Saturday, March 24, 2007
Inspire Arts at Hennepin County Medical Center
The Inspire Arts program at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) is seeking proposals for exhibits of small scale, 3-dimensional sculptures, ceramics, etc. for exhibition opportunities at the Medical Center. Individual artists or groups of artists within Minnesota are eligible to submit proposals.
About Inspire Arts:
Funded by the Service League of HCMC, Inspire Arts is an arts enrichment program for the patients, visitors, staff and community of Hennepin County Medical Center. We seek to promote a healing environment through art that helps reduce the stress and anxiety often associated with health care environments. A variety of services such as music, visual arts, and performing arts are intended to improve morale, build hope, inspire creativity, and reflect the diversity of our community. The program is built on a growing body of evidence that confirms art and creativity have an important role to play in the healing environment.
Gallery Dimensions: Two plexiglass covered pedestals with display area measuring 24” x 24” x 24” and two plexiglass covered pedestals with display area measuring 24” x 24” x 48”.
Length of exhibition: 2-3 months
To submit a proposal for consideration, please send:
1. An artist statement and contact information
2. A detailed proposal for exhibition that includes a short statement about how the work contributes to a healing environment
3. Slides or photographs of the work.
4. A self-addressed, stamped envelope for return materials.
Mail submissions to:
Wenda Lyons Ballinger
Arts Program Coordinator
Service League of HCMC
701 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Please call 612-873-2208 or
email Wenda Lyons Ballinger at
Rosalux Gallery: OPEN DOOR Exhibition
Rosalux Gallery
OPEN DOOR Exhibition
June 12th-30th, 2007
Rosalux Gallery is pleased to announce its Third Annual OPEN DOOR Exhibition. This is the only chance for non- member artists to showcase their work in the gallery. This year the show will be juried by Diane Mullin, Associate curator at the Weisman Art Museum. Typically, the OPEN DOOR exhibition is reviewed and receives extensive press coverage. This is an excellent opportunity to exhibit artwork in one of Minneapolis’s premier commercial gallery spaces. All media is accepted: there are no guidelines set for subject matter, medium or style, and the show is open to anyone throughout the world.*
1. Completed application PDF or Microsoft Word
2. Artist Statement
3. Resume
4. Three images of work - Send digital images as jpegs on CD only; do not email images)
5. Slide List: on a separate sheet of paper include the title of work, medium, dimensions, and the date of completion.
6. SASE (if you want your application returned). Applications that do not contain a SASE with proper postage will not be returned.
7. $25 Submission Fee (Make checks payable to Rosalux Gallery)
Artists will be notified by May 18th, 2007.
Rosalux Gallery takes a 35% commission on any work sold during the show.
Applications must be sent to:
Open Door Exhibition
Rosalux Gallery
1011 Washington Avenue So.
Minneapolis, MN 55415
*Artists are responsible for transporting art to the gallery as well as picking up unsold work when the show is over. Anyone outside the Twin Cities area is responsible for all shipping fees by providing a return label with shipment (Fed Ex or UPS).
Rocky Neck Art Colony
Rocky Neck Art Colony
National Exhibit
May 18 - June 10, 2007
All two- and three-dimensional art is eligible including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media, and assemblage. You do not have to be a member of the Rocky Neck Art Colony to apply.
Three cash prizes will be awarded.
Karen Quinn, Assistant Curator of Paintings, Art of the Americas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Maximum size 48" any side and under 50 lbs. Two-dimensional work must be suitably framed and firmly wired. No sawtooth hangers or sandwich frames.ENTRY PROCEDURE
Jurying will be done from 35mm slides and images submitted on a CD. Up to three works may be submitted.Slides must be clearly labeled with the artist's name, title, size (H x W), medium and number to correspond with numbers on entry form. Indicate TOP of slide with arrow.
CD images must be PC-readable and named with title of work and entry number (e.g. weather-1.jpg). We accept JPEG files at 300 dpi, approximately 4" x 5" in size.
Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by May 1.
Download the application:
MORE INFO: Call Kathryn Tuck, 978-546-7582 orvisit the website:
Sewing & Stitchery Expo 2008
Sewing & Stitchery Expo 2008
February 28, 2008 to March 2, 2008
Washington State University in Pierce County (Sponsor)
The Sewing & Stitchery Expo is the largest, most comprehensive consumer education and trade event for the sewing industry in the United States.
The Sewing & Stitchery Expo is a juried show. Very few booths open up each year and the jury's goal is to fill those booths with new and innovative products or with something that the show is lacking. Please send a packet of information that best explains/describes your business or product. This packet can contain pictures, descriptions or if possible, actual product.
Booth Size and Fee: 10 x 10 booth is $750.00
Packet must be received by Thursday, September 4, 2007.
Send to:
WSU Conferences & Professional Programs
7612 Pioneer Way East
Puyallup, WA 98371-4998
The jury usually meets in October and invitations to new vendors are sent out in November (after the deadline for existing vendors to return their contracts). If you wish to have your packet/samples returned to you, you must include a postage-paid envelope.
Please do not send fee with your packet. If you are chosen to be an exhibitor, you will be contacted and invoiced.
In order to be considered as an exhibitor for the Sewing & Stitchery Expo, you must meet the following criteria:
1. Must be a bonafide sewing related business. The emphasis of the show will be sewing as opposed to other needlework entities.
2. The majority of products sold in the booth must be raw products such as fabrics, materials, patterns, equipment, etc. to do sewing or needlework.
3. Speakers must be exhibitors or connected to an exhibit booth where they can be available for attendees to enhance educational nature of this event.
4. Due to the educational format and priorities of this show, exhibitors must promote a balance between products and education.
5. Must be an example of high quality and integrity in the sewing industry.
6. The management reserves the right to make decisions regarding involvement and participation of exhibitors and seminars that are deemed best for "The Good of the Sewing and Stitchery Expo".
If you have questions, please call us Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (PST) at 253-445-4575.
If you are interested in being a speaker, please look at the enclosed speaker criteria and submit your information to Ann Sagawa. You may reach Ann at 253-798-3261.
Vendor Criteria Information 2008 (PDF)
Vendor Application 2008 (PDF)
WSU Center for Distance Learning and Professional Programs
(253) 445-4575
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Beads of Whimsy
Beads of Whimsy
March 7 - April 12, 2008
The Textile Center and the Upper Midwest Bead Society are proud to present a gallery exhibition to highlight the creative work of bead artists everywhere. This will be an international show, juried by Stephanie Eddy. Artists are encouraged to let their imaginations fly to create something in a whimsical spirit.
General Guidelines:
- Call for Entry form with complete rules will be available for download after April 1, 2007.
- Pieces must have been completed after January 1, 2007 and contain at least 50% beads.
- Submissions are due November 20, 2007.
- Artists will be notified by February 25, 2008.
