Wednesday, June 28, 2006
2007 NICHE Awards
The 2007 NICHE Awards competition is open to any professional craft artist over the age of 21 who is actively involved in the design and production of craftwork supplied to galleries and craft stores.
Submitted work must have been produced or introduced after August 31, 2005, to be eligible. Work previously submitted to the NICHE Awards may not be resubmitted.
Forms & Entry Fees
Only one application per artist is allowed.
The jurying fee for artists exhibiting in the 2007 Philadelphia Buyers Market of American Craft is $35.
The jurying fee for exhibitors in the 2007 Philadelphia Buyers Market of American Craft is $15. Your customer number must be provided in order to secure this discount.
The jurying fee is due with the application. Applications received without payment of the jurying fee will not be reviewed. Please do not include any other payments in your check for the jurying fee.
NICHE magazine is now accepting both slides and digital images for the NICHE Awards. Slides must be in 35mm format. Digital images must be submitted on a CD-ROM in JPG or TIF format.
You may enter up to three images, but no more than two images per category.
Each slide entry is judged individually. Images are judged on the following:
� Technical excellence, both in surface design and form
� Market viability
� A distinct quality of unique, original and creative thought
Decisions of the judges will be final. Notifications will be sent in November 2006. Winners will be announced at the NICHE Awards ceremony during the February 2007 Philadelphia Buyers Market of American Craft.
Works on Paper
Brand Library and Art Center
The Brand Library and Art Center is seeking submissions to its National Juried Art Exhibition of Works on Paper, based in Glendale, CA. Exhibition dates are December 16 to January 19, 2007.
Mediums accepted for works on paper include watercolors, collage, prints, photography, painting, drawings, or any work using paper. Entries must be original work. All work must be framed, glazed and ready for hanging.
$4000 in prizes will be awarded.
A submittal fee of $20 for the first slide and $10 for each additional is required.
Go to the Brand 35 Prospectus [Click Here]
Organization: Brand Library & Art CenterMailing Address: 1601 West Mountain Street, Glendale, CA 91201-1209
Telephone: 818-548-2051
Calligraphy and Handmade Paper
Theme: The eighth portfolio in Hand Papermaking's ongoing series will feature calligraphy on handmade paper. We envision a collection that features single characters, or small groups of characters, including non-roman alphabets. Rather than quotations or poetry, we encourage calligraphers to focus on the inherent artistry and meaning of an individual letterform, ideogram, short word, or acronym. Most importantly, we ask that the calligraphy interact in some way with the handmade paper it resides on or in. The paper should be an equal partner in the visual statement.
Hand lettering is encouraged but we also will allow printing and imaging processes which include relief, intaglio, litho, silkscreen, and digital as well as editioning techniques in hand papermaking such as watermarks, stenciled pulp, and other wet-stage techniques.
We welcome entries from individual artists as well as collaborations between papermakers and calligraphers. Let us know if you are looking for someone to team up with, and we will do our best to introduce you to potential collaborators.
Jurors/Invited Artists:
Timothy Barrett
Thomas Ingmire
Nancy Ruth Leavitt
Katie MacGregor
Essayist:Rose Folsom is the editor of Letter Arts Review, an international quarterly on the letter arts.
Requirements: The finished piece should be 10 x 8 inches unless there is a strong artistic argument for a smaller size or unusual shape. Pieces that fold down to 10 x 8 inches will also be considered.
Each selected participant will be asked to produce 150 finished pieces, plus two proofs for the archive and exhibitions.
All of Hand Papermaking's portfolios emphasize the use of handmade paper. We will require detailed information about the fiber used and how the paper was made. Each selected participant will be required to prepare a statement covering aesthetic considerations, technical details, and a biographical summary (details will be sent with acceptance letters). The statements will be edited and printed in the booklet, with the commissioned essay.
There is no submission fee for this portfolio.
Benefits to Participants:
Compensation for participation in this project will be one copy of the portfolio (approximate value of $400-$500 apiece). If an individual artist' entry is accepted, she or he will receive one copy of the complete portfolio. Two or more artists collaborating on an entry will receive one complete portfolio and the contents (i.e., without the clamshell box) of a second portfolio.
Based on sales of past portfolios in the series, copies of this portfolio will end up in major museums and rare books collections, both private and public. In addition to the exposure generated by the portfolio itself, participating artists will benefit from these possible additional programs: reprint of the portfolio essay in Hand Papermaking magazine, with images of some of the artworks; lectures/presentations to promote the portfolio; promotion of the portfolio and participating artists on Hand Papermaking' web site; and a traveling exhibition featuring artwork from the portfolio. The portfolio will be displayed, promoted, and sold at selected paper, book, and print trade fairs and professional conferences.
Address and Contact Information:
Hand Papermaking
PO Box 77027
Washington, DC 20013-7027
This address may also be used for inquiries about the project requirements. Questions may be sent via e-mail to Aso visit our website at for complete details and to work from previous portfolios.
Questions can be called in by phone to: (800) 821-6604 (US only) or (301) 220-2393.
Our fax number is (301) 220-2394.
Seeking Proposals for
2008 Exhibition Season
DEADLINE NOVEMBER 1, 2006 (postmark)
The Art Department of Sinclair Community College is seeking proposals for the 2008 exhibition season. SCC has two separate, professionally designed galleries.
Complete details:
The Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery, located in the Art Building, is designed for the exhibition of all media, including electronic and installation work.
The Zone VI Photography Gallery features all variety of 2D photography-based art. Work displayed in ZVI should be smaller than 36"H x 45"W x 2"D and need not be framed, matted only.
Exhibits are scheduled on a four to six week rotation. For further information, contact
Artists Proposing Works
Walsh Library Gallery
Artists Proposing Works for Exhibition
We are always looking for artworks for inclusion in our shows curated by the staff of the Walsh Library Gallery. If you are interested in submitting your work for review, please follow the guidelines carefully. (Click the link above to view complete guidelines).
Please note the review process may take up to 8-10 weeks. If there is interest in your work, the gallery may keep your materials longer. However, you will be contacted directly if this is the case.
In no instances will the gallery provide an appraisal or monetary evaluation of art or artifacts.
Submit your materials via mail to:
Jeanne Brasile, Director
Walsh Library Gallery
Seton Hall University
400 S. Orange Ave
South Orange, NJ 07079
You may direct your questions to: or call 973-275-2033
Walsh Library Gallery
Thematic Group Exhibition
Postmark deadline: Friday, September 8th, 2006
Seton Hall University's Walsh Library Gallery is currently soliciting submissions for a group thematic exhibition, in?ter-ak'tiv, to be shown November 8th through December 15th, 2006. Open to all artists working in any media, this exhibition will include interactive art that requires the participation of the viewer in order for the full expression of the art to be realized. All variations of interactivity will be reviewed and considered.
in?ter-ak'tiv is open to all artists, working in any media. All forms of art are eligible. There is a limit of 5 entries per artist. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply. All work must be ready for installation or hanging. Work must be available for the entire length of the exhibition. Sculptors may be required to supply pedestals.
There is a $10 entry fee regardless of the number of entries submitted (1 - 5).
Download the PROSPECTUS.
Curatorial Proposals | The Walsh Library Gallery
Curatorial Proposals
The Walsh Library Gallery is committed to presenting exhibitions of significant and challenging themes. Our mission is to provide the region with a broad range of programming that appeals to the campus and surrounding communities. The Walsh Library Gallery welcomes proposals from curators and artists. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis, there is no deadline. Please keep in mind that the gallery may be booked up to 1 year in advance depending upon the time your proposal is received. The exhibition season runs September through June. The Walsh Library Gallery presents five to six exhibitions annually. Although there may be exceptions, one-person exhibits are not encouraged.
Guidelines for Curators
The Walsh Library Gallery is 2,100 square feet with two 75' walls broken up largely by window space and two smaller 30' walls which are uninterrupted. The ceilings are 9'11" high. The lighting is both natural and incandescent. Please contact the gallery for floor plans. It is highly recommended that you visit the gallery prior to submitting your proposal. Curators are expected to be highly involved in the exhibition process, from beginning to end. In addition, curators will be required to be on the premises to receive, install and deinstall artwork.
