VAT) to be submitted along with the Online Application Form. Payments by credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Maestro) or cheque will be accepted.

    Catalogue Fee

    The catalogue will feature an image and contact details for each selected exhibitor. There will be an additional non-refundable charge of £70 (excl VAT) per exhibitor for this catalogue entry.

    Participation and stand fee

    The Crafts Council recognises that participation in an event can be costly, especially at the early career stage, so to encourage applications from new designer-makers there is a special stand rate for those who have been in business for less than three years.

    The event will feature a variety of stand sizes. Every participant will pay a flat rate fee for participation plus a per metre rate for the stand rental.

    • Makers in business for less than three years – participation fee is: £460 plus £100 per m2
    • Makers in business for three years or more – participation fee is: £460 plus £150 per m2

    Exhibitors may choose to share a stand, though please bear in mind that the participation fee would still be charged per maker. Where applicants wish to share a stand, the organisers reserve the right to nominate stand share partners. There will be a limited number of shared stands available and priority for a shared stand will be given to new makers.

    Funding to participate

    UK based designer-makers may be able eligible for funding support from the Arts Council of England, Scottish Arts Council, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland or CIDA.

    If you have a question about any of the points raised in this application or you are unable to submit an online application please contact the Crafts Council on +44(0) 207 806 2565 or email:

    Visit website for full details:


    Download documents
    Origin 2009 Application Guidelines [doc Format 47KB]

    Origin 2009 Application Guidelines [pdf Format 22KB]

    Origin 2009 Terms and Conditions [doc Format 91KB]

    Origin 2009 Terms and Conditions [pdf Format 157KB]

    Crafts Council
    44a Pentonville Road
    London N1 9BY
    Phone: +44 (0)20 7278 7700
    Fax: +44 (0)20 7837 6891

    Wash Day Blues: 2009 Quilt Block Contest

    Two Deadlines:
    April 13, 2009 (POSTMARK)
    April 17, 2009 by 4:30 p.m. (RECEIVE)

    2009 Quilt Block Contest
    Wash Day Blues

    Quilting Bee May 23-30, 2009

    “Of all the household chores that depended on hauling water and building fires to heat it, laundry earned the most complaints from 19th century housewives and the writers who advised them.”

    “One wash, one boiling and one rinse used about 50 gallons of water – or 400 pounds – which had to be moved from pump or well or faucet to stove and tub, in buckets and wash boilers that might weigh as much as 40 or 50 pounds.”

    Susan Strasser, Never Done: A History of American Housework

    An original or traditional design that depicts or suggests "Wash Day". Include a short statement about your block.

    12.5 inches square with raw edges. This includes the seam allowance. Blocks must be submitted un-quilted and NOT ON POINT.

    Pre-washed cotton (preferred) or cotton blend, plain or print design fabrics.

    Pieced and/or appliquéd, embroidery optional.

    Blocks must include two different shades of blue, including one blue print (provided). To receive your blue print please call the Museum at 519-742-7752. The Museum would like to thank Creative Sisters Quilt Studio for their support of the 2009 Quilting Bee.

    Blocks will be received at the Schneider Haus office, until 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 17, 2009.
    Blocks must be postmarked no later that April 3, 2009.

    May be mailed to:


    All blocks will be judged anonymously by a panel of three knowledgeable judges according to design, use of colour, and quality of workmanship. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place in experienced category and first place in the beginner category (first competition, less that two years quilting). Honourable mentions will be chosen at the discretion of the judges.

    Winning blocks are assembled, along with other blocks chosen by the judges, into a quilt that is quilted during the annual Quilting Bee, to be held in late May 2009 at the Joseph Schneider Haus. The winning quilt is raffled to raise money for Museum projects and often a second quilt is constructed for donation to a local charity.

    Blocks become the property of the Joseph Schneider Haus Museum to be used for fund-raising and other charitable purposes.

    For more information please contact Joseph Schneider Haus at 519-742-7752.

