Sunday, May 28, 2006
Tampa Children's Medical Services
Tampa Children's Medical Services - Tampa, FL
Providing healthcare to children with special needs (from birth to 21 years) in the Tampa Bay region, this new facility has a colorful interior with several sites for artwork. The project's art selection committee would like to commission or purchase artwork for at least one of those sites. Budget: $24,219. More information is available at
US. - Japan Creative Artists' Program
US/Japan Creative Artists Residency
Program Description
Each year leading contemporary and traditional artists from the United States spend five months in Japan as part of the United States/Japan Creative Artists Program. They go as seekers, as cultural visionaries, and as living liaisons to the traditional and contemporary cultural life of Japan. The outlook they bring home provides an unparalleled opportunity to promote cultural understanding between the United States and Japan.
Cultural understanding is at the heart of this program. It provides funds for up to five artists to complete the residency in Japan. Artists are free to interact with Japanese artists anywhere in the country and to pursue activities of greatest relevance to their creative process. While many artists chose to remain in Tokyo, others have undertaken their residencies in Kyoto or other cities, and still others have worked in rural settings or have visited a number of sites relevant to their work.
While artists will be predominantly on their own upon their arrival in Tokyo, International House of Japan provides in-depth orientation materials, expert advice and professional contacts, as well as logistical support during the residency period.
The Japan-US Friendship Commission works cooperatively with the National Endowment for the Arts to sponsor this program.
Grant Award
Each artist will receive:
a monthly stipend of 400,000 yen for living expenses, 100,000 yen a month as a housing supplement, and up to 100,000 yen a month for professional support services. (While the yen value may fluctuate against the dollar, applicants should be assured that these funds will cover the cost of living and working in Japan.)
a total of up to $6,000 for round-trip transportation for the artist, domestic partner and / or unmarried children (up to age 18) and a baggage/storage allowance, and any pre-departure Japanese language study in the United States.
Because of the limited number of awards, only one residency will be supported for artists who apply as a collaborative team. In addition, while artists may wish to apply for other grants concurrently with the application to this program, selected artists may not hold a second award for financial assistance during the period of support of the US /Japan Creative Artists’ Program.
Review Criteria and Selection Process
The US/Japan program is extremely competitive; only five artists are selected to go to Japan. Applicants should anticipate a highly rigorous review of their artistry and should have compelling reasons for wanting to work in Japan. Their work must exemplify the best in US arts. Generally this means that only those artists who have demonstrated expertise and established professional recognition (e.g. awards, featured shows, publications, etc.) in their field either regionally or nationally or who have shown truly exceptional promise at the local level are likely to be competitive. Proficiency in the Japanese language is not required.
Preference will be given to those applicants for whom this will be a first-time opportunity for in-depth creative work in Japan. Applicants must be able to begin their five-month residency within the period between January 1 and December 31 of the year following the application deadline.
Applications are judged by the following review criteria:
The artistic excellence of the applicant's work and artistic merit of the proposed residency
The extent to which working in Japan is consistent with the applicant's artistic vision and would contribute to his or her artistry
The applicant's ability to meet cross-cultural challenges successfully
The availability of resources in Japan that are necessary to the artist's proposed residency
Applications will be reviewed by a panel convened jointly by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Japan-US Friendship Commission. The panel will include previous recipients of US/Japan Creative Artist Residency, as well as other arts professionals with expertise in Japanese culture.
Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
Candidates must be professional creative artists (contemporary or traditional) working as: architects, choreographers, composers, creative writers, designers, media artists, playwrights, visual artists and solo theater artists who work with original material (including puppeteers, storytellers and performance artists). Artists who create original work in a multidisciplinary form are also eligible.
Application Deadlines and How to Apply
Deadline: June 26, 2006 is the deadline for the 2007 program. February 1, 2007 is the deadline for the 2008 program and for subsequent years. Residencies may begin any time between January 1 and December 31 of the following year.
Application and Complete Guidelines are available at:
Art on the Plains 9
Art on the Plains 9
2006 Annual Regional Juried Exhibition
Plains Art Museum
September 28, 2006 to January 7, 2007
The Art on the Plains exhibition is intended to access both established and emerging visual artists from the region served by the Museum: North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, Montana and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Entries will be open to works of all media, including two- and three-dimensional work.
Complete entry information is available on the Museum's Web site at; by writing to Art on the Plains 9, c/o Rusty Freeman, Vice President of Curatorial and Education, Plains Art Museum, PO Box 2338, Fargo, ND 58108-2338; by telephoning (701) 232-3821, ext. 106; or by e-mailing
Cash Awards. A Museum Purchase Award will also be given at the Museum's discretion.
Art on the Plains is a tribute to the boundless creative energy of the individual. The exhibition reminds us that even traditional subject matter, such as landscape, can be approached by the contemporary artist with a fresh eye. This exhibition continues to be an annual highlight at the Plains Art Museum.
Show Your Art at the Exeter Public Library
Deadline: July 15, 2006
The Exeter, New Hampshire Public Library is looking for artists interested in exhibiting at the library. The space is a locked, lighted display case measuring approximately 6' x 4' x 3 1/2', located on the mezzanine. We are looking also for installations for the first floor near the main circulation desk. This is an ongoing exhibition program and each exhibit may run for a two month period. We are currently scheduling August 2006 through 2008.
Artwork may be either 2D or 3D. To qualify, artists must have previously exhibited in a juried show. If the art is for sale, the transaction must take place between the artist and buyer. The library collects no percentage of the sale. Send artwork samples, resume, bio and contact information with a SASE.
Artwork may be submitted for review in any one the following manners:
10 slides, 35mm plastic mounts - send duplicates only, no originals;
CD with 10 images of your work - CD must be PC compatible and photos must be in jpeg format, no more than 200 dpi/inch, 600x900 pixels or 3"x5" (no more than 500KB per image);
10 hardcopy print-outs;
or link to a website that is representative of your work.
Exeter Public Library
1 Founders Park
Exeter, NH 03833, US
Contact: Carol Guba, (603) 772-3101,
Artfest 2006
Taube Museum in Minot
Artfest has been held annually for twenty-seven years. Artfest is designed to showcase the visual arts in an environment where sales are the primary focus.
This annual juried art show at the Taube Museum in Minot will be held September 22 & 23, 2006. Download application. The Minot Art Association is a public non-profit membership driven organization, which supports and operates the Lillian & Coleman Taube Museum of Art, formerly known as the Minot Art Gallery. The Minot Art Association was founded in 1970 by a group of patrons with the intent of creating an art gallery.
For more information contact the Taube at 701-838-4445 or e-mail
THE QUILT: A Breast Cancer Support Project
2007 Call for Entry Forms will be available on line in August, 2006.
Program Description
Below is a list of the terms and conditions that we ask you to follow to allow your quilt to be included in THE QUILT: A Breast Cancer Support Project.
- All quilt projects adhering to this agreement will be accepted and there is NO ENTRY FEE.
- Quilt Categories
Any size quilt is welcome, from bed size to wall-hanging and must be quilted using batting or flannelette.There Are Four Quilt Categories:
� Large Bed Quilt
- Designed to be used as a bed covering. Quilts should exceed standard mattress size by a minimum of 20 inches on the width and length for king, queen, and double sized beds.
� Small Bed Quilt
- Designed to be used as a bed covering or throw. Crib quilts, lap quilts, quilts for youth or twin beds, and other small bed quilts are included in this category. Bed coverings should exceed standard mattress size by a minimum of 20 inches on the width and length.
� Bed Quilts Standard Mattress Sizes:
- King 76x80, Queen 60x80, Double 54x75, Twin 39x75, Crib 27x52
� Wall Hanging
- Designed to be hung for decorative purposes.
� Other - Please specify
All quilts must have a finished rod pocket or sleeve sewn to the back of the quilt at the top. It should measure 6" deep and be the full width of the quilt.
Attach a FABRIC LABEL, minimum 6" x 6" to the bottom right corner of the quilt back. The label should include the following: donor name or name of the group; quilt title; quilters' name(s); city and province or state; year; and quilt size in inches. This information makes an invaluable historic reference and connection for the buyer of your quilt.
All entries should include a personal story of 100 words maximum for the catalogue. We are unable to proofread or edit stories so PLEASE ensure your story is as you want it to appear. Your story must accompany this entry form. You may choose to include a longer story for display with your quilt. Please send the display story with your quilt project, typed and laminated on a sheet 8.5" x 11" in size.
Please include your favourite photo memory to be displayed with your quilt; a picture of your group working on the quilt, who inspired you to make the quilt or just a favourite picture of yourself.
Be creative and send us your photo attached to an 8.5" x 11" laminated sheet. NOTE: You may wish to include the photo with the story on the same laminated 8.5" x 11" sheet. Regrettably we are unable to return photographs.Deadlines. All entry forms and stories must be received in our office by November 30, 2006. Entry forms received after November 30, 2006 will be included in the 2008 exhibition.
Quilts are due in our office no later than January 31, 2007.
Quilts received after January 31, 2007, will be included in the 2008 exhibition.The value of the quilt donation will be determined by a qualified third party for THE QUILT: A Breast Cancer Support Project. Tax receipts for the fair market value of your quilt will be mailed to you in January 2008.
- Quilts will be used at the discretion of THE QUILT: A Breast Cancer Support Project for fund-raising purposes, with all monies raised going to support those diagnosed and directly affected by breast cancer through outreach programs across Canada.
Please Note: The Quilt Project reserves the right to limit the number of entries for the 2007 exhibition. Get your Call for Entry form in early.
By Mail or CourierTHE QUILT: A Breast Cancer Support Project
55 Downie Street
Stratford, ON N5A 1W7
FiberArts Magazine
Deadline June 15, 2006
We will be featuring a student showcase in our November/December 2006 issue. The deadline will be June 15. The showcase is open to current students in a university fibers program. Please submit an artist statement, images (transparencies, slides, high-resolution digital images (300 dpi)), full caption information (including: title, year completed, materials, techniques, dimensions, and photo credit), and information about what degree you are pursuing to Fiberarts Student Showcase, 201 E. Fourth St., Loveland, CO 80537-5655.
Want to be a Bernina Fashion Show designer?
We are always looking for new talent to introduce at the Bernina Fashion Show, so we encourage all wearable art designers to contact us. Here is information on how to submit a portfolio for consideration for the Bernina Fashion Show, which is a special event associated with the Quilts, Inc. shows—International Quilt Festival in Houston and Chicago, Patchwork and Quilt Expo in Europe, and International Quilt Market in fall and spring. It is coordinated by Quilts, Inc. and sponsored by Bernina. The show is judged at its annual premiere in Houston, where the Bernina Crème de la Crème award is given. (Garments do not have to be judged.)
Every fall the selection committee reviews portfolios and selects designers who are invited to design new garments for the next year's show. Selection of 2007 designers will take place in October 2006. Portfolios or updates must arrive in Houston by September 30. (Note: this is a receive by deadline; it is not a postmark deadline.)
A portfolio (file) should include:
* Photos, color copies or slides (dias) of several garments and written descriptions of the techniques used in their creation
(Use of the sewing machine is encouraged, but not required. Garments should feature patchwork, appliqué, quilting, other stitchery techniques, embellishment, surface manipulation, dyeing, etc. Photos and slides do not have to be professional quality, but they must be lighted very well and in sharp focus so that the committee can evaluate stitching details and embellishment. Printouts of digital photographs are also acceptable. Please do not send notebook binders or plastic covers. Place your work in chronological order, with your most recent work on top.
* Your resume in wearable art, including shows where your garments have been seen, awards won, and publications featuring your garments
* Your address, phone number, fax number, and your email address
(Type or print this information so there is no chance we will misread something critical, like your address!)
Please mail your portfolio to the following address, to arrive by September 30:
Bernina Fashion Show
c/o Quilts Inc.
7660 Woodway, Suite 550
Houston, Texas 77063 USA
If you have any further questions, please contact us, and we will be glad to help you.
Marcia Barker, Bernina Fashion Show Coordinator, Quilts, Inc.
Phone: 1-361-485-2826
Fax: 1-361-485-2810
Gervers Research Fellowship
Costume and Textile History
Gervers Research Fellowship in Costume and Textile History
Up to CAN$9000 will be awarded to a scholar working on any aspect of textile or costume history. Research must incorporate, or support, ROM collections, which cover a broad range of time and geography.
For information, contact:
Chair, Veronika Gervers
Memorial Fellowship Textile and Costume Section
NEAC Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6
Telephone (416) 586-5790
Fax (416) 586-5877
Student/New Professional Scholarships
for TSA Conference, Toronto, 2006
Deadline: July 1, 2006
The Textile Society of America is pleased to announce the establishment of “Student/New Professional Scholarships” for the TSA Conference in Toronto, Oct. 11 – 14, 2006.
Five scholarships will be awarded to TSA members who are currently either students in a textile-related field, have graduated from a textile-related field within the past three years or have been in their first job in the textile field for less than three years.
The Scholarships will not be a cash award, but will cover the cost of the Symposium registration, including the banquet (a cash equivalent of approximately $350.00). The recipients will be responsible for covering their travel costs as well as other meals during the symposium.
Recipients will be asked to:
1. Attend the opening event of the symposium (the Scholarship recipients will be introduced at this event).
2. Select one panel or session from the Symposium or an exhibition on display in conjunction with the Symposium and write a review of it for the TSA Newsletter.
Please submit:
1. A statement (maximum 750 words) outlining how attendance at the Symposium would relate to and benefit your professional goals.
2. A resume.
Scholarship submissions will be reviewed and awards determined by the Textile Society of America Awards Committee. Please submit your request via e-mail to Vita Plume at by July 1, 2006.
Recipients will be announced by August 1, 2006.
Textile/Fibre Art
This Exhibit will celebrate traditional and contemporary Textile Artisans through a 100% Commercial Venue.
If your work involves textile and/or a techniques involving needle and thread, you are invited to participate in this Juried Show.
Showcase 40 to 50 Textiles Artists and/or Mixed Media Artists who use textile techniques in their work. The largest size of work being reviewed should measure no more than 36" X 36". For more information and to download a Call For Entry Form go to:
All Entries must be for Sale.
Note: The organizers of this event have agreed to WAIVE Commission Charges.
The exhibit will be held over 16 days between October 5th and October 21st, 2006 and your work will receive full exposure during this time between the hours of 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
Note: The Tenth Biennial Textile Narratives and Conversations Symposium will be hosted in Toronto October 11th to 14th, 2006 by the Textile Museum of Canada and the Haborfront Centre. The organizers hope to attract Deligates particpating in the Sympostium to this exhibit.
Mary Kroetsch - Curator
C/O 821 Hanworth Court
Pickering, Ontario
M6J 1H2
Phone: 416-504-6154
Call for Qualifications
Salt Lake Community College
Health Sciences Center
Deadline: June 16, 2006
Salt Lake Community College Health Sciences Center, West Jordan, Utah
Call for qualifications from artists / artist teams interested in creating site specific work(s) for this new Health Sciences Education facility. Budget: $140,000 - Downloadable PDF version
The art selection committee envisions an artist’s work in the main atrium and / or the exterior garden level plaza outside the main atrium but would consider other sites the artist may suggest. Works of any medium, with low maintenance requirements, will be considered by the committee. The committee may commission more than one artist for this project or would consider one artist or artist team or works that utilize multiple elements.
It is the hope of the committee that this new art project will embody the architect and college efforts to create a building and campus that is invitingly accessible to everyone and offers areas of learning, respite, comfort, and intermingling. This building, dedicated to the education of health care professionals, has the physical attributes of nurturing and envelopes the occupants much like the ideal relationship of the health care professional and his/her patient.
The atrium and garden level plaza have a strong visual connection intersected by the glass curtain wall. The long sweeping sloped roofline refers to the stunning views of the Wasatch Mountains to the East and to the pitched roofs of nearby residential neighborhoods.
Call for Qualifications
University of Utah Marriott Library
Salt Lake City, Utah
University of Utah Marriott Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Call for qualifications from artist / artist teams interested in creating site specific work(s) for this remodel project of a classic 60's modern structure being upgraded for seismic activity modernization. Budget: $290,000 - Downloadable PDF version
Areas identified by the committee as potential public art sites are the main atrium, the grand staircase and staircase lobby at each level as well as the large walls on floors 4 and 5 facing the open atrium space (the 4th floor foyer is reserved for Special Collections.) The committee is open to other suggested sites, however there is a certain amount of uncertainty as to the future disposition of the large exterior spaces outside the library.
Call for Proposals - Utah Public Art Program
Deadline: August 1, 2006
The Utah Public Art Program / College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus announces a call for qualifications, proposals or appropriate existing work from artists or artist teams interested in creating or placing art in the public spaces of the new Health Sciences and Library Building in Blanding Utah. The deadline for submittal is August 1, 2006 with a total arts budget is $40,000. The committee has expressed a desire for the themes and designs of this art commission(s) to take into consideration the placement of this building not only as a part of the campus, but as a part of the wider region, including the interconnection and interdependence of the area's natural history with its human history, cultural diversity/unity, and the tenacity required to thrive in a desert environment. Regional and Native American artists are encouraged to apply.
Potential sites for this public art commission are: (1) the interior lobby airspace below the skylight, (2) the exterior courtyard embraced by the stone wall façade, and (3) interior walls that adjoin the lobby space, on floors one or two.
More information at:College of Eastern Utah San Juan Campus, Library, Blanding, Utah
or by calling 801-533-3586 or 801-533-3585 or email: or
$10,000 Visual Arts Fellowship
The Utah Arts Council's Board of Directors approved a change to the Visual Arts Fellowship. Beginning in 2006, Fellowship awards are increased from $5,000 to $10,000 each. The Utah Arts Council will continue to award two fellowships annually.
Fellowships are available for individual artists practicing crafts, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, artist's bookmaking, and working in new genres, conceptual arts and video. Fellowship grants do not require matching funds.
Applying artists must demonstrate professionalism and quality in their art through slides and documentation. Artists must be Utah residents not enrolled in a degree or certificate-granting program.
Jonathan Goodman
Critic, Art in America
The Bronx, New York
If you would like more information on our Visual Arts Fellowship Program, please contact:
Lila Abersold,
(801) 533-3581
Laura Durham,
(801) 533-3582
Rio Gallery Accepting Proposals
Gallery Purpose
The Rio Gallery was created as a service to Utah artists. It provides a free venue for emerging as well as established artists to gather and educate the community through their artwork.
We welcome proposals from artists, arts organizations, and independent curators to exhibit works at the Rio Gallery. These include small group shows of two to eight artists or curated/juried exhibits.
All mediums are accepted, including drawing, ceramics, painting, photography, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, textiles and installation work.
Click here for Proposal Requirements and application
Please contact Laura Durham, 801.533.3582, at the Rio Gallery if you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process as you develop your proposal.
Smaller Than a Breadbox
Postmark Date: June 30, 2006
Shelburne Art Center seeks artists working in all media for Smaller Than a Breadbox, an exhibition in October, 2006, juried by Marie LaPré Grabon and Kim Kulow-Jones.
Boxes, bags, baskets, tins, cylinders and other containers not to exceed 17"x10"x10".
Send 5-8 slides, or digital images.
Notification date: July 25.
Also, entries sought for ongoing exhibitions.
The Maine Arts Commission
Deadline for submission is postmarked date of June 30, 2006
The Maine Arts Commission is calling artists to submit proposals to design, execute and install artwork at the Williams Building, East Campus, Augusta, Maine Percent for Art site. Maine's Percent for Art law reserves one percent of the construction funds for all state-funded building projects to provide artwork for the public areas of these buildings. Approximately $30,000.00 is available to commission art for the interior of the site.
For a prospectus outlining potential sites at the school and guidelines for consideration, please email Donna McNeil, Director of Special Projects at; at 207-287-2726; or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Percent for Art Competition, Williams Pavilion, Maine Arts Commission, 193 State Street, 25 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333.
Peters Valley Guest Artist Residencies
for an application click here: (app pdf)
From the beginning of November to the end of April, Peters Valley provides residency opportunities for practicing artists. These residencies may be one or two months in duration and provide a heated room and access to a heated studio, except blacksmithing, for a monthly fee (currently $500). Materials and food are the responsibility of the participant but all houses are equipped with fully functional kitchens. Through the generosity of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, a limited number of scholarships are available to New Jersey residents. These scholarships cover the fee and provide a monthly stipend to the selected artists.
Please contact the office for application forms and additional information.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Proton Therapy Institute
Proton Therapy Institute, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Jacksonville. Budget: $91,000. This new treatment and research center will provide the most advanced radiation therapy for up to 10 weeks to cancer patients of all ages from all over the country. The selection committee would like to commission or purchase artwork for one or more interior sites that would create a sense of timeless natural beauty and natural order within a highly technical and efficient facility. More information is available at
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIII
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIII
September 7-10, 2006
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex
Harrisburg, PA
Wearable Art
Over $2,700 in Cash Prizes
1. Open to all, but must be the work of the person or group applying to the competition. Limit of 2 entries per /-person or group. Family members/permanent employees of show management or sponsors are not eligible. Garment(s) must be constructed by person(s) named on entry blank.
2. Full ensembles or individual articles of wearable art (a vest, jacket or coat) may be entered in the competition. No items constructed from kits are allowed.
3. Category Definitions - Individual article: a vest, jacket or coat. Full ensemble: garment or group of garments that need no other items to make it ready to wear in public. Examples: suit ensemble, dress, evening gown or pants outfit.
4. Garments winning cash at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, or the Pacific International Quilt Festival are not eligible to be judged.
5. Entries must have been finished in 2004, 2005 or 2006 and be in excellent condition.
July 14, 2006
Entry form, business-size SASE, slides and non-refundable entry fee for each item entered must be received or postmarked no later than July 14, 2006.
ENTRY FEE: $18.00 US (includes return shipping
Click here for complete details.
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIII
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIII
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
September 7-10, 2006
A Juried and Judged Competition
"On the Move!"
Over $17,000 in Cash and Prizes
1. Open to all, but must be the work of the person or group applying to the competition. Limit of 2 entries per person or group. Family members/permanent employees of show management or sponsors are not eligible. Quilts must be constructed and quilted by person(s) named on entry blank.
2. Quilts and wall quilts only. Entry must be quilted either by hand or machine. No kits or tied quilts. Quilts must be greater than or equal to 1900 square inches. Wall quilts are defined as quilts less than 1900 square inches but more than 850 square inches. There is no maximum size for quilt entries.
3. Quilts winning cash at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, World Quilt & Textile, or the Pacific International Quilt Festival are not eligible to be judged.
4. Entries must have been finished in 2004, 2005 or 2006 and be in excellent condition.
5. Amateur entries (Full Size Quilts Only) are defined as entries created by persons who have never taught quilting for a fee, published books on the subject of quilting, made money from their quilting through selling, designing or stitching, or won prize monies at a quilt competition. Group quilts are not eligible for amateur entry status.
ENTRY FEE: $18.00 US (includes return shipping)
Important Note: This is a national competition and is open only to residents of the United States.
Theme Interpretation / A Brief Statement
The Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza is "on the move" to a new location. One of the greatest things in life is the ability to "move with the times." Whether you sit back and enjoy the ride or hit the gas pedal, life is constantly moving and evolving. How do the continuous changes in styles, techniques and ideas affect your artwork?
Click here for complete details.
Friday, May 26, 2006
500 Handmade Books
Postmark Deadline: August 15, 2006
500 Handmade Books will be a juried gallery book featuring the best in contemporary book arts. We seek high-quality color slides, transparencies, or high-resolution digital images on CD of all types of books with all sorts of bindings, and constructed from all kinds of media. We'll accept miniatures, pop-ups, abecedaries, illustrated books, and books blank, printed, or written in. 500 Handmade Books, which will be released in Spring 2007, aims to be an inspiring collection for both beginner and professional bookmakers.
There is no entry fee, and artists worldwide are invited to submit images for consideration. Artists whose work is selected for inclusion will receive full acknowledgment within the book, a complimentary copy, and discounts on the purchase of books. Artists retain copyright of their work.
Entries must be postmarked by August 15, 2006.
No fee is required.
- All visuals submitted must represent work that is original in design. Recent work is preferred.
- A maximum of four entries per artist is allowed. An entry may consist of no more than two visuals (one main shot and one detail). All entries must be mailed in the same packet. All entries must be in the same format: send EITHER film (transparencies/slides) OR digital images.
If you have questions, contact Nathalie at 828-253-0467 x 756 or

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Helen Day Art Center
Deadline for application is Tuesday, May 30 at 5 PM.
Helen Day Art Center
21st Annual FOR ARTS SAKE
Jackson Arena
Stowe, Vermont
Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27, 2006
Every artist, whether or not he/she has exhibited at FOR ARTS SAKE previously is asked to provide 5 images with their application. The images can be slides, hard copy photos or prints, or CD. The work will be juried by a panel comprised of:
HDAC Exhibitions Director Jacquie Mauer
Two HDAC Visual Arts Committee members, Sarah Finley and Idoline Duke
Stowe Community Members Sandy Noble, artist and Director of Green Mountain Fine Arts Gallery, and Tari Swenson, artist and Co-Director of the West Branch Gallery.
The panel will be moderated by Elena Foster, HDAC’s Events and Sponsorship Coordinator.
Jack Benoze, Festival Chair, will oversee the proceedings.
The jury process will be ANONYMOUS, in other words, the artists’ identities will not be known to the jurors. Their goal will be to put together a show that reflects a diversity of styles, supporting both artists who are both veterans and rookies. All mediums are welcome, and artists are encouraged to submit images of the kind of work they will show at For Arts Sake.
The deadline for artist applications is Tuesday, May 30 at 5 PM. Notification to artists will be mailed out by Thursday, June 15, and material submitted by the artist will be returned on that day if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is provided.
For Art's Sake welcomes emerging and veteran artists alike. All mediums are welcome. Application can be downloaded at or requested by calling 253-8358. For more information go to the website or contact Jack Benoze at (802) 253- 9203 or email
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
As of June 1, 2006, the Keeper will be on Holiday for the summer.
Posts to this site will continue but will occur only ONCE every 3-4 weeks.
We encourage you to subscribe to the Fiber Art Calls feed.
New posts are delivered right to your mailbox in the form of a newsletter everytime we update the site.
Enter your email address in the box on the sidebar then click on Subscribe Me!
We respect your privacy and will not use your email address for any other purpose.
Submitting proposals for the 4th Room
Vox Populi
Proposals for group or curated shows should include information and examples of work for each artist included, in addition to a statement about the nature of the show. Artists included in the 4th Room proposal must reside outside of Philadelphia.
Submission requirements:
1. Slides are preferred method of submission, with the exception of DVD for video submissions. No VHS will be reviewed.
2. Corresponding numbered check list of works; including title, date, materials and dimensions
3. Current resume
4. Artist statement and/or proposal (optional, but encouraged)
5. Self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of materials
Your application will be reviewed by the artist-membership of Vox Populi. If your application is incomplete, it will not be reviewed.
Submit materials to:
Vox Populi 4th Room
1315 Cherry Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-568-5513 Tel
215-568-5514 Fax
Guest Curated Exhibitions
Vox Populi
Next deadline: April 27, 2007
Proposals should include information and examples of work for each artist included, in addition to a statement about the nature of the show.
Submission requirements:
1. 10 -20 slides of recent work per submission- numbered and labeled with artist's name and title or DVD for video submissions, no VHS
2. Corresponding numbered check list of works; including title, date, materials and dimensions
3. Current resume
4. Artist statement and/or proposal (optional, but encouraged)
5. Self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of materials
Your application will be reviewed by the artist-membership of Vox Populi. If your application is incomplete, you might be asked to re-submit.
Submit materials to:
Vox Populi Guest Curated Exhibition Review
1315 Cherry Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-568-5513 Tel
215-568-5514 Fax
The Human Form
The Human Form
July 31- September 6, 2006
“The Human Form” is open to all US artists, 18 years of age or older. All work must be original and completed in the past 10 years. All media except video are eligible for exhibition. Faculty and Staff
of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago are not eligible.
Chuck Gniech, Exhibition Curator
The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
$25 for 1-3 entries. 25% commission. Insurance. Awards. For Prospectus visit: or send SASE to:
Chuck Gniech, Exhibition Curator
The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
180 N. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60601
SUPERvision: Responding to the Rise of Surveillance Technology
SUPERvision: Responding to the Rise of Surveillance Technology
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
October 12 to November 28, 2006
All media accepted. Open to artists 18 years and older. Accepting artwork that explores how advances in mapping and surveillance technologies provide new ways of seeing and interpreting our world on macro/micro levels.
Juror: Theresa Downing, Curator: MN Museum of Art.
Prospectus online:
OR send SASE to: Foster Gallery, UW-Eau Claire, P.O. Box 4004, Eau Claire, WI 54702.
Nightingale Gallery
Eastern Oregon University
Call for Artist Proposals for Exhibition
Deadline for submission is September 15, 2006
Reviewing slides in all media for solo, 2 person and group exhibits for the
November 2007-February 2009 schedule. Deadline for submission is September
15, 2006. Small honoraria for lectures/workshops and limited shipping
reimbursement are possible. Insurance. Send 20 slides (or 20-72 dpi JPG
files- in PowerPoint presentation format on a CD which is readable on both
PC and Mac platforms, or VHS/DVD for video and installations), image list,
resume, artist�s statement, SASE and $10 processing fee. To: Cory Peeke,
Director, Nightingale Gallery, Eastern Oregon University, One University
Blvd., La Grande, OR 97850. Questions: or 541-962-3584.
New Works/9 States
New Works/9 States
September 11-October 27, 2006.
All media biennial exhibition open to artists 21 years of age & older residing in 9 midwestern regional states (MO, AR, IA, IL, KS, KY, NE, OK, TN).
Juried by slides (or video/cd for video, film, performance works only), limit 5 works created in last 2 yrs. (2004-2006 only).
Juror: Henry Casselli, internationally recognized watercolor artist based in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Entry deadline (slides, fee, entry form): July 10, 2006. Entries received after deadline will be returned to artists unprocessed.
Entry form required. Available by mail to:
NW/ 9S
Art Saint Louis
917 Locust St., #300
St. Louis, MO 63101-1413.
For more information call or e-mail Robin Hirsch, Associate Director, Art Saint Louis
To learn more about Art Saint Louis, visit
Entry fees: $25 current ASL members; $35 non-members; $10 with NEW $45 Artist level membership.
Free opening reception:
Saturday, September 16, 2006, 7-9 p.m.
Free event:
First Friday Downtown Gallery Walk, October 6, 2006, 6-9 p.m.
Three Things You Should Never Talk About
Three Things You Should Never Talk About?
July 17-August 25, 2006.
For this juried exhibit, artists are invited to submit original artworks that address three topics: sex, politics and religion.
Open to St. Louis regional artists 21+ residing within a 200-mile radius of St. Louis. Juried from actual artwork, limit 2, created in last 2 yrs. (2004-2006 only).
Jurors: Jeff Hughes, Professor of Art History, Webster University, and Margaret Keller, artist, Professor of Art, St. Louis Community College at Meramec.
Entry form required. Form available by:
e-mail to robin@artstlouis
mail #10 SASE to:
Art Saint Louis
917 Locust St., #300
St. Louis, MO 63101
in-person at Art Saint Louis
Pre-registration deadline (form, fee): June 23.
Artworks delivered for jurying: June 28-30. Entry fees: $15 current ASL members; $25 non-members; $5 with NEW $45 Artist level membership.
Free opening reception:
Saturday, July 15, 2006, 7-9 p.m.
Free event:
First Friday Downtown Gallery Walk, August 4, 2006, 6-9 p.m.
Custom House Studios Limited
The Custom House Studios are now inviting submissions for exhibitions and use of studio space for 2007 and 2008. The Studios complex houses 7 artists studios with individual entrances, natural daylight and high ceilings, as well as an exhibition gallery, and a print studio. These facilities are housed in a historic restored Customs House building on the Quay in Westport, on a prominent redeveloped waterfront street. The studios are located up stairs overlooking the harbour. All studios have daylight - and 24hour access. The studios are rented to Artists for a subsidised fee of 25 Euro per week, which includes utilities. The studios can be occupied initially for up to a year. One studio is available for shorter stays. There is no living accommodation - artists must arrange this for themselves.
Gallery: The gallery is located on street level and enjoys a high visitor numbers. There is a full programme of exhibitions.
Applications are now invited for Exhibitions:
Artists are now invited to submit proposals for exhibitions at Custom House Studios gallery during 2007 and 2008.
Applications are invited for Studio Occupancy:
1. Submit proposals for year long use of Studios in the years 2007and 2008.
2. Submit proposals for short term use of Studios during the years 2007 and 2008.
Send letters of interest, CVs and documentation of work to:
John Mc Hugh,Custom House Studios,The Quay, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
Westport Quay Co Mayo. Ph: +353 (0)98 28735. Email:
Custom House Studios are funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, Mayo County Council and Westport Town Council.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston --Community Arts Initiative --The Artist Project
Deadline: Friday, June 16, 2006
The Artist Project is an integral component of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston's (MFA) Community Arts Initiative The Community Arts Initiative is a collaboration between the MFA, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (SMFA) and community organizations in the Boston area. The selected lead artist will work with children aged seven to twelve from eight community organizations to create a collaborative work of art inspired by the Museum's encyclopedic collection.
The lead artist will work closely with staff at the MFA and at the community organizations, and will supervise the work of SMFA student assistants. The MFA will provide a stipend to the artists as well as a materials budget for the selected project. Projects will begin in September 2006 and must conclude by June 2007. The project design must incorporate, for each of the eight organizations, a minimum of five visits to the MFA's collections and at least twelve hours working at the community sites. Although the number of students participating will vary depending on the project, a minimum of ninety should be anticipated. The completed project and/or supporting materials will be exhibited in the MFA�s Courtyard Gallery.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel composed of representatives from the MFA, the SMFA, and participating community organizations. The Artist Project and the Community Arts Initiative are funded through a generous grant from the Linde Family Foundation.
Deadline: Friday, June 16, 2006
Notification: No later than August 16, 2006
Eligibility: Artists at all stages of their careers, ranging from emerging to established, and working in any range of media are eligible to apply to the program. Artists must be experienced in working with children aged seven to twelve.
To apply to the Community Arts Initiative, artists must submit a completed application form and the support materials listed below.
Required Support Materials:
- Project Description
- Project Budget
- Artist's statement
- Artist's resume
- Up to ten slides or a CD-ROM of up to ten images. For New Media and Time-Based Media (Sound, Film/Video, etc) up to ten minutes on CD-ROM, CD/audiotape and/or VHS.
- Slides must be clearly labeled with artist's full name, and accompanied by an image checklist with title, media, dimensions, date of work and corresponding file names.
- SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) required to have submitted materials returned.
- Letter of support from an organization that serves children.
MAP’s Fifth Annual Curator's Incubator Program
Phase One Proposals: The postmark/delivery deadline for applications is from September 12 to October 21, 2006.
Exhibition Dates: TBA: Autumn, 2007
Maryland Art Place (MAP) is proud to announce a call for proposals for the Fifth Annual Curator’s Incubator Program. This program was developed to encourage diversity and mentor mid-Atlantic emerging curators (with limited or no previous curatorial experience), while offering a flash-point look at contemporary art in our community. Candidates are invited to submit proposals during a two-phase application process. During phase one, interested candidates will submit brief descriptions of their proposed exhibitions for a competitive review process. These proposals must be postmarked or hand delivered to: Curator’s Incubator 5, MAP, 8 Market Place, Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21202, between September 12 and October 21, 2006.
A small number of curatorial semi-finalists will be selected, with the intention for curators to fine tune their phase two proposals over a two month period in early 2007, assisted by MAP’s staff and area curators. Refined proposal packets prepared by these semi-finalists (comprised of either individual curators or curatorial teams) will be eligible for the final competitive review during the late winter/early spring of 2007.
Both stages of the exhibition proposal packets will be juried by MAP's Programming Advisory Committee (PAC), a group comprised of professional artists and arts educators from the region, committed to expanding exhibition opportunities at MAP by recommending specific exhibitions and artists to MAP’s staff and board. For more information, please call to speak with our Director of Programs.
Maryland Art Place
8 Market Place, Suite 100
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Maryland State Arts Council Artist Registry
Call for Writers and Artists
21st Annual Critics’ Residency Program
ANNOUNCING MAP’S 21st Annual Critics in Residence,
Eleanor Heartney and Irving Sandler.
Eleanor Heartney is a Contributing Editor to Art in America and Artpress and received the College Art Association’s Frank Jewett Mather Award for distinction in art criticism in 1992. Her books include: Critical Condition: American Culture at the Crossroads (1997), Postmodernism (2001), Postmodern Heretics: The Catholic Imagination in Contemporary Art (2004), and Defending Complexity: Art, Politics and the New World Order (2006.) Heartney is currently working on a survey of contemporary art from the 1980s to the present, which will be published by Phaidon in 2007. Since 2003, she has been Co-President of AICA-USA, the American section of the International Art Critics Association.
Irving Sandler has been called the premiere art critic of our time, as he has maintained a passionate engagement with contemporary artists for more than fifty years, while keeping his finger on the pulse of what is happening at any particular moment. Starting in 1954, Sandler began taking copious notes of conversations with artists, or among artists, during informal gatherings at the Club, the Cedar Street Tavern, or in artists' studios, and soon after, became the director of the Tanager Gallery, the Program Chair for the Artists' Club, and a reviewer for Art News and Art International, establishing two roles that he would fill for the rest of his career: supporter of emergent artist groups, and advocate critic. A third role, that of professor, emerged in the 1960s. In the 1970s, Sandler began writing books that synthesized his collection of interviews and reviews into broad surveys of contemporary art, including The Triumph of American Painting: A History of Abstract Expressionism (1970), The New York School: The Painters and Sculptors of the Fifties (1978), American Art of the 1960s (1988), and Art of the Postmodern Era: From the Late 1960s to the Early 1990s (1996), and A Sweeper-Up After Artists: A Memoir (2004). In addition, Sandler has written monographs on individual artists, including Alex Katz and Mark Di Suvero.
For artist and writer applications, the postmark/delivery deadline is July 15, 2006.
Artist and writer candidates will be eligible for selection by the critic(s) in residence to participate in studio visits and workshops in autumn 2006. The program culminates with a group exhibition and published catalogue of artwork and critical essays in spring 2007. The 21st Annual Critics’ Residency Program will take place between late summer 2006 and late spring 2007, and is intended to promote the work of area writers and artists, while advancing their careers and providing artists, writers and audiences with a venue and forum to address critical issues of contemporary art.
Applicants must reside within a 60-mile drive from MAP and provide their own transportation to and from workshops and studio visits. To verify mileage, we suggest that you use MAPQUEST at
Download the Prospectus and Application
*The Quilters Hall of Fame*
Juried Quilt Show
How Does Your Garden Grow
July 13-16
Juried quilt show guidelines
Theme: gardens, flowers, plants, nature.
Entries for the show may contain any subject pertaining to one of the above.
Quilt must not have been exhibited at QHF before.
- Quilt must be constructed and quilted by the person named on the entry blank. IF two or more people are involved in making the quilt, the person listed on the entry blank will be the contact person. Only one prize per entry. All persons involved in making the quilt must be listed in an attachment to your entry.
- Quilts that are pieced, appliqu�d or embellished with paint, beads etc, are eligible.
- Quilts may be hand or machine quilted. No tied quilts will be accepted.
- Size: No larger than 88" to a side. Contest entry fee of $8.00.
- Complete the enclosed entry form and send with color photograph (preferred) or slide to be received by May 26, 2006. Photos/slides will not be returned. Note dimensions of quilt and your name on photo/slide.
- Entrants will be notified of the acceptance of their quilts by June 16, 2006. Shipping instructions will be sent at that time.
- Winners will be announced at Celebration 2006. Prizes will be as follows: First Prize $500.00 Donated by Quilters Newsletter Magazine; Second Prize $350.00; and People's Choice $250.00 Donated by The Friends of the Quilters Hall of Fame.
- There is no limit on the number of entries, but only one prize per person will be awarded.
Mail completed form and photos to:
Sue Munn
P.O. Box 681
Marion, IN 46952-0681
2006 QHF Juried Quilt Show
Guidelines and Entry Form.
Microsoft Word *.doc format
Saturday, May 13, 2006
2006 National Small Art Quilt Works Exhibition
The Main Street Gallery
The Main Street Gallery is seeking submissions from artists 18 years of age or older residing in the USA for the 2006 National Small Art Quilt Works Exhibiton (July 28th - Sept 3rd) CD images (PC compatible, 72 dpi and 7-10 inches longest side) or slides will be accepted for this juried exhibition. Entry fee is $30 for 3CD images/slides. The art quilt must be no larger than 16 inches by 20 inches. Insurance on premises. Awards. Deadline for CD images/slides is June 9th. For prospectus with complete conditions of entry, email
Jurors are:
CAROL SODERLUND'S quilts have been exhibited nationally and internationally since 1985 in such venues as Visions and AQS shows, and have received numerous awards.
ADRIENNE BEA SMITH is a painter, educatior and Director of The Main Street Gallery, Groton, NY.
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Art of Music Exhibition
Jul 15-Aug 19, 2006
Artists are encouraged to submit works that take music as subject matter, and/or works that explore the connections between art and music.
The Art of Music exhibition will be presented in conjunction with STAC’s annual Art of Music Festival. The festival, held at the Mills Pond House, is a five-week multidisciplinary arts showcase that reaches a wide audience and features a concert series, a children’s educational concert program, and an art exhibition.
Open to all artists in all media. Work may not exceed 54” in width. Sculpture over 50 lbs must be installed and delivered by the artist.
ENTRY DEADLINE: June 19, 2006
ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3 entries
Download the prospectus.
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Mills Pond House Gallery
660 Route 25A St. James, NY 11780
Pen and Brush
Juried Craft Exhibition
Pen and Brush, Inc
Juried Fine Crafts Exhibition
Nov 8-Nov 26, 2006
The Pen and Brush, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization of professional women in the ads, including painters, sculptors, craft artists, writers, photographers and performing artists.
All Women Craft Artists residing nationwide may submit to the Jury of Selection from 4 to 6 images (slides, CD's, photos, digital prints, or actual work). All work presented to Pen & Brush must be tor sale or it will not be accepted.
Ceramics, glass, enameling, collage, decorative and wearable fiber, wood, metal work, jewelry, mixed media.
Wall hung work must be wire hung (no toothed hangers).
The only size limitation is for ceramic sculpture which may not exceed 12 inches on base side and may be no more than 14 inches high.
Members: Entry fee is $55 and members must be in good standing to exhibit.
The deadline for members is September 6. 2006.
Non-Members: Entry fee is $65 and is non-refundable.
The deadline for non-members is September 13, 2006.
Download the prospectus.
Pen and Brush, Inc.
16 E. 10th St.
NYC 10003
(212) 475-3669
Stilled Life
Islip Art Museum
Stilled Life
June 29 - September 11
Artists' Reception: July 30, 1 - 4 p.m.
Guest Curator: Daria Brit Shapiro
Exhibition Information
Daria Brit Shapiro, an art historian, gallerist and independent curator, will curate Stilled Life from an open call. She is particularly interested in unusual interpretations of the traditional still life theme, and in work that reflects the nuances and contradictions of the exhibition title.
Artists are invited to submit one work for consideration. The curator welcomes both traditional and innovative approaches to this subject.
Two and three dimensional work in all media will be considered. There are no size or weight limitations. If work exceeds six feet in any direction or weighs more than 50 pounds, artists should contact the Museum to confirm whether or not it can be accommodated in the galleries.
In rare instances when work is too large to be easily transported to the Museum for consideration, a slide may be submitted. Slides must be submitted by June 1, 2006.
There is NO FEE to submit work.
Artists may submit only ONE work.
Selected work will be on view from June 21 through September 10, 2006. An artists' reception is scheduled for Sunday, July 30 from 1 - 4 p.m.
Announcement cards (20) will be available to all artists whose work is selected for the exhibition.
Participation is limited to artists 18 years of age or older.
Receipt of Work
Artists may deliver their work during the following times:
10:30am - 3:30pm on Thursday, June 8, Friday, June 9, and Saturday June 10.
Selection Information
Available by telephone from 10:30am - 3:30pm on Wednesday, June 14, and Thursday June 15. Call (631) 224-5402.
Complete details available at
The Pressed Image
Deadline for submission: Postmarked by Friday, May 26, 2006
The Pressed Image
July 10 - October 6, 2006
Reception: Wed., July 26, 5-7pm
City Hall, second floor
The Art In City Hall Exhibitions Committee.
Art In City Hall issues a call for entries for its summer printmaking exhibition, The Pressed Image. In recognition of Benjamin Franklin's 300th anniversary, this call is sent to printmakers who utilize the press in their work or other techniques where "pressing" creates imagery. The conceptual theme is left open to each artist.
No photography or commercial/digital prints. The exhibition is open to printmaking techniques that utilize a press or artwork where pressure is applied in order to create an image, such as stamping or rubbing. Size of artwork cannot exceed the dimensions of the display cases, which are 96" H x 84" W x 24" D.
Rules for Entry
1. Deadline for submission: Postmarked by Friday, May 26, 2006.
Entry form must accompany your slides or reproductions from originals. No entry fee. Submit entries to address on entry form.
2. Submit up to four slides or reproductions. Include a current resume and artist's statement. Submitted artwork may not have previously been exhibited at Art In City Hall.
Eligibility & Selection of Artists
Open to professional artists living or working in Philadelphia.
Artists will be selected through slides or reproductions that address the exhibition's theme.
Sale of Work
Art may be for sale, Art in City Hall does not take a commission.
Download the prospectus for complete details:
Friday, May 12, 2006
Jamaica Flux: Workspace & Windows 2007
Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning
Visual Arts Department
Jamaica Flux: Workspace & Windows 2007
The Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning (JCAL) seeks creative proposals from visual artists for Jamaica Flux: Workspaces & Windows 2007. This multi-disciplinary and co-curatorial project, which was first initiated in 2004, encourages artists to engage in a dialogue with the community, residences, and businesses of Jamaica, NY through their creative activities. The project focuses on site-specific, experimental and/or participatory art practices for both indoor and outdoor spaces, exploring the specific cultural geography of Jamaica, NY within the broad scope of the relationship between art, economy, and globalization. If you would like to participate in the project, please send the following items to JCAL by June 15, 2006 (postmarked deadline):
• A brief description of your intended work with preferred site and logistic information
• If available, digital reproductions (drawings, designs, or segments) of your proposed work
• Digital reproductions of past works that are related to your proposed work
• A list of the digital reproductions, which includes the title, year, media, and dimensions for each work. You may also add a brief description of each work.
• An Artist’s Statement of 250 words or less
• Your CV
We strongly recommend that you visit JCAL and Jamaica Avenue (148th Street – 168th Street) prior to your proposal conception and propose works that are appropriate for the theme and our curatorial approach of this project. We will not entertain works that are not site-inspired. For additional information about this project, please visit the initial Jamaica Flux 2004 page on JCAL’s website and review the catalogue, Jamaica Flux, which is distributed by the Distributed Art Publishers and is available at the Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning, Queens Public Libraries, and online bookstores.
Artists will be selected based on the strength of their artistic creativity and vision as well as their ability and commitment to the realization of their proposed work that meets the conceptual framework and the physical settings of this project. Selected artists will be invited to further develop and realize their visions during a 14-month period from August 2006 through September 2007. Each invited artist will receive a stipend of $500. Depending upon funding, up to $2,000 could be available to subsidize the costs of production and/or materials.
A curatorial team, currently comprised of Heng-Gil Han, JCAL’s Curator, Koan Jeff Baysa, independent curator, and Olu Oguibe, artist and art-historian, will collectively review each proposal. Additional curators and scholars will join the team as the project develops during the spring of 2006. Selected artists will be announced by the end of July 2006.
Please send your materials to:
Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning
Attn: Curator, Visual Arts Department
Jamaica Flux: Workspace & Windows 2007
161-04 Jamaica Avenue
Jamaica, NY 11432
For additional information, please contact Heng-Gil Han at 718-658-7400 ext 132
or e-mail at
Berks Art Alliance 29th Annual
Open Juried Art Exhibition
All artists must be 18 years or older. Maximum of two works may be submitted. Maximum of two works may be accepted. Each entry must be an original design concept of the artist and be executed by the artist.
Acceptable Media include:
pastel, oil, alkyd, tempera, watercolor, acrylics,
mixed media, drawing, hand-pulled prints,
sculpture, glass, ceramics, fiber
and photography. No video.
BAA Members with paid membership from 7/1/06 to 6/30/07:
$15.00 per item entered.
Non-members: $20.00 per item entered.
Entry fees are nonrefundable.
The Berks Art Alliance will offer the
following awards:
First Place: $850.00
Second Place: $550.00
Third Place: $400.00
Six Honorable Mentions: $200.00
People's Choice Award
Purchase Awards
Download the Prospectus (pdf version)
b.j. spoke gallery
The Art Of Craft
The Art Of Craft
Exhibition of selected works August 22 - September 17, 2006.
Media: Clay, glass, fiber, metal and wood.
Eligibility: Artists with innovative work are invited to submit 3 slides or CD images for $35. One slide for each work of art. Print artist's name, title of work, media & size of work on each slide. Place a red dot on lower left corner and mark top of slide. CDs must be accompanied by print out of the images, thumbnail or larger.
Judge: Lois Moran, Editor-in-Chief, American Craft Magazine
Deadline: June 1st, 2006. Make check payable in U.S. Dollars to b.j. spoke gallery.
Get ART OF CRAFT entry form here (pdf version)
For further information call 631-549-5106
Hours: Tuesday/Sunday 11-5 pm, Friday 11-9 pm (Eastern time).
Agricultural Stewardship Association
Landscapes for Landsake
Looking south, Washington County
photo © Jim Newton
Exhibition held at Maple Ridge, Route 372, Coila, New York 12816
Opening Reception Saturday, October 7 from 3 - 6 p.m.
Open to the public October 8 - 9 and 14 - 15 from 12 - 4 p.m. or by appointment
Artist Prospectus
Artists working in two and three-dimensional media are invited to submit slides or photos of their work for consideration for exhibition in the Fifth-annual Landscapes for Landsake Art Exhibition.
The sale benefits the Agricultural Stewardship Association (ASA), a non-profit land trust conserving land in Washington and northern Rensselaer counties.
The subject is landscapes: it can be traditional or interpretative and innovative but should draw inspiration from the landscape and the rolling farmland of northeastern New York, particularly the Washington County region.
Jury Process
A curatorial team will review submitted materials. The criteria for selection are in two main areas:
1) the artist’s success in reflecting the goals of land conservancy, drawing inspiration from the landscape and farmland typical of Washington County, New York, and
2) artistic excellence. Artists selected to participate in Landscapes for Landsake will be notified by mail on or before June 23, 2006.
After acceptance the event curator may arrange a studio visit to some artists.
Download the prosectus.
About ASA
The Agricultural Stewardship Association is a non-profit land trust committed to the conservation of local farms and farmland in Washington and northern Rensselaer Counties. ASA was founded in 1990 by farmers and members of the local agribusiness community who anticipated growing development pressure in the county and decided to protect the valuable farmland that is the heart of the local economy.
To date, ASA has assisted landowners in conserving 5,433 acres of farmland on 45 properties. For more information, visit
Call for Artists: Utopia
November 5 – December 29, 2006
Submit slides of up to three wall-hung
works in any media (except ceramics
and jewelry) that speak to the theme of
In a world climate of pessimism and
fear, dreams of earthly paradise and
possibility are vital. Pieces selected for
this show will reflect on the myriad
imaginings of perfect worlds and the
shapes they might take.
Entry Fee $20 non-refundable entry fee.
Digital submission specifications
Download the prospectus
Mark Greenfield
Artist and Director,
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery
Mark Vallen
Artist and Social Commentator
Alice Wexler
Writer, Scholar, Biographer of Emma Goldman
A Shenere Velt Gallery
The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring
1525 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Ph: 310.552.2007
Fax: 310.552.3417
Boston Art Show TransCultural Exchange
DOC version of this page
PDF version of this page
The award-winning, non-profit international arts organization TransCultural Exchange is reviewing slides to select innovative artists for future international projects and, specifically, for the exhibition Shimmer at TransCultural Exchange from November 1 to November 30. All media are acceptable, including site-specific and interactive installations. TransCultural Exchange will pay for insurance during the exhibition, exhibition announcements, a modest brochure, opening reception, and web-site documentation of the exhibition. Please send a maximum of 15 representative slides or a CD of 15 works (no minimum required), a resume, optional statement, $15 review fee* and SASE to TransCultural Exchange, 516 East Second Street, #30, Boston, MA 02127.
Submission deadline is June 1, 2006.
*Applicants also can pay the $15 review fee in their own country's currency equivalent through TransCultural Exchange's secure PayPal account. Simply go to PayPal at Login or create an account, then click the "send money" tab. Fill in the recipient email: Currency should be US dollars (PayPal will calculate from the current exchange rate). Category of Purchase is Quasi-Cash. Email subject should be "Shimmer exhibit" and you can add an email message if you'd like. Upon receipt of your PayPal payment, you will receive an email from TransCultural Exchange confirming your payment, which will be matched up with your mailed slides (or CD), resume, optional statement and SASE.
Eastern State Penitentiary 2007
Orientation: Artists should begin the application process by attending an art orientation tour. This will give the artists a chance to walk through the space, discuss what makes a successful proposal, ask questions, and observe visitors' viewing the current art installations. Reservations are not accepted. Simply check in at the historic site ticket office at least ten minutes prior to the start of the orientation tour. There is no charge to attend. All applicants must attend an orientation tour unless other arrangements have been made with Brett Bertolino.
Weekdays at 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 25
Wednesday, June 28
Weekends at 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 11
Saturday, June 24
Proposals Due: Friday, June 30, 2006, 5:00 p.m.
Eastern State Penitentiary
Administrative Offices
2124 Fairmount Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Artists Notified Via Email By: Monday, July 31, 2006
• Artist must attend an art orientation tour prior to submitting a proposal.
• Collaborative proposals are permitted; however, each artist may only submit one proposal per year.
• Artists who have previously exhibited at the site must wait five years before submitting a proposal for a new installation.
• Currently enrolled undergraduate students are ineligible to apply.
Exhibition Conditions: Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site is a National Historic Landmark, the highest designation for an historic property under Federal Law. It is also a ruin, abandoned in 1971, and stands today as an architectural shell. The building has no running water, no heat, no air conditioning, and limited electrical service. These conditions can be destructive to many types of materials. Most artists working at Eastern State build their work for the space and incorporate the inevitable deterioration into the piece.Because of the building's condition, neither Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Inc. (the organization that administers the historic site) nor the City of Philadelphia (the owner of the site) can be responsible for damage to art work inside Eastern State Penitentiary. The historic site carries insurance for the safety of the public while in the complex, and of the artists during the installation process, but not for the value of the art installations on display.
Funding: A maximum of $2,500 is available from the historic site's exhibition budget for any given artist. Some artists may be invited to exhibit, but funded at a lower level.
Complete Details available at the website:
Brett Bertolino
Assistant Program Director for Operations & Special Events
Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site Offices
2124 Fairmount Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Office: (215) 236-5111 ex. 12
Fax: (215) 236-5289
Cambridge Artists Cooperative
Art To Wear 200
The Cambridge Artists Cooperative is seeking fiber artists to participate in Art To Wear 200, the cooperative's 16th annual fiber art show. This exhibition will feature nationally recognized fiber artists such as Robin Bergman and Carter Smith, as well as emerging talents. Acceptance to the show is by invitation and jury. The final collection will range from classic fine wearables to contemporary fiber arts.
Download the application:
There is no entry fee. Show dates are September 29 through October 30, 2006.
The Cambridge Artists Cooperative59A Church Street
Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 02138
Telephone: 617-868-4434
Fax: 617-868-5966
Monday, May 08, 2006
2006 American Landscapes
6th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Traditional and Contemporary Landscape Works.
All 2d and 3d media accepted, entry by slide submission received by deadline only.
Up to two slides - $25, $5 each additional slide (nonrefundable) with a 6 slide max.
Juror - Edwin Ahlstrom
Exhibition held at:
MFA Circle Gallery
18 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland
9/8/06 through 10/15/06
Reception 9/21/06 6-8 pm
For e-copy of prospectus (required for entry) or more information contact the Maryland Federation of Art at (Dept. CAA in the subject line please)
or send SASE to MFA, Dept. CAA, PO Box 1866, Annapolis, MD 21404
Japanese Silk Braiding

Deadline: August 31, 2006
Email: Dr. S. Tada
The first international conference on Kumihimo will be held at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan in 2007. Conference organizers are calling for expressions of interest from artists to give a presentation of artist works or research papers.
Keynote lectures, seminars, workshops, commercial booths, exhibitions, banquet and excursion.