Exhibition proposals must include:
- A typed curatorial statement, not more than 1 page that includes the concept of the exhibit
- At least 10 images representative of work being considered for inclusion in proposed exhibit. Images should be submitted on 35mm slides or CD-R
- A current resume or curriculum vitae listing curatorial experience
- A current resume or bio of proposed artists to be included in exhibition
- Indicate any special technical requirements or gallery preparation
- A SASE is required for the return of materials
Submit your proposals via mail to:
Jeanne Brasile, Director
Walsh Library Gallery
Seton Hall University
400 S. Orange Ave
South Orange, NJ 07079
View complete guidelines by click here.
You may direct your questions to: or call 973-275-2033
Deadline: July 14th, 2006
October 5th - 8th, 2006 Miracle Mile, Los Angeles, CA
This year, TarFest asks Los Angeles artists to submit works that continue to exemplify this rich tradition of innovative, expertly crafted, contemporary creations to be juried by leading representatives of our artistic community and exhibited in our city�s cultural core, the Miracle Mile.
Submission Guidelines:
Each artist may submit a maximum of 2 jpeg images in up to two of the following six categories that will examine specific mediums and movements prevalent in Los Angeles today: Assemblage, Painting, Low Brow, Installation, Works on Paper, and Sculpture.
Send either two from the same category or one from one category and a second from another category.
The works selected will display an affirmation of contemporary art through technical precision, originality and cultural significance. Works will be exhibited at locations to be determined on the Miracle Mile (Wilshire Blvd. between Fairfax and Sycamore) over the weekend of October 5th -October 8th, 2006.
TarFest Art Show 2006 selection committee is Molly Barnes, Kathy Gallegos, Sinead Finnerty, Peter Frank, Wesley Jessup, Shane Guffogg, and James Panozzo.
Submission Requirements:
- Send a total of two (2) images in any of the of the following six categories: Assemblage, Painting, Low Brow, Installation, Works on Paper, and Sculpture. Either two from same category or 1 from one category and a second from another category.
- New installations may be presented in one detailed diagram/proposal document/file.
- Each jpeg image must be 4" x 6" @ 300dpi. complete with title, medium, size, year completed (works must have been completed no earlier than January 2005) and category for which you are submitting.
- Submission should be emailed to no later than midnight, July 14, 2006. Selected artists will be notified by August 20, 2006.
- Selected artists will be expected to pay a $10.00 administration/handling fee.
Complete guidelines available at here.
Cabrillo Gallery Accepting Proposals
Direct all inquiries to:
Cabrillo Gallery
6500 Soquel Drive, Rm 1002
Aptos, CA 95003
To submit a proposal to exhibit to the Cabrillo Gallery we ask that you provide the following:
� Cover letter to the gallery Director, Tobin Keller� Recent bio or resume
� 12 slides or images on CD (Mac compatable) of artwork
� Any other pertinent information you think important to share
� Website address (if you have one)
� Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope, if you would like your slides or images returned
The Cabrillo Gallery Director will respond to your proposal as soon as possible after receiving your information. View the interior and floor plan of the gallery.
Complete details:
* Please note that the Cabrillo Gallery usually fills its calendar one to two years in advance.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: A Juried Mixed Media Exhibition
Entry deadline: September 6, 2006
The Cabrillo Gallery seeks entries for MULTIPLE CHOICE a juried exhibition open to all California artists.
Artists working in mixed media are invited to participate in the exhibition. This premier competition will showcase the creative and artistic work of talented professional artists residing in California.
One artist will be selected for a solo exhibition in the gallery during the 2007-2008 academic year and two cash awards will be presented.
Finalist's works will be exhibited Monday, November 11 - Friday, December 8, 2006.
Download the PROSPECTUS.
March 30 - April 1, 2007
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston
The Society of Arts and Crafts invites artists to apply for participation in the following media categories: baskets, ceramics, fiber decorative, fiber wearable, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, and wood. Applications now available! Go to for details!
CRAFTBOSTON is New England's premiere exhibition and sale of contemporary craft, featuring the work of 175 of the world's finest craft artists. Additionally, CRAFTBOSTON features exhibits by emerging artists from leading schools and universities, an artist mentor program, etc.
This year's jurors are:
- Andrew Glasgow: Director, The Furniture Society, Asheville, NC
- Mike Holmes: Co-Owner, Velvet da Vinci, Contemporary Art Jewelry and Metalwork Gallery, San Francisco, CA
- Peggy Russell: Owner/Designer, IRO Design, Boston, MA; CRAFTBOSTON Fiber Artist 2002-05; SAC Board of Trustees
For more information
Contact: Margaret Pace DeBruin, CRAFTBOSTON Show Director
175 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 617-266-1810
Fax: 617-266-5654
Website: &
Small Works: Shrines For Good Spirits
Seeking fiber-related art for our annual small works show, November 16, 2006-January 12, 2007.
Each artist to be represented by 6-12 works. Open to artists in the Northeast.
Entry fee: $20.
For full prospectus visit
or send SASE to:
Small Works, Fiber Art
Center, 79 South Pleasant St.,
Amherst, MA 01002
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Farmington Valley Quilters
Quilters Showcase V
Show Dates
Sat. October 14, 2006 10 am - 5 pm
Sun. October 15, 2006 10 am - 4 pm
The Farmington Valley Quilters is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to preserve the tradition, culture and history of quilting, to promote knowledge and understanding of all aspects of quilting, and to promote good fellowship among all persons interested in the art of quilting.
Entry forms will be accepted anytime up until September 1, 2006. Person entering a quilt does not need to be a member of Farmington Valley Quilters, Inc.
There is a nonrefundable entry fee of $10.00 for first entry and $1.00 for each additional entry for non-members. There is no entry fee for FVQI members.
See Show Entry Form for complete category listings. A miniature quilt must be a reduced size quilt and not just one block. Wearables may include jackets, vests, purse/tote, hats etc.
Quilts will not be judged, but Viewer's Choice ribbons will be awarded for each Category type except Antique and Youth Submissions.
Purse-Abilities Contest
Create a purse, handbag or tote with machine embroidery then submit it to the Purse-Abilities Contest!
Sponsored by American Sewing Expo, Designs in Machine Embroidery, Janome, and Ghee's, selected entries and finalists will be on exhibit at the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Michigan September 30 thru October 1, 2006.
Entry/Jury fee of $15.00.
Grand Prize: Janome MC9700!
Click here to download the rules in PDF.Click here to download an entry form.
Bra Contest
Unveil your creativity, and your bra, and support breast cancer awareness in more ways than one!
Enter for a chance to win by decorating a bra in the theme of your choice. Any bra size and type is eligible. The only restriction is that all bra surfaces must be totally covered. Download and complete the entry form, attach it to the inside of your bra, and mail your entry to the address below by August 1, 2006. (If you want your bra returned, please check the box on the entry form and provide the return postage and packaging.) Bras not returned will be donated to the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute.
All entries must be original, may not have won previous prizes and must not infringe on any third-party rights.
Bras will be judged by a committee of fabric artists selected by the American Sewing Expo and Sew News. From the finalists selected a Grand prize, first-, second- and third-place winner will be chosen. The winners will be publicly announced and the winning bras (and all qualifying entries) will be displayed at the American Sewing Expo, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi, MI 48375, from Sept. 29 through Oct. 1, 2006. A Viewer's Choice winner will be determined at the show. Winners will be published in the Dec. '06 Sew News.
Each entry will be judged in the following categories: title appropriate to finished bra, overall design execution, workmanship, originality and creative use of materials.
Click here for the official rules, or send an LSASE to Sew News Bra Contest Rules, 741 Corporate Circle, Ste. A, Golden, CO) 80401. All contest details (including how-to-enter instructions) are available in the Official Rules.