- The show will be exhibited in the Textile Center's Joan Mondale Gallery from March 7 - April 12. All items must remain at the Textile Center until the end of the show.
- A maximum of 3 entries can be submitted for one $25 jury fee.
- Entries should be in one of the following categories: Wearable - Jewelry; Wearable - Other; Non-Wearable - Flat (wall hanging); Non-Wearable - 3-D (sculpture). You should submit no more than 2 entries per category.
- All work should be original.
- Images can be submitted via slides or digital.
- There will be prizes for each category as well as Juror's Choice and Best of Show awards.
Visit the website for complete details:
Nothing New: Fiber Art from Recycled Materials
Nothing New:
Fiber Art from Recycled Materials
Textile Center Joan Mondale Gallery
June 22 - August 4, 2007
over the age of 18 may submit up to two pieces for jury consideration. Works should be constructed of recycled materials and must be or original concept and executed by the artist.
A Juror’s Award will be made, and the winner announced at the opening reception.
Works need to be for sale to be considered for acceptance into the show.
The Textile Center will retain a 40 percent commission on all works sold through the exhibition.
APPLICATION is available for download here.
The entry fee is $25.00 for up to two entries.
Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your images. Mail entry form, SASE, jury fee ($25.00) and images (slides or CD):
Nothing New Entry
Textile Center
3000 University Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Artwear in Motion
Artwear in Motion
October 13-20, 2007
Now in its eleventh year, Artwear in Motion showcases wearable art—both functional and purely metaphoric—in a runway show and boutique setting.
Artists and fashion designers who both design and produce original work are eligible to apply.
Entries will be juried by Laurie Schafer
Artists over the age of 18 may submit five slides (or electronic images) of 3-5 representative garments for jury consideration. Accessories without garments are not eligible.
All work should be of original concept and executed by the artist. Artists may apply together only if each garment submitted is truly collaborative and the nature of the collaboration is indicated on the application form.
There will be cash and purchase awards made for excellence in design, execution and concept. Winners will be announced at the runway show.
All garments exhibited must be for sale. The Textile Center will retain a 40 percent commission on all sales made directly from the show. The Textile Center also asks a 20 percent commission on sales that result from direct referrals.
Garments will be for sale immediately following the runway show on October 13. An artist boutique will also be held before and after the runway show and is open to all accepted artists; participation is optional.
APPLICATION is available for download here.
The entry fee is $25.00.
Artwear in Motion 2007 Entry
Textile Center
3000 University Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
May 11 – 13 2007
BKLYN DESIGNS + will take place in a separate show venue in DUMBO, to be announced.
BKLYN DESIGNS + is a brand new feature launching at the fifth anniversary show, offering exhibitors a juried cash + carry marketplace for selling design accessory merchandise.
BKLYN DESIGNS + is only open to exhibitors with products that are designed and/or built in Brooklyn.
• Lamps/Lighting
• Pillows, Quilts, Rugs, Linens
• Toys
• Ceramics/Tableware/Glass
• Jewelry
• Other__________________
Booth Rental
Show management will provide one 6-foot table per exhibitor for displaying/storing merchandise and conducting business. The cost to rent a table is $600. Ambient lighting will be provided, and accepted exhibitors will be given the option to purchase power supply for additional lighting.
Download the application
Application Materials
Before submitting, please be sure that your application includes:
1. Press Materials (clips, press kits, etc.)
2. Images (catalogs, sell sheets, prints, etc.)
3. Background Materials including information about connection to Brooklyn
*Please be sure to note any “green,” sustainable products that you offer*
Certificate of Authority
New York State requires that you obtain a Certificate of Authority if you are a show vendor and display tangible personal property for sale or make taxable sales of tangible personal property at a show at which more than one vendor displays items for sale.
To obtain a Certificate of Authority, fill out Form DTF-17, Application for Registration as a Sales Tax Vendor at least 20 days before you begin operating your business. You may obtain a copy of the application form from the New York Tax Department’s Web site. For more information see
For further information please contact auster*events
Or call us at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
718.875.1000 x 146
BKLYN DESIGNS™ is presented by the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.
Show management reserves the right to accept up to 10% of the exhibitors by invitation, to balance the style and content of the work shown. It also reserves the right to exclude any exhibitor whose work does not reflect the quality present in their images or their previously exhibited work, or whose exhibit is not professional in appearance. BKLYN DESIGNS™ will provide security at the site, however it will not be responsible for damage, theft or loss of work.
Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
25 Elm Place, Suite 200
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2007
Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2007
Oct. 2 -28, 2007
The Cheongju International Craft Biennale Organizing Committee invite both new and established artists the world over to take part in the competition. They will lead the craft world in the 21st century with their creativity, and we expect their strong interest and enthusiastic participation.
The Cheongju International Craft Biennale will focus on the inherent meaning of craft and the order of life as well as its ecological values, in pursuit of change and growth of its genuine meanings. It will not seek some quick and visible results; rather, it will lead to the deep, slow, and invisible energy in nature and the universe in its uninterrupted flow.
Categories of Competition
Metal, ceramic, wood and lacquer work, textiles, and others (glass, stone, bamboo, leather etc.)
Individual or group works regardless of nationality, age, or sex of the artists
Number of Works and Size Limitation
One participant (or up to three participants for a group work) may submit up to two works.
Three-dimensional: Maximum of 1.5m in height 1m in width 1m in length
Two-dimensional: Maximum of 2m in height 2m in width
Official Languages
Korean, English
Participation Fee
Grand Prize (1) $30,000 - Includes the purchase of the
artwork, trophy and citation
Gold Prize (4) $10,000 - Includes the purchase of the
artwork, trophy and citation
Silver Prize (5) $5,000 - Includes the purchase of the
artwork, trophy and citation
Bronze Prize (5) $3,000 - Includes the purchase of the
artwork, trophy and citation
Special Citation (Several for each category) - Citation
Honorable Mention (Many for each category) - Citation
The monetary award for the bronze prize and above includes the purchase of the artwork. Taxes will be with held at source.
The prize winning artworks for the bronze prize and above shall become the property of the Organizing Committee. Foreign artists winning the bronze prize and above will be invited to the award ceremony (air fare and accommodation expenses will be paid)
Click here for complete Details and Application
Tel: +82-43-277-2501
Fax: +82-43-277-2610
Address : International Craft Competition Dept.
Cheongju International Craft Biennale Organizing Committee 755, Sajik 1-dong, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju City, Chungcheongbuk-do, 361-828, Republic of Korea
Reception online: or
The Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery 2007
The Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery 2007
This prestigious international competition attracts students of embroidery, fashion and textiles, throughout the world.
Who Can Enter
Any student of any course who is in full or part time education at the time of application from any country in the world.
