Friday, June 09, 2006
"2006 Art of the Quilt"
Postmark Deadline: September 8, 2006
Theme is "Flight of Fantasy, Let Your Imagination Take Flight"
Quilts are to be "other than traditional" in nature. Judges will be looking for innovative, artistic quilts. They can include piecing, applique, & surface embellishment techniques (dyeing, trapunto, stenciling, whole cloth, embroidery, batik, painting, embossing, etc.) The quilt must consist of 3 layers held together with stitching.
Open to all, but must be the work of a single individual. No group or 2 person quilts. Quilt(s) must be constructed and quilted by person named on entry blank.
Limit 2 entries per person. Entry fee is $15 per quilt.
Entry must be quilted either by hand or machine. No kits, "cheater cloth", or tied quilts will be accepted. Quilts must be a minimum size of 400 square inches total and maximum size 500 square inches total.
Quilt(s) must be a single unit and not framed with wood, metal, etc.
Entry must have a 4 inch (10cm) sleeve casing as well as a cloth label with the name, address and telephone number of the entrant securely sewn to the back.
Accepted quilt(s) must be available for judging and display from September 28 - October 1, 2006.
All decisions of the jurors and judges are final. American Sewing Expo reserves the right to reject any entry, including those that fail to follow the quilt contest rules.
Click here for complete contest rules.