American Sewing Expo Contest
Innovation Generation
Our contest for young sewers ages 8 - 18 is presented on the Fashion Stage at the show. These young people amaze and delight attendees with their skills and creativity!
Entry fee $10.00 per garment.
Send garment(s), entry fee(s) & form to: American Sewing Expo, 1385 Clyde Road Highland, MI 48357.
2006 Innovation Generation Entry form and rules in PDF format"2006 Art of the Quilt"
Postmark Deadline: September 8, 2006
Theme is "Flight of Fantasy, Let Your Imagination Take Flight"
Quilts are to be "other than traditional" in nature. Judges will be looking for innovative, artistic quilts. They can include piecing, applique, & surface embellishment techniques (dyeing, trapunto, stenciling, whole cloth, embroidery, batik, painting, embossing, etc.) The quilt must consist of 3 layers held together with stitching.
Open to all, but must be the work of a single individual. No group or 2 person quilts. Quilt(s) must be constructed and quilted by person named on entry blank.
Limit 2 entries per person. Entry fee is $15 per quilt.
Entry must be quilted either by hand or machine. No kits, "cheater cloth", or tied quilts will be accepted. Quilts must be a minimum size of 400 square inches total and maximum size 500 square inches total.
Quilt(s) must be a single unit and not framed with wood, metal, etc.
Entry must have a 4 inch (10cm) sleeve casing as well as a cloth label with the name, address and telephone number of the entrant securely sewn to the back.
Accepted quilt(s) must be available for judging and display from September 28 - October 1, 2006.
All decisions of the jurors and judges are final. American Sewing Expo reserves the right to reject any entry, including those that fail to follow the quilt contest rules.
Click here for complete contest rules.
Contest: The 7th Annual Inspired by Threads -- A Fashion Challenge
Calling all sewers: If a garment or technique in Threads really caught your interest, we'd love to see your interpretation of it.
Threads magazine and the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Michigan, invite you to participate in the 6th Annual Inspired by Threads -- A Fashion Challenge.
Is there a garment or technique you discovered this year in Threads that really caught your interest? If so, we'd like to see your interpretation of it. Look through Threads issues No. 120 (August/September 2005) through No. 125 (June/July 2006), for inspiration, and use your favorite technique as a starting point for your new creation.
We encourage sewers of all skill levels to challenge their creativity and participate in this event.
The editors of Threads will judge all entries, and the finalists will be presented at a fashion show on Sept. 30, 2006, at the American Sewing Expo ( in Novi, Michigan.
Contest rules
1. All participants 19 years or older must submit an adult-size garment. Young Sewer entrants (18 years or younger) may submit garments sized for them or for adults.
2. Fill out the entry form (only one entry per person), and take photos or slides of your creation (for helpful hints on photography, see Taking great photos of your garments). You may also include small fabric swatches or technique samples. Send all entry materials to: "Inspired by Threads," 63 S. Main St., PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506, by August 2, 2006.
3. Threads editors will select the garments they want to have sent to them for final judging.
4. Criteria for judging will be the success of the design, the quality of craftsmanship, and the effective use or reinterpretation of the technique or garment chosen.
5. Awards will be given for the following categories (contestants need not specify which category their garment belongs in):
� | Daywear |
� | Special-occasion garment or costume |
� | Garment or ensemble best reflecting current ready-to-wear fashions |
� | Editors' choice |
� | Young Sewer's Award (for best entry from a sewer 18 years old or younger) |
6. Winners will be announced at the Inspired by Threads Fashion Show in Novi, Michigan, and their garments will be featured in Threads magazine. (Note: The 2005 Young Sewer's Award winner is not eligible for that award in 2006.)
7. Employees and family members of Threads, the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Brother International, and other sponsors are ineligible to participate.
8. All entrants are responsible for their own travel to the Expo if they wish to attend.
Call for Papers on Tradition in Contemporary Craft
The Musée des maîtres et artisans du Quebec together with Concordia University's Department of Art History is organizing a symposium on tradition in contemporary craft as part of the upcoming exhibition Re-Crafting Tradition (12 September to 4 December 2006).
We invite proposals for papers (20 minutes) which explore the theme of tradition in craft, historical or technical, to be presented at this symposium. The papers may focus on a movement or a specific contemporary practice.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
. The self in craft creation
. Design and craft
. Questions of tradition in craft
. The unique piece and the complete break with tradition
. Practicing a traditional technique with a contemporary concept
. A contemporary technical approach with traditional craft concepts
. The creation of *new* traditions,
. Etc.
The symposium will be held in Montreal on Friday, 24 November 2006 at the Musée des maîtres et artisans du Quebec. The papers may be presented in English or French.
The exhibition highlights the work of Quebec creators of contemporary craft by presenting over thirty-five pieces of fine craft.
To participate please send an abstract of approximately 250 words with a curriculum vitae to:
Elaine Paterson and Denis Longchamps
Concordia University
City of Manhattan Beach Parks Recreation Department 11th Annual Arts Festival
Deadline: August 18th, 2006 by 4pm
The Cultural Arts Division of the City of Manhattan Beach Parks and
Recreation Department will host its 11th Annual Arts Festival on Sunday,
September 10th. The goal of the Arts Festival is to celebrate the arts
by providing a place where adults and children alike can participate in
the arts in new and interesting ways, at no cost.
Artists are invited to propose workshops, installation pieces,
sculptures, new media projects, performance pieces, or host
demonstrations that are suitable for children but will also engage an
adult audience. Proposals should be an original concept, be executed
creatively, and have vision. Projects will be conducted/ displayed
continuously throughout the day. Artist will have a designated area
during the festival in which to display/conduct/ interact with festival
goers. Electricity can be provided by the City upon request.
Eligibility and Budget
Artists demonstrating professional experience in workshop facilitation
are eligible to submit a proposal. Artists must be able to work well
under pressure and have excellent people skills. Artist will be paid a
total of $240, and up to $300 per activity will be designated for
supplies. Maximum total compensation is $540 including supply costs.
The city will reimburse artists for supply costs, provide storage,
provide help for the preparation of supplies, and delivery of supplies
to festival site can be arranged with 3 weeks notice. When planning
your proposed activities, keep in mind that all projects are free to the
public and that you will handle approximately 30-40 guests per hour.
A Show of Heads
Postmarked Deadline: August 31, 2006
SlowArt Productions presents the group thematic exhibition, A Show of Heads. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from November 2-26, 2006. Open to all artists working in any media, this exhibition will include all interpretations and portrayals of the human head, from the traditional to the abstract and conceptual. All visions of the The Head, including partial and multiple heads, will be reviewed and considered.
ELIGIBILITY: A Show of Heads is open to all artists, national and international, working in all media. All forms of art are eligible. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
Read the image presentation page for more details.
Read the notification page for details of the notification policy.
: There is a $30.00 entry fee for 1-4 slides, prints or digital files. If you wish to include more than 4, please include $5.00 for each additional. Details of artwork count as additional.AWARDS: Artists from A Show of Heads will be featured in the upcoming Direct Art Volume #14, 2007 issue. Artists will be represented by reproductions and commentary on their work.
All works in the show must be for sale. The gallery will take a 30 percent commission on all sales. Sale price determined by artist.DEADLINE:
The Final postmarked deadline is August 31, 2006. Entries must be postmarked by this date.Friday, June 02, 2006
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Individual Creative Artists Track:
Fellowships & Apprenticeships
Deadline: August 1, 2006
Description: The PCA supports outstanding Pennsylvania artists by awarding Fellowships on an annual basis. Award amounts are either $5,000 and $10,000.
Activity Period: January 1 - December 31. All funded activities must take place during this time period.
Fellowships are offered in a variety categories of artistic discipline.
Even Calendar Year Application Deadlines: August 2004, 2006, 2008, etc.
Arts Commentary - Perspectives on the Arts;
Visit the website for complete details including definition of Folk & Traditional Arts.
