TEXT Journal
The Textile Society
St Albans, UK
TEXT Journal - Notes for Contributors
Articles should normally be a maximum of 4,000 words in length; reviews of books or exhibitions a maximum of 1,000 words. Longer submissions will be assessed on their own merits.
Articles should fit into the description of the aims of the Society, as described in the constitution.
Manuscripts should be sent to one of the editors by 1 March. Contributions will be returned only if postage is pre-paid. The decision of the Editorial Sub-Committee regarding acceptance is final.
Presentation (truncated)
- Manuscripts should be sent to one of the editors by 1 March. Contributions will be returned only if postage is pre-paid. The decision of the Editorial Sub-Committee regarding acceptance is final.
- Articles should be word-processed using Microsoft Word for Windows/Works for Windows, or typed on one side of A4 paper, double spaced with wide margins, and numbered consecutively. Articles on disc or CD should be accompanied by a paper copy of all text which includes bold, italics and underlining.
- The title page of articles should indicate the title, author’s name, address and telephone number, and institution where relevant. Book review articles should be headed: title, name of author, publisher, date, number of pages, number of illustrations, ISBN number and price. Exhibition reviews should be headed: title, dates and location, and should, if applicable, reflect the retrospective nature of the exhibition at time of publication.
- High quality images should be provided only when the article is accepted for publication. These must be clearly labelled. Photocopies or digital versions of illustrations should be included with the initial submission.
- The author is responsible for copyright clearance and reproduction fees and should provide the editors with written evidence of copyright clearance; acknowledgement of sources must be given where appropriate.
Visit the website for complete details: http://www.textilesociety.org.uk/text-journal
Enquiries: text@textilesociety.org.uk