Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anne 2008 Textile Showcase - "Kindred Spaces"

Deadline: June 21, 2008 (RECEIVE)

Anne 2008 Textile Showcase - "Kindred Spaces"
Confederation Court Mall
Downtown Charlottetown
Prince Edward Island, Canada
September 12 to October 12, 2008

This projected was developed in conjunction with the Yokohama International Quilt Exhibition, which saw 70,000 visitors in 2007, towards the exchange of quilts (30 coming from Japan) to celebrate the 100th anniversary and promote Prince Edward Island and Anne of Green Gables. Quilting is very popular in Japan and a strong motivator for travel, and upcoming exposure in the popular, Patchwork Quilt Tsushin Magazine will further increase awareness of Prince Edward Island and 100th Anniversary of the publication of the novel Anne of Green Gables in Japan.

Tourism PEI is inviting quilts and other two dimensional textile works to participate in the fall show and accepting work in the themes of: Kindred Spaces - maximum perimeter 120 inches; work must be an interpretation based on a line, chapter, or paragraph of a Lucy Maud Montgomery writing; or, 100 Years of Anne - maximum perimeter 120 inches; work must be a reflection of Anne of Green Gables.

Entry packages deadline is June 21, 2008 and further information can be obtained by email or by phone 902-368-4056.

The quilt showcase will be held on the Island from September 12 to October 12 and a tour group from Patchwork Quilt Tsushin in Japan will travel to PEI to see the exhibition here September 13 - 17, 2008. The winners' quilts from this show will be exhibited in Yokohama in November 2008 and Japan's winners' quilts will be exhibited in PEI in 2009.

To download the application, click here: anne2008_cfe.pdf

Visit the website for additional details: