L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2012 Cultural Program
Melbourne, Victoria
Fashion Festival dates: 8-15 March 2012
Cultural Program dates: 1-31 March 2012
The L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF) Cultural Program provides a forum for designers, artists and curators to present their fashion-inspired creative work to the public during the month of March each year. Extending beyond the officially programmed events of the Festival week, the Cultural Program embraces broader creative parameters of how fashion can be showcased and experienced, far beyond the runway.
Diverse, inspiring, educational and often surprising, the LMFF Cultural Program engages fashion-loving audiences in an exciting range of activities that cross the breadth of the city and beyond. In 2012, regional activities will be included in the program to ensure that the national community buzzes with cultural happenings that celebrate how fashion reaches every one, every day.
LMFF invites designers, artists, curators, cultural organisations and institutions to submit a proposal to be included in the 2012 LMFF Cultural Program:
•Concepts should integrally relate to fashion and be creative, innovative and relevant for both an industry and general audience.
•Proposed activities must be self produced/managed and self funded. Discretionary support (non-financial) may be given by the Cultural Program Manager, by formal request and on approval.
•Proposed activities must fit within the specified program categories. Exceptions may be granted via special review.
•EOI Applications will be reviewed by the LMFF Creative Director and the LMFF Cultural Program Committee who have full and final discretion over the program.
•Applicants must fill out all required fields in the Expression of Interest form (or provide explanatory notes if any field is inapplicable or not yet confirmed).
•Expressions of Interest will be compiled and assess in two rounds; applicants will be notified of admission into the program or otherwise after the deadline dates detailed in the downloadable form.
•LMFF encourages participants to seek self-initiated sponsorship and please consult the Cultural Program Manager in this process as it may be necessary to give the LMFF official partners first right of refusal where relevant.
•Participants must seek permission from the Cultural Program Manager to use the LMFF logo on activity related material; a full set of guidelines will be distributed to all approved participants.
•There is no fee to submit an Expression of Interest.
•There is a $100 administration and program listing fee to take part in the Cultural Program of the L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival. This fee will be invoiced to successful applicants.
•All accepted participants will be required to supply text and images for the LMFF official website and program by the agreed deadline and will receive an ‘Agreement of Participation’ letter outlining terms of acceptance.
•All participants must cover their own insurance policy requirements.
•LMFF will require all participants to provide post-event data regarding attendance, number of designers/artists/participants included in the activity. This data is confidentially, internally analysed for the purpose of compiling Economic Impact information and other LMFF funding related KPIs. Please be aware of this requirement from the EOI submission stage and put data collection processes in place from the outset of your activity once accepted into the Cultural Program.
Round 1 Application Deadline: Friday 21 October 2011
Note: Applications will be accepted after this date however LMFF encourages all applicants to adhere to the Round 1 deadline in the interests of early approval of inclusion and subsequent publicity benefits.
Round 2 Applications Deadline: Friday 25 November 2011
LMFF will assess submissions in two rounds to provide for the requirement for earlier approvals as may be required by applicants (for the further submission of grants, sponsorship requests etc) as well as the shorter lead time activities. Applicants will be advised of inclusion or otherwise in the program in the weeks following each deadline date.
Visit website for more information: www.lmff.com.au/about-lmff/cultural-program
Proposal submissions: www.lmff.com.au/submissions
For general Festival enquiries please email: fashion@lmff.com.au

Level 2
175 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Victoria, 3000 Australia
PO Box 18027, Collins Street East
Victoria, 8003, Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9654 5599
Fax: +61 3 9654 9679