    Visit the website: Joseph Schneider Haus Museum and Gallery

    Download the 2009 Entry form: QuiltBlockContest09R4.pdf

    466 Queen St. S.,
    Kitchener N2G 1W7

    Wee Quilt Challenge

    Deadline: March 4, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Wee Quilt Challenge

    McDougall Cottage, is a charming, stone labourer's cottage surrounded by an equally charming pocket-sized garden situated on the banks of the Grand River in downtown Cambridge, Ontario. Home to two families of hardworking Scots for the first 100 years of its history, McDougall Cottage boats spectacular trompe l'oeil ceilings and hand-painted friezes, many of which evoke the magical Scottish landscape.

    "Wee Quilt" Challenge
    McDougall Cottage will be showcasing this strong Scottish heritage by hosting is seventh annual "Wee" Quilt Challenge in the spring of 2009. This mini-challenge invites quilters from all parts of Canada (...and of course, Scotland) to submit a wee quilted creation no larger than 24" x 24". Your "PLAID-VERTISING" WALL QUILT must include a piece of plaid.

    Plaids have provided inspiration for many a marketing genius. Become your own marketing "wunderkind" by interpreting a favourite plaid-ad in fabric. Or, quilt your own wee creation, choosing a plaid that helps deliver your special message to the world. Please be sure to credit in your statement, where appropriate, the source of your inspiration.

    The "PLAID-vertising" Quilt Show will open in April and run through Labour Day. The artists will be honoured at a Scottish Tea Wednesday, May 27, 2009 when "bonnie wee prizes" will be awarded. 4-6 p.m.

    Digital images and entry forms must be at the Cottage by March 4, 2009. Our "PLAID-VERTISING" Quilt Show will open in April and run through Labour Day. The artists will be honoured at a Scottish Tea Wednesday, May 27, 2009 when "bonnie wee prizes" will be awarded. 4 to 6 p.m.

    Send digital images & entry form by March 4, 2009
    Wee Challenge Quilt by March 30, 2009

    For more information or a copy of the challenge form please call 519-624-8250 or 519-742-7752.

    Download the rules & entry form:

    Visit the website for details:

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    The Butterfly Project

    Deadline: June 30, 2011 (RECEIVE} & (Hand Deliver)

    The Butterfly Project

    The Holocaust Museum
    Houston, TX
    Spring 2012

    In an effort to remember them, Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies.

    The butterflies will eventually comprise a breath-taking exhibition, currently scheduled for Spring 2012, for all to remember.

    As of Summer 2008, we have already collected an estimated 400,000 butterflies.

    Please facilitate the “I Never Saw Another Butterfly” activity and create as many handmade arts-and-crafts butterflies as possible. This project may be completed by all ages as individuals or groups.

    Butterflies should be no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.
    Butterflies may be of any medium the artist chooses, but two-dimensional submissions are preferred.
    Glitter should not be used.
    Food products (cereal, macaroni, candy, marshmallows or other perishables) also should not be used.
    If possible, e-mail a photograph of your butterflies, to

    Please send or bring your butterflies to the Museum by June 30, 2011, with the following information included:

    Your name,
    Your organization or school,
    Your address,
    Your e-mail address, and
    The total number of butterflies sent.

    Mail or bring your butterflies to:

    Holocaust Museum Houston
    Butterfly Project
    Education Department
    5401 Caroline St.
    Houston, TX 77004

    For questions or additional information, please e-mail

    Visit the website:

    Monday, February 09, 2009

    Textile Festival

    Deadline: April 24, 2009 (POSTMARK)

    Textile Festival

    A judged textile art competition
    Sponsored by Expertise Events Pty Ltd (EE)/
    Supported by The Australian Textile Arts &
    Surface Design Association (ATASDA)
    Brisbane Exhibition Centre, South Bank
    May 29-31, 2009

    Theme: The theme of the 2009 competition is “THE ART OF RECYCLING”

    Categories: There are two categories only.

