Thursday, July 26, 2007

Under the Weather

Please pardon the slight delay...The Keeper is a wee bit under the weather. New posts will DEFINITELY appear no later than July 31st.

Peace and Harmony,

Monday, July 23, 2007

And Away We Go....

Gentle Readers:

The Keeper took a brief and much needed break but new updates shall appear no later than Wednesday, July 25, 2007.

Peace and Harmony

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Toronto Arts Council--Project Grants for Individual Artists

Deadline: September 5, 2007

Toronto Arts Council VISUAL ARTISTS
- Project Grants for Individual Artists

This program provides support to visual artists who have a professional independent art practice for the creation/production of new work or the completion of works in progress. Funds are intended to cover direct costs of creation/production, subsistence and materials. Visual Arts includes drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media, printmaking, bookworks, performance art, installation and fine crafts.

The program provides two levels of support to artists at varying points in their career:

LEVEL ONE: $3,000 – for emerging artists in the early stages of their professional career, who have produced a small body of work, and achieved some local recognition and/or have limited public exhibition experience. Generally, they have had between 2 and 7 years of professional arts practice.

LEVEL TWO: $5,000 or $8,000 – for mid-career and established artists. Artists in this level may choose which amount is most appropriate for their needs.

Mid-career artists are past the early stages of their careers, have produced a reasonable body of work and have received recognition outside the local community. Generally, they have had between 8 and 14 years of professional arts practice.

Established artists have produced an extensive body of work and have achieved national or international recognition. Generally, they have had at least 15 years of professional arts practice.

General eligibility requirements

Applicants must be professional artists and meet the following criteria:

Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (Landed Immigrants) or have an application pending for Permanent Resident status and, if requested, be able to provide documentation to verify this.

Applicants must have maintained a residence or artist's studio in the City of Toronto for a minimum of one year prior to the deadline and live/work in Toronto for at least 8 months a year.

Applicants must have completed basic training (not necessarily in a formal educational institution.)

Applicants must have spent a minimum of one year working on and developing an independent art practiceafter completing full-time studies.

Full-time undergraduate students are not eligible.

Applicants must retain full copyright, financial and creative control.

Applicants may receive funding through TAC's Visual Artists or Media Artists Programs only once every two years.

2007 Application Deadline: September 5

Application Package

Challenge VII: dysFUNKtional

Deadline: November 7, 2007

Wood Turning Center
Challenge VII: dysFUNKtional

Challenge VII will showcase art which subverts, satirizes, or burlesques function. The art might even seem functional — just as long as it’s also fun and maybe a little funky. As always, lathe-turned wood objects are welcome, but so is work which incorporates other processes, or which alludes to turning and/or wood, and is offbeat, amusing, and surprising.

Visitors to Challenge VII should encounter the unexpected and entertaining. Your submission doesn’t have to come directly from Acme products. It might appear more traditional on the surface than it is on closer examination. Stories, surprises, social and political critique are all welcome.

We are looking for intense experiences of color, original uses of materials and tools, work with auditory elements, such as musical instruments, and kinetic pieces. Collaborations between artists are welcome. Video and performance are also eligible. Jurors will consider all submissions incorporating or alluding to wood and beyond.

The Wood Turning Center’s Challenge Series

The Challenge series provides international artists with a forum to push the frontiers of their craft while encouraging the public to expand its understanding and appreciation of contemporary lathe turning and wood working. The Challenge series includes works from both established and emerging international artists who seek to redefine function, decoration and sculptural form.

Apply to be included in the exhibition!


November 7, 2007 Application deadline

Check list of materials to be submitted by November 7:
□ Application form
□ Application fee
□ Digital images &/or drawings or models
□ 10 digital images of previous work (for proposals only)
□ Resume
□ Artist(s) statement (optional)
□ Additional comments or explanation for each piece submitted (optional)

January 7, 2008 Notification of work selected for this exhibition.

April 5, 2008 Deadline for delivery of work to the Wood Turning Center. The artist pays for shipping the piece(s) and insurance while in transit. The Center insures and pays for return of work at wholesale value.

October 3, 2008 Exhibition opens at the Wood Turning Center.

Challenge VII Flyer with application form (Acrobat 7)
Challenge VII Exhibition Prospectus with application (Acrobat 7)

A Show of Heads

Deadline: August 31, 2007 (Postmark)

A Show of Heads
Limner Gallery
October 25 to November 24, 2007

SlowArt Productions presents the group thematic exhibition, A Show of Heads.

Open to all artists working in any media, this exhibition will include all interpretations and portrayals of the human head, from the traditional to the abstract and conceptual. All visions of the The Head, including partial and multiple heads, will be reviewed and considered.


A Show of Heads is open to all artists, national and international, working in all media. All forms of art are eligible. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.


Artwork submitted may be represented by 35mm slides or prints (photographic or digital prints up to 8.5" x 11" accepted.) Artists who wish to submit digital image files instead of slides or prints may do so. Digital image files may be submitted on PC platform CD, DVD or 100mb Zip disc, TIF or JPG format are acceptable.


A self-addressed-stamped-envelope (SASE) must be included with sufficient postage for the return of your submission materials. Artists outside the U.S. may include international reply coupons instead of stamps, or may add return postage cost to their
entry fee at a rate of $.80US per ounce of mail.


Artists will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance no later than September 30, 2007. Results will be posted on or before this date at: Notification will be made via email and/or by mail with the return of materials using the SASE provided by the artist.


There is a $30.00 entry fee for 1-4 slides, prints or digital files. If you wish to include more than 4, please include $5.00 for each additional. Details of artwork count as additional.

Artists accepted to exhibit will not be charged additional fees of any kind.


There will be a $1000 cash award presented to one artist.


All works in the show must be for sale. The gallery will take a 30 percent commission on all sales. Sale price determined by artist.

Click here for the prospectus:

SlowArt Productions
A Show of Heads
123 Warren Street
Hudson, NY 12534

Spare Parts Gallery: GIMME SHELTER

Deadline: July 21, 2007

Spare Parts Gallery
July 27 to September 30, 2007

Call for artists for exhibit GIMME SHELTER. Art is wanted on the theme of housing: dreams, problems, past and future social and cultural implications.

Participating artists will pledge 5 percent of art sales with a matching 5 percent from Spare Parts Gallery to The Shelter.

Deadline for entries is 5 to 7 p.m. July21.

Spare Parts Gallery
8 S. Ninth Street--Downtown
Columbia, Missouri

For more information, go to or

THREADS; an all fiber arts exhibit

Deadline : July 20, 2007

THREADS; an all fiber arts exhibit
August 3rd – August 24th, 2007

The Art Center seeks artists for THREADS; an all fiber arts exhibit! THREADS is an open call show for all fiber arts, including but not limited to quilts, laces, fashion, dolls, etc. Please click here for an entry form.

The opening reception for THREADS is on Friday, August 3rd from 7 –9 pm at The Art Center on 344 South Main Street in Butler, PA 16001. The opening reception is free and open to the public; light refreshments will be served.

Juror: Barbara Westman--international fiber artist and teacher.

Rules and Regulations

§ Deadline for entry forms and fees is Friday, July 20th, 2007.

§ Cost of entry is $20 for up to ten pieces of artwork for non-AABC members and $15 for up to ten pieces of artwork for AABC members.

§ All artwork must be original. THREADS is a juried show.

§ All artwork must be fiber arts. This includes but is not limited to quilts, dolls, fashion, etc. All work must be suitable for family viewing.

§ Work shown at the AABC in the last two years is not eligible.

§ All work must be labeled with your name, address, telephone number, email address (if applicable), title, price and medium.

§ All work must be ready for show. All 2D artwork must be ready to hang with wire or firmly fixed saw-tooth hangers. All 3D artwork must sit securely.

§ Deliver artwork: Friday, July 27th from 12pm – 7pm and Saturday, July 28th from 12pm – 4 pm.

§ Pickup artwork: August 25th from 12 noon – 4pm and August 29th from 12 noon – 6 pm. Work not picked up by August 30th will be charged a $5 fee per week for storage. *Call prior to make special arrangements and we may waive this fee. *The utmost care will be taken to protect artwork, but The Art Center is not liable for any damages to any artwork.

§ All work must remain on display through August 24th.

§ The Art Center will retain a 30% commission on the sale of member work and 40% commission on the sale of non-member work. (Membership is $30/year, please call 724-283-6922 for a membership application)

§ Each artist is responsible for the shipping and handling of their own work.

§ Judge's prizes and awards will be announced to winners on Friday, August 3rd on The Spirit Café Stage.

§ Any group or individual who wishes to set up a booth during the show opening on Friday, August 3rd, must pay an additional $50 fee. All booth artwork is exempt from judging. Booth keeps 100% of commission on sold works. Individuals should bring their own booth, and booths should not exceed 10' x 10' in size. Booth space is limited. Please call 724-283-6922 for more information.

§ Make checks payable to AABC; write in memo THREADS 2007. Mail check and entry form to: The Art Center : THREADS 2007

P.O. Box 245

Butler, PA 16003-0245

Please call 724-283-6922 if you have any questions!

About the AABC

The Associated Artists of Butler County is the oldest cultural organization in Butler County. Our rich history began in 1934 as our intent to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, as well as to encourage and foster art.

Gallery Hours
Wednesday 12 pm – 6 pm
Thursday 12 pm – 6 pm
Friday 12 pm - 9 pm
Saturday 12 pm - 4 pm

Contact Information
Call 724-283-6922