The Musée des maîtres et artisans du Quebec together with Concordia University's Department of Art History is organizing a symposium on tradition in contemporary craft as part of the upcoming exhibition Re-Crafting Tradition (12 September to 4 December 2006).
We invite proposals for papers (20 minutes) which explore the theme of tradition in craft, historical or technical, to be presented at this symposium. The papers may focus on a movement or a specific contemporary practice.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
. The self in craft creation
. Design and craft
. Questions of tradition in craft
. The unique piece and the complete break with tradition
. Practicing a traditional technique with a contemporary concept
. A contemporary technical approach with traditional craft concepts
. The creation of *new* traditions,
. Etc.
The symposium will be held in Montreal on Friday, 24 November 2006 at the Musée des maîtres et artisans du Quebec. The papers may be presented in English or French.
The exhibition highlights the work of Quebec creators of contemporary craft by presenting over thirty-five pieces of fine craft.
To participate please send an abstract of approximately 250 words with a curriculum vitae to:
Elaine Paterson and Denis Longchamps
Concordia University