The aim is to promote the use of hand embroidered surface embellishment within fashion, costume and interiors industries. In doing so, it is hoped that contemporary design and fresh approaches can be matched up with the high quality and expertise required in the professional world.
The Brief:
The brief encourages a diverse range of work.
It seeks original and creative ideas, innovative design and use of materials.
Entrants are required to:
1. Base all work entered on the following brief, entitled 'Ecclesiastical'.
2. 'Present embroidered samples, of hand embroidery for clothing, accessories, costume or soft furnishing.
3. Use HAND EMBROIDERY. Machine embroidery can be used, but must be hand embellished.
4. Demonstrate how the embroidery can be applied / used, by providing one or more of the following - finished items / garments / mock-ups /illustrations / computer graphics.
5. Provide supporting research and sketch/idea books/sheets, with notes that explain the thinking and ideas behind the concept.
6. Show the design development from initial concept through to realised design.
7. Ensure that the finished product is both practical and commercially viable.
How to Enter
Enter on-line (
OR Complete the entry form in full and return along with the entry fee to Hand & Lock.
Click here to download entry form
Entry Fee
There is a £22.00 fee to enter (Entrants from outside the UK. Please note that payment can only be accepted by either a cheque drawn on a UK bank, or, by credit / debit card through the online registration page.)
Entry Form Deadline
March 31st 2007 only the entry form and entrance fee is required. Please Note: Do not send work at this point.
Address to send to:
The Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery 2007
86 Margaret Street
London W1W 8TE
Handmade in Britain
Handmade: The Contemporary Crafts Fair
Chelsea Old Town Hall
27th - 30th November 2007
Handmade in Britain is a UK based organisation aiming to promote talented designer makers who produce their work in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
The organisation works to promote professional design excellence through productive partnerships between the designer and the public.
This 4-day event presents the opportunity to buy or commission unique hand made products direct from over 70 designer makers.
Applications are now invited from UK based designer makers who wish to exhibit at Handmade 2007.
To apply please download the attached documents in word or PDF format.
PDF Format
Handmade2007 Application guidelines (PDF format)
Handmade2007 Application forms (PDF format)
Handmade2007 Terms & Conditions (PDF format)
Word Format
Handmade2007 Application guidelines (word format)
Handmade2007 Application forms (word format)
Handmade2007 Terms & Conditions (word format)
Applications to be received by 6pm Friday 20th April 2007.
A full listing of selected exhibitors who will be showcasing their work at Handmade 2007 will be available soon.
If you have any questions or any difficulty downloading the forms please contact David Stevens at
If you have missed the deadline please email us to apply for reserve list.
art of the STITCH
art of the STITCH is a major open international biennial exhibition presented by the Embroiderers' Guild in association with Coats Crafts. It aims to represent the role of stitch in contemporary artistic practice.
Proposed international tour 2008/9:
Waterhall, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, UK
Deutsches Textilmuseum, Krefeld, Germany
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Fundación Valentín de Madariaga-MP, Seville, Spain
Selectors include:
Edit András PhD
Chris Berry, Chairman, Embroiderers' Guild
Carmen Calleja de Pablo, Fundación Valentín de Madariaga-MP
Michael Claridge, Embroiderers' Guild
Zelina Garland, Waterhall, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Alice Kettle, Textile Artist
Stephen Sheard, Coats Crafts
Lynn Szygenda, Embroiderers' Guild
Dr Brigitte Tietzel, Deutsches Textilmuseum
Anchor Awards including 1st Prize £4,000
Open to all artists†, including students and graduates
†Aged 18 or over on 31 October 2006
Only work commenced after 31 October 2006 will be eligible.
Download Call for Entries in PDF format
Monday, March 19, 2007
Arts Center/Old Forge-- 2007 Adirondack Theme Exhibit
April 2, 2007 (Receive Date for Shipped Work)
April 2-5, 2007 (Hand Delivered Work)
The 2007 Adirondack Theme Exhibit
May 9 - June 3, 2007
Arts Center/Old Forge
The 2007 Adirondack Theme Exhibit is an open show, juried for awards. Artwork in all fine art media, including mixed media and sculpture, will be accepted. No photography.
The exhibit seeks to display the natural beauty found within the Adirondack Park as well as to create a dialogue about the impact of man on this wilderness area.
Artwork may illustrate either a positive or negative viewpoint. Artists are asked to submit an artist statement about how their work illustrates this theme. Artists are also asked to describe any environmentally-friendly art materials that were used in creating their work. These statements will be posted next to the artist’s work.
A monetary Best of Show, Second Place, Third Place and Arts Guild Directors Award will be given. Judge’s Choice will be awarded at the discretion of the judge.
A popular vote award is also given, based on the votes cast by exhibition viewers.
Juror of Awards:
Sandra Hildreth
Adirondack Artists’ Guild
Saranac Lake, NY.
$15 for one work of art ($10 for Arts Center members) and
$20 for two works of art ($15 for Arts Center members).
All artwork is considered for sale unless listed NFS (not for sale). The Arts Center will retain a 30% commission on all entries sold during the exhibition.
Download the Prospectus
Contact Information
Arts Center/ Old Forge
PO Box 1144, Old Forge, NY 13420
Phone: 315-369-6411
Web site:
Bags2 Riches -- Call for Designers
Deadline: August 8, 2007 (Receive)
Bags2Riches Fashion Show
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fashion Shows at 11:30 & 12:30
Bags2 Riches is a unique Handbag Competition dedicated to the homeless and near homeless in the Indianapolis community. It will benefit Trusted Partners, the one of a kind program that provides volunteer mentors for individuals and families in homeless prevention programs.
Fiber Artists, Quilters, Knitters, and creators of all kinds…Create your own original handbag to enter into the competition. Ten lucky finalists will have their handbag on the runway in a fashion show at the beautiful Artsgarden in downtown Indianapolis, with the “Most Original Handbag” receiving the most purchased votes.
Contest Rules:
1. Create an original purse, handbag, or tote;
2. Title your entry
3. Complete an official entry form.
Send completed entry to:
Trusted Partners/Immanuel UCC
Bags2Riches Contest
402 E. Prospect St
Indianapolis, IN 46225
Entries must be received by August 8, 2007. Any bags received after that date will not be eligible for the grand prize, but will be sold or included in the silent auction.
Finalist judging: All entries will be judged by representatives of the Sponsor, who will select ten (10) finalists. Criteria for selection include: originality, unique design elements, and quality of the workmanship.
Only the 10 finalists will be notified of their selection on or before September 15, 2007. All bags not selected as a finalist will be included in the Silent Auction or sale portion of the event.
One Grand Prize will be awarded.
Grand prize includes:
· $100 Gift Certificate to Quilt Quarters (Carmel, In)
· $50 Gift Certificate to Talbots
· Printer from Kridan Business Equipment
Your entry must be your original work.
Entry to Bags2Riches relinquishes your ownership of the bag.
Call for Designers: B2R2007CallforDesigners.doc
Entry Form: B2R_2007_bag_entry_form.doc
The Muse Gallery--Annual Juried Exhibition
The Muse Gallery
52 N. 2nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215-627-5310 (phone)
Annual Juried Exhibiton - "Words"
Exhibition dates: Aug 1, 2007 - Aug 24, 2007
Reception date(s): First Friday Opening Reception on August 3, from 5 until 8 PM
Open to all 2-D and 3-D media, "Words" Exhbition is on the theme of words in script, poetry/literature/song, advertising graphics, letters and letter-like shapes, non-roman scripts, and so on. Words occur conceptually in the deepest levels of human consciousness and graphically merge language expression with visual art.
Download Prospectus Here
Renegade Craft Fair--Brooklyn
Renegade Craft Fair--Brooklyn
Saturday, June 16 & Sunday, June 17, 2007
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The McCarren Park Pool
Lorimer St. between Driggs & Bayard Ave.
The Renegade Craft Fair is a unique DIY event organized by Sue Blatt & Kathleen Habbley.
The Renegade Craft Fair draws vendors from all over the country, showcasing the coolest crafts around, including DIY knitting, jewelry, sewn items, paper goods, silkscreening, comics, zines and more!
The application process for the holiday fair runs from March 1 thru April 1. You must submit an online application, photos and payment by the deadline in order for you to be considered. Click here for instructions + the application.
Booth spaces are 10ft x 10ft.
Application Fee: $210 for both days.
PLEASE NOTE: You're responsible for providing your own displays (table, chairs and tents).
We encourage international vendors to apply, but please check with the IRS to square away all your paperwork before proceeding!
Notifications will sent by email on April 6, 2007.
2007 Indie Craft Experience
2007 Indie Craft Experience
Saturday, June 2, 2007
11:00 AM to 6 PM
Centennial Olympic Park
265 Park Ave West N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313-1591
Indie Craft Experience’s 5th round calls for some added excitement! Located in Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta, this Indie Craft Experience will feature a craft market, live music, craft workshops and a city-wide clothing swap!
Click here to Apply to Exhibit.
All items must be handmade. This is a juried event with a limited number of slots. We get many applications so it is very important that we receive a complete application before the deadline. We will send out notifications by April 20, 2007.
Fee: $100
Sharing: You may share a space with another vendor, BUT you must apply together. This is a juried event so we must approve both of you.
Space: Each vendor will have a space that is 10 ft. x 10 ft. Vendors are responsible for their entire display: tables, chairs, table clothes, racks, etc.
You can rent a tent, table and chair from us for: $100 tent, $10 6ft table, $3 per folding chair.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Art Star Craft Bazaar
The Art Star Craft Bazaar is an annual arts & crafts show organized & juried by Art Star Gallery & Boutique. We are currently looking for artists to participate. All mediums are welcome, but the work must be handmade.
Click Here To Download an Application [.pdf.]
The show will take place June 2nd, from 11-7pm & June 3rd, from 11-5pm. Vendors will be set up along The Liberties Walk (1030-1040 N 2nd St) & we are also hoping to use Germantown Avenue (which runs between Hancock St. & 2nd St.). If we are able to use this street, we will be able to fit up to 100 vendors. We also hope to have arts/crafts demonstrations in a variety of techniques.
Fee: $80
All applicants will be notified of acceptance by Saturday, April 21st.
ALL APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT IMAGES. Please include the URL of your website in the below application, or send 3-5 digital images to If you prefer to send a CD or printed images, please send with application & a SASE. Images will not be returned if you do not include a SASE.
This year marks our 4th Art Star Craft Bazaar & we hope for it to be our biggest & best yet!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Bumbershoot Festival Indie Market
Bumbershoot Festival
September 1 – September 3, 2007
11 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
A Call For Independent artists, designers, crafters, and retailers who break the mold of the traditional craft fair.
Are you craftastic? An artistic entrepreneur who has to get your indie made goods out to the world? An independent retailer that supports artists and everyday art? Great! Bumbershoot’s objective is to create a distinctive marketplace that will speak to our young audience; a colorful and varied display of handmade crafts, original designs, everyday art, and inventive retail style. Each year over 150,000 people attend the festival. This is an incredible opportunity to be involved in one of Seattle’s biggest gathering of artists and independent retailers. Reach a large audience, show off your style, market your business and sell your goods! We encourage artists working in either new or traditional forms to apply. All types of work will be considered, with the exception of pre-recorded music, food, and beverage. Please note that t-shirts may only be sold at Bumbershoot with specific approval.
To apply for Indie Market , please download the PDF applications below. You can use Acrobat Reader to fill out the form digitally, or print and complete by hand.
Mac users: Preview will not let you edit the some of the form elements in these PDFs. You will have to use Safari 2's PDF reader or Acrobat Reader.
Download the application:
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival: SPIN
Melbourne Scarf Festival: SPIN
28 June to 7 July
Craft Victoria's annual Melbourne Scarf Festival is just around the corner, and it's time to start preparing your entries for the festival. In 2007 the Scarf Festival is expanding, becoming a 10 day festival, from 28 June to 7 July. The festival will include the Scarf Exhibition as well as a jam packed array of workshops and discussions.
The 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival returns to the very basics of making with a celebration of the spinning process. Previous festivals have explored the religious, cultural, tribal and technological life of scarves. Now we turn to the very mystery of the making process. For scarf makers, SPIN will be an opportunity to experiment with different threads and highlight the way scarves might be worn on the body.
To keep up with the high demand for participation and increased interest in the 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival we have introduced a small administration fee for all entries. However, this year there will be no commission taken on scarves sold during the festival. This means that makers will receive the total sum on sold scarves and can keep their prices down, again, encouraging sales and participation.
Once again there will be a limit of 3 entries per person and the following fee structure will apply.
Craft Victoria Members - $15 per entry (i.e. one scarf $15, two scarves $30, three scarves $45)
Non-members - $25 per entry (i.e. one scarf $25, two scarves $50, three scarves $75)
17 years and under – Free
Registration Kits
Details about the registration fees, submission of scarves, scarf awards and guidelines, consignment information and updates will be provided in The 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival Registration Kit and on the Scarf Festival website. Registration kits will be available from 1st April. To participate in the Scarf Festival you must send your completed registration form to Craft Victoria by 28 may.
Visit from 1st April, 2007 to download The 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival: SPIN Registration Kit.
If you are having trouble downloading the form, or if you have an questions, please email
We look forward to your participation in this year's festival,
Susan Dragon
Festival Coordinator
The Moon: Back to the Future
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration invites college students from the arts, including industrial design, architecture, computer design, and the fine arts, to submit their work on the theme: Life and Work on the Moon.
Download a printable brochure of the contest
Entries will be accepted in three major categories: two-dimensional, three dimensional and digital. Each category will have pre-determined size limits.
- Contest opens in August, 2007 and all entries are due no later than December 1, 2007.
- Cash prizes, certificates of achievement, and exhibit opportunities are planned.
- We expect that winners will be announced in January of 2008.
- All entries will initially be submitted digitally as 300 dpi jpeg images.
- An on-line gallery is planned for public viewing of the artwork.
- Winners will be asked to ship their work to NASA for exhibit purposes.
Why is NASA sponsoring this contest?
Once humans establish a presence on the Moon, the arts will be a desired facet of life there, as they are here on Earth. It is our intention to provoke non-science and engineering students to think about the science and engineering required to achieve the conditions suitable for humans to live and work on the moon. It is also our intention to help the science and engineering communities appreciate valuable contributions from other communities, particularly the arts. We hope to see outstanding student art work that will inspire this and future generations of explorers.
Isadore Gallery--Exhibit Proposals
We are currently seeking exhibition proposals from ambitious and thought provoking contemporary artists in mediums which include painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, video, printmaking, performance and photography to participate in group, joint and individual shows. Propsals are reviewed by Isadore Gallery's Artistic Team during our regularly scheduled bi-monthly meetings.
Proposals should include:
- Artist Statement and resume in Microsoft Word format (.doc)
- Contact information (include email and mailing address, telephone number and website)
- Digital images of your work in .jpeg file format accompanied by the title, medium, dimensions, date, retail price and dates when the work is available
- Participation goals and artist intentions (ie. holding works on consignment, proposal for duo or solo show, group exhibition opportunities, etc.)
- Any equipment needed
- Self Addressed Stamped Envelope if you are sending slides or CDs and wish to have them returned to you. Otherwise your submissions will not be returned.
About the Gallery:
- The gallery has 75 feet of wall space to display your work, a large street-level window display and a private garden in the rear to display sculptural installations.
Visit the website for complete details:
How to contact Isadore Gallery:
Isadore Gallery228 North Prince Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 299-0127
Visual Arts Grants: Skills and Arts Development
Skills and Arts Development grants promote excellence in the arts by providing professional development opportunities for craftspeople, designers, media artists, visual artists, arts writers and curators.
Grant Types: Studio residencies
You can apply for:
- $10,000 three-month residencies in Barcelona, London, Los Angeles, Milan, New York, Paris, Rome or Tokyo
- $20,000 six-month residencies in New York
- $35,000 12-month residency in Berlin
General professional development
The Visual Arts Board supports applications from individuals and groups for activities where the main focus is professional development. Your project may span more than 12 months.
Young and emerging artists initiative
The Board offers grants of between $3000 and $6000 for craftspeople, designers, media artists, visual artists, curators and arts writers who are under 30 years of age. These grants are for professional development.
Who is eligible to apply?
Skills and Arts Development grants are open to individuals and groups. You must meet the general eligibility requirements and provide the required support material.
Applicants may only submit one application to the New Work, Skills and Arts Development or Fellowships category in 2007.
Applications are not accepted from people currently undertaking undergraduate studies.
Applications are not accepted for participation in art fairs.
Applications will be selected that best demonstrate:
- a high degree of artistic merit in the applicant's work to date
- the potential for the project to contribute to the applicant's professional development
What should you submit?
You must submit the required support material in addition to the application form.
Closing date: 1 August 2007
Decisions advised: December 2007
Projects may start: 1 January 2008
Application forms are not yet available. They will be available at least six weeks before the closing date.
Visit website for complete details:
Domestic Art - Between Functional and Fine
Domestic Art - Between Functional and Fine
Museum & Arts Center in the Sequim - Dungeness Valley
October 3, 2007 – December 15, 2007
Domestic Art - Between Functional and Fine is a juried fiber arts exhibition exploring the social issues behind domesticity, home economics, cocooning and collecting, gender roles, the aesthetic of utilitarian objects, curated with the juxtaposition of wry political commentary and pleasant reminiscences.
Explore the use of hand-crafted materials in fine art, the significance of dexterity, and textiles' link between our past and our future, and experience this delightful sophisticated look at the domestic arts. The exhibition is a component of the 2007 North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival.
Prospectus is available for download:
Deadline: April 1, 2007 (Receive)
Art By Southeaster Fiber Artists
MAY 7-AUGUST 18, 2007
Hudgens Center for the Arts
Duluth, GA
All fiber techniques are welcome, including weaving in its many forms, basketry, knitting, dyeing, surface design, felting, and quilting, as well as ground breaking fiber art that creates new frontiers in the fiber world.
Entry may be by slide, CD, or e-mail
Images must be no larger than 1200 pixels. They should also be JPEG format.
Entry fee by check or money order for up to two pieces:
CHG Members: $30
Non Members: $55
Additional pieces may be entered at $20 each.
Entry forms, fees, CDs, slides, or e-mails must be received by April 1, 2007.
Acceptance notification will be sent out by e-mail the week of April 4-8, 2007.
Entry CDs /slides/e-mail images become property of Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild.
First Prize: $400
Second Prize: $250
Third Prize: $150
Handweavers Guild of America Award of Merit
"Steven Aimone is an artist, author, fine arts instructor, and independent curator who has taught numerous design workshops and courses to a wide variety of audiences: professional artists and craftspeople, college students, museum patrons, and local school teachers." See his website at He is the author of: DESIGN! A Lively Guide to Design Basics for Artists and Craftspeople, published by Lark Books, 2004
Contact Terri Bryson 404-634-9657 or e-mail
Works for sale should be marked accordingly. The artist retains 100% of the sale price of items sold through the show. The Gift Shop handles the sales during the show.
Download the prospectus:
Sponsored by:
Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild
P.O. Box 889244
Atlanta, GA 30356
The Dairy Barn Arts Center: Beyond Basketry 2008
Deadline: Friday, September 7, 2007 (5:00 PM)
The Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio invites you to enter Beyond Basketry 2008, a juried exhibition of contemporary basketry work. By our definition a vessel, constructed of any woven material(s) will be considered a basket.
Show dates: May 23 – September 1, 2008
Show will share our 6,000sq. ft. gallery with Bead International Accepted works will be shown in a full color catalog, printed by Ohio University Press. Selected works accompany Bead International in touring the country through December 2010.
Jurors Connie Lehman, Elizabeth Whyte Schulze, and Cindy Wrobel will select top artworks based on originality and innovation, design, technique, and craftsmanship.
Entry Requirements:
Artist must be18 years or older.
All work should be the result of an independent effort
Work must have been completed after September 2006.
For complete rules and an official entry form click here.
