March 31, 2006 to September 2006
March 31, 2006
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
1st Saturdays 10 AM - 1 PM
& by appointment
CALLING ARTISTS who work with fabric, textile and cloth for an exhibition tracing threads of tradition.
Community Fabric: an exhibition of hand-made textiles in many traditions, exploring how heritage and culture are used today in Philadelphia.
Who claims a connection to (what) culture?
How is tradition and heritage visible in craft, and significant to community?
What threads of tradition do artists claim and reject?
Artists are invited to submit up to 20 samples of work (slides, photos, or digital) for consideration, along with an application form.
Form available below or by contacting our office:
Phone: 215.726.1106
Open to Philadelphia artists working in diverse ethnic, heritage, and community traditions: batik, quilting, weaving, needlework, crochet, appliqué, etc. Work will be on display at the Philadelphia Folklore Project through September 2006.
Artists selected will be eligible for technical assistance and high-quality documentation of their work.
Artists are invited to apply by sending the following:
Up to 20 samples of your work (slides, photos, jpeg’s)
Description of the specific work samples
Statement telling us about your place in a specific community tradition
(Whom did you learn from? Where did you learn? Looking at your work, how can someone tell what tradition/s you claim, and/or what tradition/s you resist/depart from? Where do you fit/ not fit?)
No entry fee (free), however, please do send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) along with your materials, if you want them returned. Questions? Call us at 215.726.1106
Click picture to download form