Saturday, September 02, 2006

GFS Juried Craft Show

Deadline: October 15, 2006 (POSTMARK)

23rd Annual
Germantown Friends School
Juried Craft Show

Philadelphia, PA
March 2-4, 2007

The nation's top craft artists will once again exhibit their work at the 23rd Annual Germantown Friends School Juried Craft Show. The show is ranked among the top 10 percent of the nation's craft shows by the authoritative ArtFair SourceBook.

Download and print the application form:

 Ceramics
 Fiber-Wearable
 Fiber-Decorative
 Glass
 Jewelry
 Leather
 Metal
 Mixed Media—includes baskets, toys, paper, dolls, etc.
 Wood

Application fee: $20.00
Late Application fee: $40.00 (applying after 10/15/06). Must be postmarked October 22, 2006.

2007 GFS Craft Show Application (PDF)

The jury will select 69 artists. Notification by December 1, 2006.

The form should be mailed to:
Sherry Clothier
Executive Director of the GFS Craft Show
2007 GFS Craft Show
Germantown Friends School
31 W. Coulter Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: 215-951-2340
Fax: 215-951-2390