Rules and Official Entry may also be requested via e-mail or send a SASE to The Dairy Barn Arts Center c/o BB '08 Entry Form, P.O. Box 747 Athens, OH 45701
Crafts America Shows: Westchester, NY and Washington, DC
Deadline: April 1, 2007
Westchester County Center
White Plains, New York
October 19 to October 21, 2007
Washington Convention Center
Washington, DC
November 30 to December 2, 2007
Crafts America shows are designed for knowledgeable collectors as well as discriminating shoppers who appreciate high quality and original design. Each year atists compete by jury for places at three prestigious venues: the 20th annual Washington Craft Show, the 14th annual Westchester Craft Show, and the Palm Beach Fine Craft Show in West Palm Beach, FL. The location of these shows offers a large, sophisticated audience the opportunity to meet important artists and select from a significant body of their newest work. These top locations also provide special opportunities for artists to expand their customers and sales in major marketplaces.
The application for the Washington and Westchester Craft Shows are now available online. Please visit the website to access the online application system.
A downloadable application in MS-Word format is also available.
Crafts America shows are open to all craft artists who reside and work in the United States. All work must be well conceived and expertly executed in the U.S. It also must be made by hand or with the use of appropriate tools. Whether one-of-a-kind or limited production, work should reflect the individuality of the artist.
Crafts America booth fees vary for each show. Please refer to the application form for each show, or contact Crafts America directly at 203-254-0486.
Jurors' selections are based on the level of technical skill, quality of workmanship, and originality of design as represented in slides submitted. Juried work represents a broad spectrum of media, technique, and creative design. Cash awards will be made for outstanding work in various categories at each show.Only the following categories of contemporary fine art are eligible:
Basketry, Ceramics, Fiber Wearable, Fiber Decorative, Furniture, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media, Paper, Wood
Visit the website for applications and complete details:
Crafts America, LLC
PO Box 603
Greens Farms, CT 06838-0603
Street Address: 209 Greens Farms Road Westport, CT 06880-0620
Phone: (203) 254-0486
FAX: (203) 254-9672
Paradise City Arts Festivals: Marlborough
Paradise City Marlborough
Marlborough, Massachusetts
November 16, 17 & 18, 2007
170 exhibitors
Booth prices and show schedule
Download the application
- Complete the Application Form after downloading it and indicate which shows you are applying for by checking the appropriate box(es).
- Include the application processing fee of $30 for one show, or $45 for two shows
- Please review the About Our Slide Procedure' section of this application.For digital submissions, review the digital section of slide procedures.
- ATTENTION NON-US APPLICANTS! Please email us first for instructions about remitting your application fee(s).
Visit the website for complete details:
Paradise City Arts Festivals: Northampton
Paradise City Northampton
Northampton, Massachusetts
October 6, 7 & 8, 2007
Columbus day weekend
250 exhibitors
booth prices and show schedule
download the application
- Complete the Application Form after downloading it and indicate which shows you are applying for by checking the appropriate box(es).
- Include the application processing fee of $30 for one show, or $45 for two shows
- Please review the About Our Slide Procedure' section of this application.For digital submissions, review the digital section of slide procedures.
- ATTENTION NON-US APPLICANTS! Please email us first for instructions about remitting your application fee(s).
Visit the website for complete details:
Crafts at the Castle 2007
April 6, 2007 (Receive Date for Mailed Applications)
April 13, 2007 (Electronic Applications)
Crafts at the Castles
Hynes Convention Center
November 29 to December 2, 2007
Crafts at the Castle, a juried exhibition and sale,continues as one of the longest-running and most highly regarded exhibitions in the New England area. We offer exhibition spaces to artists in the following media categories: basketry, ceramics, fiber/decorative, fiber/wearable, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, and wood. The jury will accept approximately 150 craft artists.
For technical assistance e-mail:
For other questions regarding online application email us at
To submit an application by mail, download and complete the PDF document below. NOTE: Additional fees apply for mailed applications.
Download the Application Brochure
All applications must be received by the deadlines listed above. Offline applications received after the date listed above will be returned unopened. Please be aware of possible delays in postal areas.
All work must be original, executed by hand or with the use of appropriate tools, and created by individual craftspeople. Sales representatives and agents for groups of craftspeople are not eligible; each artist must be juried individually, and if selected, must be in attendance for the duration of the show. Work should be well-conceived and must show imagination, evidence of being handmade, originality and the mark of the artist's individuality. Artists applying to the show must apply under a specific category.
A panel of five jurors selects participants for Crafts at the Castle. Crafts at the Castle staff rely on the expertise of artists, gallery owners, museum curators, and arts professionals from diverse media and areas of the art world for our jury.
The jury panel will also select recipients for three Artist Recognition awards presented at the Crafts at the Castle Preview Gala on November 29, 2007.
The three awards, with generous monetary prizes are: Excellence in Craft, Excellence in a specific Craft Medium, and the New Face /New Work Award . The prestigious MFA Director's Choice Award – a purchase award by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - also is selected at the Preview Gala.
Each applicant is strongly encouraged to use the electronic application , to submit his or her information, five (5) electronic images of current work, and one (1) optional booth slide. A non-refundable fee of $40 for applying electronically is payable online by VISA, MasterCard or American Express through April 13, 2007. The fee will increase to $60 for applications submitted after April 13 through April 27, 2007.
ALL questions regarding ONLINE applications must contact Juried Art Services DIRECTLY by phone: 561-832-0480 or by e-mail:
Applicants not applying electronically may submit a mailed application and five (5) slides (a 6th slide showing booth display is optional) to Family Service of Greater Boston, Attn: Crafts at the Castle, 31 Heath Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. A non-refundable fee of $85 for applying by regular mail is payable by check or credit card. (This fee includes the application cost and a processing fee for artists who request CRAFTS AT THE CASTLE to enter data, and process, digitize, and upload slides.) Mailed applications must be received by April 6, 2007.
For complete details visit the website:
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Postcard Art Competition & Exhibition
Deadline: August 21, 2007 The unique Postcard Art Competition and Exhibition (PACE) is sponsored by the Curt Teich Postcard Archives, part of the Lake County Discovery Museum located in Wauconda, Illinois. The bi-annual event honors the postcard as an art form and challenges artists from around the country to create original works of art in 4"x 6" postcard size. The competition is open to artists 18 years or older. Judging is based on creativity, content, technical expertise and reproducibility as a postcard. Any two-dimensional medium reproducible by photographic process is acceptable. Three-dimensional work with a depth no greater than 3/8" is also acceptable.
| ||||||
Download a prospectus and entry form or call 847-968-3400 to request one by mail. |
Loyola National Works on Paper Show
Deadline: June 22, 2007
Loyola National Works on Paper Show
July 27-September 7, 2007Opening Reception: Saturday, July 28, 2007
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Crown Center Gallery
All 2D media on paper; including drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, digital, and mixed media. Nothing larger than 40 inches can be accepted due to space restrictions.
