Design a Wine label
XVI OIDFA World Lace Congress
Adelaide, South Australia
18-20 July 2014
The theme for the competition at the congress in Adelaide is:” Design a Wine label”
Competition Rules:
- The lace will remain the property of the maker.
- the lace must be original and may not have previously been published or submitted in competition.
- The design must be worked in bobbin or needle lace or a combination of both.
- More than one piece of lace may be submitted by any person.
- The total demension of the lace must not exceed 300mm x300mm (12 inches by 12 inches).
- A group may enter one entry only.
- If framed no glass is to be used.
- Participation in the competition gives OIDFA the right to publish the design.
- The lace will be judged by an impartial jury who will give consideration to the originality, design and workmanship.
- The judges decision is final.
Individual: 1st prize: 500 Euro, 2nd prize: 300 Euro, 3rd prize: 200 Euro.
Young Lacemakers: 100 Euro + certificates.
Groups: 1st prize: 500 Euro + certificates.
Entry Forms are available from:
Christine Beswick
C/- Post Office
Or email:
Submitting the lace:
- Entry forms should reach the Committee by 1st March 2014.
- All entries should reach the Committee between 15th March and the 4th June 2014 to be eligible for entry.
- All mailing costs are to be paid by the participant.
- The participant pays carriage and insurance cost during transportation.
- The participant is responsible for ensuring that the lace is well packed during transport.
- A representative colour photograph of the lace must be included for identification purposes.
- Name and address of the participant must be clearly indicated on the photograph of the lace. This photograh should also bear the title of the lace, display indications (eg “up”) and should be placed in an envelope and enclosed with the lace.
Full details available on website: