Application Deadline March 1, 2006
The 22nd annual Auxiliary of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare American Craft Exposition, a juried exhibition and sale will be held at the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion on Northwestern University's campus in Evanston, Illinois. The jury will accept 150 craft artists.
Apply on-line Apply by mailDownload application brochureApplicants are strongly encouraged to apply online. For technical assistance email: For other questions regarding online application email us at
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Deadline for Applications: March 1, 2006
Show Dates: August 25 through August 27, 2006
The American Craft Exposition is open to all craftsmen who are residents of and working in the United States. Work must be produced by the craftsmen or under their personal supervision. Work should be made by hand or with appropriate tools. Eligible media categories include baskets, ceramics, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper and wood. Categories not accepted: fine arts such as painting, photography, lithography, etc., except when incorporated into an otherwise acceptable craft category; dried flower arrangements; pressed flowers; seed and pod decorations; gourds, cut bottles and embellished objects such as painted boxes, weather boards, stones, shells, buttons, decorated furniture and handmade reproductions. Objects made from commercial kits or commercially available plans are also not acceptable.
Media Categories
The function of the work rather than the material should determine the media. It is the majority of work which determines media category.
Definitions of Media Categories:
Baskets: Functional and sculptural work‹material used is woven or plaited.
Ceramics: Functional and sculptural work primary material is clay.
Fiber Decorative: Wall hangings, quilts, rugs, etc.‹primary material is fiber.
Fiber Wearable: Work that is primarily intended to be worn.
Furniture: Work which has the primary function of furniture. All materials included.
Glass: Functional and sculptural work‹primary material is glass.
Jewelry: Work which has the primary function of jewelry.
Leather: Functional, wearable and sculptural work‹primary material is leather.
Metal: Functional and sculptural work‹primary material is metal.
Mixed Media: Work which is the union of two or more media.
Paper: Functional and sculptural work‹primary material is handmade paper.
Wood: Functional and sculptural work‹primary material is wood.
A craftsman who wishes to apply in different media categories must submit applications in each category. We will not jury duplicate slides in different media categories. If only one application is accepted, only work in that category may be exhibited. More than one application in the same media category is not acceptable. We reserve the right to place a craftsman in another media category. A craftsman whose work reflects a variety of functions within the same media category should submit one application. The images should reflect the same proportion of work as will be represented in the booth (i.e., three jewelry images and two vessel images).
Application and Fees
Each applicant is strongly encouraged to use the electronic application available above to submit their information and five (5) electronic images. A nonrefundable fee of $40 for applying electronically is payable online by VISA or MasterCard through March 1, 2006. The fee will increase to $50 for applications submitted after March 1 through March 15, 2006.
Applicants not applying electronically may submit an application and five (5) slides by regular mail to American Craft Exposition, PO Box 283, Winnetka, IL 60093-0283. A nonrefundable fee of $50 for applying by regular mail is payable by check. (This includes a fee of $10 to cover the cost of data entry and electronic scanning of the five (5) photo images.) The fee will increase to $60 for applications postmarked after March 1 through March 8, 2005. Applications postmarked after March 8, 2006 will not be accepted.
Emerging Artists
To encourage the participation of craftsmen who are beginning their careers, an Emerging Artist category is available. This option is open only to those who are applying to ACE for the first time. The application procedure and fees are the same as for the regular applicants. However, those who check the emerging artist category will be juried separately from the other applicants. If you choose to
apply as an emerging artist, you must do so exclusively. Those who are accepted will share a booth with one or two other emerging artists, thereby reducing their booth expenses.
Acceptance Information
Notification of the jury¹s decision will be mailed by April 15, 2006 by regular mail. Slides submitted with applications will be returned if a stamped self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage is included.
Exhibition Information
Northwestern University offers a magnificent indoor setting in which to display work. This beautiful, air-conditioned facility overlooking Lake Michigan has high ceilings and superb lighting.
A 10' x 10' booth is $875
A 10' x 10' corner booth is $1,125
A 10' x 15' booth is $1,300
A 10' x 15' corner booth is $1,550
Requests for 10' x 15' booths and for corner booths will be filled on a first come first served basis.
No commission is taken on sales.
Cash awards will be made for outstanding work in various categories. $16,000 in award money was presented to craftsmen at the 2005 Exposition.
Security will be provided, but each craftsman exhibits all work at his or her own risk and should carry appropriate insurance. The American Craft Exposition Committee, The Auxiliary of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare and Northwestern University are not responsible for damage, theft or loss of an individual's work. An overnight lock-up will be available to jewelers for a fee.