$20 for 1 - 3 entries and $30 for 4 - 6 entries.
Juror: Dan Addington, Director of Gwenda Jay/Addington Gallery, Chicago
Download the Prospectus.
For further information, please contact:
Teresa ParkerExhibit Coordinator
Phone: 773.508.3811 / 773.263.0060
Friday, March 09, 2007
Contemporary Wearables 2007
Entries from Australian and New Zealand Jewellery Artists are currently being sought for the "Contemporary Wearables '07" Jewellery Award and Exhibition, curated by the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery and sponsored by Toowoomba Gallery Society Inc.
All entries should reflect the theme, Contemporary Wearables. Works must have been made after 1 September 2006 and must be the sole work (in design and craftsmanship) of the artist or the collaborating artists.First Prize: $5 000
Second Prize: $3 000
Acquisitions up to $7 000.
Available to venues in Australia in 2008 as a touring exhibition.
Click here to view the Conditions of EntryClick here to download the Entry From
Bead International 2008
Bead International 2008
The Dairy Barn Arts Center
May 23 - September 1, 2008
The Dairy Barn Arts Center invites you to enter Bead International 2008, the 6th biennial, international juried exhibition of contemporary artwork in which beads are a significant aspect.
Any Pierced Object Will Be Considered a Bead
Accepted works will be shown in a full color catalog, printed by Ohio University Press.
Selected works will tour the country through December 2010.
Jurors: Connie Lehman, Elizabeth Whyte Schulze, and Cindy Wrobel will select top artworks based on originality and innovation, design, technique, and craftsmanship.
Entry Requirements: Artist must be 18 years or older. All work should be the result of an independent effort but can be a collaborative effort of no more than 3 persons.
Work must have been completed after September 2006.
For complete rules and an official entry form click here or contact Amy Doeringer via e-mail:
Send a SASE to:
The Dairy Barn Arts Center
c/o BI '08 Entry Form
P.O. Box 747
Athens, OH 45701
LUSH: A Nature Inspired Yardage Exhibition
LUSH: A Nature Inspired Yardage Exhibition
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery
Fall River, MA
September 6, 2007 to October 18, 2007
Once long ago when I lived in a daylight world, the world being too much
for me, I would have gone to grass. Face downward and very close to the
green stems, I became one with the ants and aphids and sow bugs, no
longer a colossus. And in a ferocious jungle of grass I found the
distraction that meant peace.
-John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent
What artist has not been inspired at some point by the patterns, textures, and
colors provided so readily in the natural world?
The Textile Study Group of New Bedford, MA is seeking entries for a juried exhibition of yardage influenced by the infinite microcosm of the natural world.
Eligibility: The competition is open at all artists. Any material is acceptable, but the artist must use a textile technique or combination of techniques traditionally associated with textiles (knitting, printing, crocheting, dyeing, knotting, netting, feltmaking, coiling, weaving, papermaking, etc.) Three-dimensional work can be incorporated into the two-dimensional format of the yardage length.
Only slides or digital images on CD will be accepted for entry.
Entry fee: $25.00
Jurors: Denyse Schmidt, nationally known quilt designer and artist
Laura Strand, Associate Professor of Art, Textiles at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
For more detailed information visit the website:
Download the prospectus:
Susan Troy
Textile Study Group of New Bedford
c/o Susan Troy, Treasurer
35 Naushon Rd.
Pawtucket, RI 02861
Two Shows: Elemental Cloth & Surface Design Association Indiana Members Exhibition
Elemental Cloth & Surface Design Association
Indiana Members Exhibition
Indianapolis Art Center
820 E 67th St
Indianapolis, IN 46220
July 20 to September 2, 2007
Elemental Cloth & Surface Design Association Indiana Members Exhibition are curated exhibitions, organized by the Indianapolis Art Center, to identify and encourage Indiana fabric artists. The exhibition will provide an overview of some of the finest contemporary fabric art being produced in Indiana. There are two components to the exhibitions, as outlined below. You may only enter one exhibition.
Elemental Cloth: Open to all Indiana fiber artists. This show may include sculptural as well as two-dimensional works. The artists work in different mediums, from surface design and quilting to weaving and basketry and more.
Surface Design Association Indiana Members show: "The mission of Surface Design Association is to increase awareness, understanding, and appreciation of textiles in the art and design communities as well as in the general public. We inspire creativity and encourage innovation, and further the rich tradition of the textile arts through publications, exhibitions, conferences, and educational opportunities." Only Indiana members of the Surface Design Association may apply to this exhibition.
ELIGIBLITY: Artists who are residents of Indiana or who have a home in Indiana.
METHOD OF SELECTION: Works for both exhibitions will be selected by David Kwasigroh, Director of Exhibitions at the Indianapolis Art Center.
ENTRY PROCEDURE: Artists may submit up to three entries. A $15 non-refundable fee is required with entries. Only original fabric art completed within the past 3 years is eligible. All pieces must be no larger in 48" in width and must be ready for hanging or display upon delivery. PLEASE NOTE: Works submitted for the SDA Members show cannot be more than 18" deep.
Please submit up to 3 quality digital images on a CD-rom of work you would like to be considered. These digital images must be 300 dpi.
No entries will be accepted via email transmission.
Click here to download prospectus
For questions and/or more information, please contact:
David Kwasigroh
317-255-2464 x233
Texas Museum of Fiber Arts (TMFA)
Labor of Love Fiber Arts Exhibit
Labor of Love Fiber Arts Exhibit
May 26-27, 2007
The Benini Foundation Galleries and Sculpture Ranch
377 Shiloh Road
Johnson City, Texas 78636
The Texas Museum of Fiber Arts fosters creativity in fiber art and exists to generate and support artistic expressions in fiber arts of all kinds with an emphasis on established and emerging Texas artists and art made from Texas commodities: natural and man made fibers.
All submissions must be original in content and executed in a fiber arts technique or process. Applicant must be currently living in Texas, or born in Texas, or attending, attended, or graduated from a Texas educational institution.
Two slides or two photos must accompany an official, completed application for each work. Artists may submit one to three works. An application must be attached to each submission. Download one from
Jurors will review submitted slides or photos for the overall artistic quality and process of qualified artists and select the works to be exhibited.
The form, entry donation, and slides/photos must all arrive by April 5, 2007.
All submissions must be original work in concept, design, or process and must be completely ready for installation. Individual or collaborative entries are accepted.
A donation to the TMFA of $10.00 for entries is requested to defray TMFA printing and advertising expenses.
ARTS Encounters, now in its third year, provides a social, cultural weekend of fine arts with featured speakers at 1:30 and 3:00 both Saturday and Sunday. As part of the May 2007 program, TMFA will present a slide show and lectures on Fiber Art. For additional details see:
Visit the website for complete details: or email .