    1. Wearable Art
    2. Textile Art to Live With

    Entries are to use predominantly textiles and include 50% recycled material. Entries must interpret the theme “THE ART OF RECYCLING”. All entries must be original. An entrant may apply any technique.

    Size of Entries. Actual artworks must weigh no more than 15kg.

    Time Frame. The entry must have been completed after January 2008, not prior to this to be eligible for this competition.

    Who Can Enter: Entry is open to the public. An entrant’s artwork may be the work of more than one person as long as all parties who contribute to the artwork are nominated on the entry form as being an entrant. There is a limit of two entries per person or group.

    Each entrant may enter up to two artworks (either one in each category or two in one category). At first instance an entrant must send an entry form with two hard copy photographs and two digital images of the artwork.

    Entry Fee: A fee of $20 per entry is payable by cheque.

    Visit website for complete details:

    Download: Prospectus and Competion Entry Form

    Textile Art Competition
    Expertise Events
    PO Box 6053
    Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086
    phone: 02 9452 7575

    Celebrating Our Creative Spirit
    Texas Federation of Fiber Artists

    Deadline: June 15, 2009 (RECEIVE)

    Celebrating Our Creative Spirit

    Texas Federation of Fiber Artists
    Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
    Houston, TX
    October 3 - December 24, 2009

    The Texas Federation of Fiber Artists celebrates the creative spirit with a juried exhibition. All fiber artists living in the state of Texas are invited to apply.

    Artists living in the state of Texas may submit up to three pieces of work. The art must be primarily of fiber and/or of a fiber related technique. Work must be original, with no part done under the supervision of a teacher or workshop instructor, and completed after October 1, 2007. All work must be ready for presentation, with proper hanging devices. Wearable works are eligible but must include a display device. Work may NOT have been exhibited previously at HCCC.

    Entry Format
    Entries will be juried from high resolution digital images. Each entry MUST have two images, one full and one detail. Professional quality digital images are required.

    An entry fee of $30 per artist for Texas Federation of Fiber Artists and $36 for all others.
    Textile artist Tim Harding, known for his creations featuring layered fabrics, will select the work for this exhibition. Mr. Harding has been working in fiber arts for over 20 years. He is in the collections of the Smithsonian, Cooper-Hewitt, and Fuller Craft Museum, to name a few. He has received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and currently has a kimono in the Craft in America traveling exhibit. More information about Tim can be found at

    Sales are encouraged. HCCC will retain a 50 percent commission of the sale of each work.

    Download the prospectus:

    Celebrating Our Creative Spirit
    Cindy Hickok
    523 Briar Path Drive
    Houston, TX 77079

    Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
    4848 Main Street
    Houston, TX 77002

    Sixth Street Gallery: Staring Back

    Two Deadlines:
    March 25, 2009 (POSTMARK)
    March 18, 2009 5:00 p.m. (HAND DELIVERY)

    Staring Back: Portraiture

    Sixth Street Gallery
    Vancouver, WA
    April 28 - May 31, 2009

    The Art of Portraiture
    A historical look at the art of portraiture shows a transition in not only the subject and style, but also the goal of the artist. From portrayals of stature, to depictions that provide reflective glimpses that reveal personality and mood, the role of the artist has always been more than just a mimic of nature. Contemporary artists continue to push the definition of the portrait. Staring Back looks to honor this transformation and highlight the ever-expanding scope and definition of the art of portraiture. This juried exhibition will be open to all media & interpretations.

    Artists are invited to submit up to three pieces for jurying. There is a jury fee of $20. The jury fee is $25 if paid by Paypal. The jury fee is $10 for youth artists 14 years or younger.

    Artists may submit slides, photos, or digitals.

    If you wish to enter electronically, email your entry form information and digital images to

    Artists are encouraged, but not required, to offer accepted work for sale. Sixth Street Gallery will take a 35% commission on all sold pieces.

    If you have any questions, please call 360-693-7340 or email Michael at or Traci at

    Download the prospectus: [pdf]

    Visit website for additional details:

    Sixth Street Gallery
    105 W Sixth Street
    Vancouver, WA 98660