Individual Artists Fellowships
Fellowship Eligibility: Applicants must be creative artists who are current residents of Pennsylvania, and have been Pennsylvania residents for at least two years prior to the application deadline. The following individuals are not eligible to apply: Individuals enrolled in high school, or in a bachelor's, master's or PhD degree program in the arts. If you received a Fellowship, you may not apply for a Fellowship in the following year.
Application & Funding Process: All Fellowship and Apprenticeship applicants must send a completed application form, program-specific work samples and support materials to one of the PCA Fellowship Partner organizations listed below. Applications are reviewed by a jury of arts professionals in the fall prior to the Fellowship year. Their recommendations are then submitted to the Council for final approval.
Evaluation Criteria: The artistic quality of the applicant's submitted work is the review criteria for selection. However, in the Folk Arts category, the artist's relationship to the community is essential in the evaluation process.
Fellowship Partnership Organizations: Below is a listing of Fellowship categories and the corresponding PCA Fellowship Partnership organization with contact information. Applications to the Fellowships Track must be submitted to the appropriate parter organization.
Folk & Traditional Arts
The Institute for Cultural Partnerships (ICP)
3211 North Front Street, Suite 104
Harrisburg, PA 17110-1342
717-238-1770 (phone) 717-238-3336 (fax)
Contact: Carlos Fernandez
Crafts, Dance, Literature, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF)
201 N. Charles Street, Suite 401
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-539-6656 ext. 101
Contact: Rebecca Scollan
American Craft Council's Mentor Program
The American Craft Council's Mentor Program, part of the Baltimore Wholesale Show, is a two-year program designed specifically to guide artists with no prior wholesale experience through their first two wholesale shows by working closely with a veteran American Craft Council wholesale exhibitor. Candidates for this program must apply as a team: a New Artist who has never participated in any wholesale show and the Mentor, an experienced American Craft Council exhibitor who is acquainted with the New Artist candidate and who agrees to sponsor him or her.
Applications to the Mentor Program are separate from the annual jury application. The deadline for the 2007 Mentor Program is July 31, 2006. New Artist applicants should not have exhibited in any wholesale show by any show promoter prior to applying. Mentors applying to the program must have exhibited in at least four American Craft Council Wholesale Shows within the past five years (Baltimore-Winter, Baltimore-Summer and San Francisco). To assist a New Artist in locating a possible Mentor, the Council will maintain a list of experienced exhibitors who express interest in participating in the Program; however, it cannot guarantee that a "match" will be found.
In year one, the accepted teams will prepare for and participate in the Baltimore Wholesale Show. The Council will provide a free wholesale-only booth space (10'x10') for the New Artist and a $500 credit toward the Mentor's booth in Baltimore. Both will receive ongoing guidance from the Council to ensure a successful experience. Recognizing the need for artists to maintain a long-term consistent presence in wholesale shows, New Artists accepted to this program will be invited to exhibit for a second year at the Baltimore Wholesale Show.
New Artists may apply to any of the Baltimore show categories in the annual jury application without compromising their eligibility for the Mentor Program. The acceptance of a New Artist into the Mentor Program will take precedence over the Baltimore wholesale-only jury score. New Artists may apply to any of the Council's retail shows without compromising their eligibility.
American Craft Council Show 2007
Deadline: July 31, 2006
The American Craft Council provides craft artists the opportunity to display and sell their work through a program of public shows and wholesale markets presented annually in various cities. The Council has developed this successful program over the course of more than 30 years.
Known for professional management, excellent exhibit facilities and vigorous promotional campaigns, American Craft Council Shows enjoy high public attendance and ensure a top retailer audience for artists' work.
To exhibit in any American Craft Council Show in 2007 an artist must submit digital images to the annual jury by July 31, 2006, via Zapp, the online application system and receive a screening score. Image submissions will be accepted only once every year.
Exhibitors will apply in one of two categories that best defines their work. A separate jury of seven people including artists, retailers and leading craft experts will be convened for each of the two application categories. All works must be the designs of the applicant and made in the United States by the applicant or under his/her direct supervision.
Category I Functional or sculptural work for interiors/exteriors
Category II Clothing, jewelry and wearable accessories
Membership in the Council is not required to apply to Council shows. Once accepted into these highly competitive events, however, artists must become Council members to exhibit their work.
To download and print the 2007 American Craft Council Show Prospectus, click on the link below.
2007 American Craft Council Show Prospectus
To register and fill out an application go to
Become a Vendor at the Gallery Shoppe
The Old Firehouse Art Center
Submissions should include a $10 non-refundable processing fee, slides and/or photos of your work with corresponding price list, a little bit about yourself and your work (including where you sell and how much you sell) and contact information. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) if you wish for your materials to be returned.
Please send submissions with a SASE to PO Box 783, Longmont, CO 80502-0783.
Deadline for proposals is ONGOING. Please allow up to one month for a response.
Click here for a printable version of the Vendors' Guidelines
Old Firehouse Art Center
2008 Exhibition Season
Old Firehouse Art Center in Longmont, Colorado is now accepting exhibition proposals for the 2008 Exhibition Season. Artists in all mediums are encouraged to apply.
Interested artists should please read the following guidelines carefully and mail:
1. An artist statement, resume, and a description (max. 2 pages) of the exhibition being proposed. Please use plain white copy paper so we can copy them clearly. Don’t forget to include somewhere in your materials ALL of your contact information such as address, phone, web site and email address.
2. 10 slides (per artist). The slides must be labeled (not with adhesive stickers – a pencil or extra fine Sharpie works great) with the artist name, title, a mark indicating the top of the slide.
3. A numbered slide list to correspond with the slides. The numbered slide list must include the artist name, title, medium, date the work was completed, price and dimensions (W x H x D).
The addition of relevant support materials, such as newspaper articles or other printed matter is optional. Please do not use staples or binders when organizing individual submissions. Group proposals in binders are fine.
PLEASE NOTE: you may substitute the word “print” anytime “slide” is used. We do not accept submissions on CD or via email.
Please send submissions to PO Box 783, Longmont, CO 80502-0783 with a return envelope large enough, and with enough return postage so we may return your materials. Please do not mail submissions to our physical address, and don’t feel then need to send via any expensive quick-delivery methods.
Click here for a printable version of the Submission Guidelines
For more information please contact the Old Firehouse Art Center @ 303-651-2787, or Contact us.
Old Firehouse Art Center
2006 Annual Juried Exhibition
All About Me
SHOW THEME: All About Me – self-portraits in all mediums
EXHIBIT DATES: September 8 – October 14, 2006
Old Firehouse Art Center in Longmont, Colorado is now accepting submissions for our annual juried exhibition. Deadline for entries is July 5, 2006. Please mail submission form, entry fee, slides and SASE to: Old Firehouse Art Center, PO Box 783 Longmont, CO 80502-0783. For a prospectus please contact the Old Firehouse Art Center at 303-651-2787 or click on the link below. If you are experiencing online difficulties, please call or email us and we'll get one out to you.
• Open to all Colorado artists • Work must relate to the show’s theme: All About Me – self-portraits in all mediums • The show’s theme may be taken literally and/or conceptually • All artwork must be original in concept and execution • Artists in all media are encouraged to apply
Entry Fee
$35 for up to three slides and $5 for each additional slide and a completed entry form
$1000 will be awarded between 1st, 2nd, 3rd places & people’s choice
1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards will be presented at the opening reception, Friday, Sept. 8, 6-9 pm
The people’s choice award will be presented during ArtWalk, Friday, Sept. 15, 6-9 pm
Artwork for the exhibition will be chosen from slides submitted (work submitted must be available for exhibition). ONLY SLIDES MAY BE SUBMITTED. Once selected for exhibition, the artist must deliver the exact artwork from the slide chosen. Slides of artwork not accepted will be returned with notification. Slides of artwork accepted will not be returned. Notification by mail for accepted entries will be mailed on (or near) August 1, 2006.
Scott Fraser, Contemporary Realist Painter, Longmont Colorado.
A man of few words – Scott Fraser’s paintings speak for themselves. His technically superb
Click here for a full prospectus.