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium
26 classes offered in Beginning to Advanced Master. Classes in varied subjects such as Abstract and General Design, Color Theory, Surface Design with techniques such as Fabric Dyeing, Silk Painting, Resists, Portraiture, Collage and Painting on Canvas, Screen Printing, Developing Personal Imagery and more.
Vendors' Mall included on the premises selling hand-dyed fabric, beads and jewelry, imported
and ethnic fabrics, art books, yarns and embellishments.
June 9 - June 22, 2007
University Plaza Conference Center
3110 Olentangy River Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43202
For further information and online registration, please visit web site: QSDS Scholarship Program
Do you want to attend the Quilt Surface Design Symposium but you are not sure you can afford the tuition? Thanks to the efforts of the Quilt Surface Design Foundation, a scholarship fund has been established to help qualifying students attend the symposium.
The scholarship will be awarded to students demonstrating need, as well as commitment to the study of quilting and/or surface design. Click here for an application. Once the form opens, you will need to print it, fill it out, and return it to the below address. The deadline for completed applications is November 1, 2007.
Quilt Surface Design Foundation of Columbus
PO Box 12538
Columbus, Ohio 43212
Click here for information on How to Support the Foundation and the Small Work Auction and Raffle.
Click here for Related Exhibitions to Visit
Fabric 2007
Fabric 2007
June 9 to June 22
during the Symposium at the
University Plaza Conference Center
Columbus, OH
The Annual QUILT SURFACE DESIGN SYMPOSIUM is proud to announce its annual competition whose purpose is to encourage the production of unusual fabrics.
FIRST PLACE: Five Day Class At Next Year's Symposium
SECOND PLACE: Two Day Class At Next Year's Symposium
THIRD PLACE: $150.00
For details and a prospectus, go to:
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Philadelphia Sewing Collective

When: Sunday, April 15th from 12:00 to 4:00 PM
Where: The Old Pine Community Center
What: Swapping, Selling, Demos and Much, Much More!
Tables are $20.00 to sell fabric and supplies - schools, non-profits, and community organizations that run sewing programs can inquire about free tables.
This year, there will be a swap-only section, open to everyone! If you are skilled in sewing, needlecrafts, or textiles, we are looking for people to participate with a live demo of your craft or skill. For more information on how to participate in this event, please email Megan.
Tilt Gallery and Project Space: Soft
July 5-28, 2007
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 5, 2007
Tilt Gallery and Project Space is currently seeking submissions for the juried exhibition Soft. Artists are invited to submit up to three images for consideration. The gallery is interested in showcasing new work that addresses the intellectual or perceptual interpretation of "soft". Two- and three-dimensional work in all media is eligible for consideration.
Tilt Gallery and Project Space will provide all PR and marketing services.
Kristan Kennedy is the Visual Art Program Director for Portland Instute of Contemporary Art(PICA).
Entry Fee
Up to three images will be considered for the exhibition. Entry fee is $15
April 15 – Submissions due to the gallery
May 15 – Accepted artists notified via email
June 10 – Accepted work due to gallery
July 5 – Opening reception
July 28 – Show closes
The gallery will retain a 30% commission on all works sold.
View the full prospectus:
Tilt Gallery and Project Space
Artists Jenene Nagy and Josh Smith founded Tilt Gallery and Project Space in February 2006. Presenting artist lectures, exhibitions, and special projects, Tilt Gallery and Project Space specializes in emerging and under-recognized artists, both regional and national.
For questions please contact the gallery at
Sublime Climate: A Call for Artists and Scientists
Sublime Climate will run from November 2007 through the first week of February 2008.
The Cambridge School of Weston will open its doors to The Garthwaite Center for Science and Art, a sustainable science building and art gallery, this Fall 2007. For the building's first exhibition season, the school is reaching out to artists and scientists alike who explore issues and themes related to global warming via Sublime Climate: a call for artists and scientists.
All media will be considered; however, large work may not be able to be accommodated. In addition to exhibiting works of contemporary art and science, we also invite proposals from individuals who would be willing to partake in a symposium on global warming, or otherwise are willing to work with our students in some capacity.
Submissions should include:
- Examples of work via slides or digital media
- A resume, along with any appropriate written proposal or documentation
- SASE for the return of materials
- Contact information
Send all materials to:
Todd Bartel
The Cambridge School of Weston
45 Georgian Road
Weston, MA, 02493
Questions may be directed via phone or e-mail.
The National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC (NOAA) announced that 2006 was the warmest year on record for the US.
Brooklyn Artists Gym Small Works Show
Brooklyn Artists Gym Small Works Show
March 31 to April 15, 2007
March 30, 6:00-9:00 pm Opening Reception
Medium: mixed
All works must not exceed 48 inches in circumference. This is a 12-inch square. This could also be a 7” X 17” piece. Measurement includes frame or hanging device. All entries must be able to be hung upon a wall, but may extend from the wall up to 12 inches. Upon acceptance, works will be measured. Any works that exceed this requirement will be automatically rejected. All work must be properly framed and ready to hang.
Fee: Entry fee is $20.00.
Award: Three month membership at BAG.
Submission Directions: Fill out entry form (online). Submissions will be through email.
Submission images must be accurate representations of the actual work.
Final Acceptance: Notification of acceptance will be emailed on March 16, 2007.
Accepted work must be dropped off at BAG between March 25 and 27, 2007.
Sales: Exhibited work will be available for sale.
Visit the website for complete details:
Michele Jaslow
Phone: 718.858.9069
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Providence Open Market
Providence Open Market
Every Saturday-- May 12 to October 27, 2007
Providence Open Market is a unique, weekly Open-Air Market showcasing some of the finest artists, DIY artisans, designers, farmers and antiques dealers from R.I. and around New England. The Market is run by the organizers of the successful South End Open Market in Boston.
The weekly Open-Air Market is held every Saturday, May 12th - October 27th, from 11am-5pm and is located in a BIG parking lot on the corner of Westminster and Union Street. The Market showcases some of the finest artists, DIY artisans, designers of jewelry, handbags, paintings, sculpture, pottery, photography, sewn items, paper goods, silk-screening and more.
Applications are now being accepted for our 2007 season. To apply please go to our online application on the Apply page. After completing the application, send us an email with at least three JPEGS of your work to:
Applications are reviewed daily and you will receive a response within 2-3 days.
Booth spaces are 10ft x 10ft. Spaces may be shared by two vendors producing separate products, however, each vendor must still submit separate applications.
Product Guidelines
All applicants will be reviewed for acceptance with the exception of certain specialty vendors, i.e. imports, antiques, collectibles and farmer's market vendors.
All artwork and crafts must be hand made using original designs.
In order to participate, you must reserve at least 4 dates.
Visit the website for complete details: