Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Viridian Artists
18th National Juried Exhibition
18th Annual National Juried Exhibition
JULY 9 - JULY 27, 2007
Open to professional artists 21 years of age or over, residing in the United States. The exhibition will consist of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works in all media.
Charlotta Kotik, Curator and Chair of Contemporary Art, Brooklyn Museum, New York
First Prize: $1000 SECOND PRIZE: $500 THIRD PRIZE: $250
Display of work in a group exhibition at VIRIDIAN
Minimum entry fee is $25.00 for up to three entries and $5.00 for each additional entry. There is no limit to the number of entries. For additional entries this form may be photocopied.
The size limitation for wall-hung work is 72 inches high by 72 inches wide (including frame.) Free standing work may not exceed 30 inches wide by 30 inches deep by 96 inches high. Modular work or installations may be larger. Complex installations may require the presence of the artist.
Jurying will be done from digital prints or photos only.
Submit the image of your artwork printed approximately 8”x10” on 8 1/2”x11” photo quality paper. Two images per entry will be accepted for a 3D work to show different views. Only one image per page. No slides or CDs will be viewed.
Download the prospectus.
530 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10001
Tel/Fax: 212.414.4040
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A juried selection process leading to a NON - COMMISSION exhibition with $1000 Award for Best of Show.
Download the Prospectus
ELIGIBILITY: Any artist over 18 years of age working in two and three dimensions in any media (including photography, digital art, installation).
Maximum size of 6 ft. in height or width for 2D works, and 6 ft. in any dimension for 3D works.
AWARDS: Group Show, US $ 1,000 Cash award, to the best in the show.
The gallery takes NO COMMISSION on sales.
The gallery will also review the slides (in addition to the juror)to select additional artists for the gallery group shows, which sometimes may lead to inclusion in the gallery stable.
ENTRY PROCEDURE: You can submit slides, prints or CD’s. On each slide or print write the title of the work, media, size, name of the artist, and an arrow indicating the top of the work. No detail slides or prints (except for 3D works) will be
SLIDES: (35 mm) in standard paper or plastic mounts (no glass)
PRINTS: No larger than 8.5 x 11 inches.
CD’s: jpegs or gif files only, image should not to exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension, and 300k in memory. Image file must be identified and oriented properly.
FEE: $30 for three images and $ 5.00 for each additional image
JUROR: HENG-GIL HAN, Curator, Director of Visual Arts at Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning in Queens, New York.
Alpan Gallery
2 West Carver St.
Huntington(Long Island), New York 11743
Tel: 631.423.4433
Fax: 631.249.3089
41st Annual Lewiston Art Festival
The 41st Annual Lewiston Art Festival
August 11-12, 2007
The Festival is held on Center Street in the heart of the historic Village of Lewiston, New York.
The Committee establishes no quota or entitlement by category. Visual artists who create sculptural pieces are asked to apply under the medium used for jurying purposes. Jurying categories are not the same as prize categories.
Painting 1: Works created in oils and/or acrylics.
Painting 2: Works created in watercolors.
Drawing, Graphics, & Printmaking: Works created using dry media including chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, wax crayons, etc., or from a fluid medium of inks and washes applied by pen or brush. Printed works for which the artists hand-manipulated the plates, stones or screens and which have been properly signed and numbered as a limited edition may be entered in this category. Digital art applicants may apply in this category.
Mixed Media: Two and three-dimensional works that incorporate more than one type of physical material in their production.
Photography: Photographic prints made from artistʼs original negative that have been processed either by the artist or under his/her direct supervision.
Ceramics: Original wheel thrown, hand built clay or mosaic design work. If multiple pieces of the same design are displayed, the artist must sign each piece. No machine-made or mass-produced work is permitted.
Fiber: Wearable and non-wearable work crafted from natural fibers, including basketry, weaving, tapestry and papermaking. No machine-tooled, machine-screened patterns or miscellaneous forms of mass production are permitted. No factory-produced wearable items, regardless of additional modification or enhancement by the artists, are accepted in this category.
Glass: Glass works that are functional or decorative by design and are kiln-formed or have been crafted by glass blowing, molding or casting. Works may be etched or engraved. No forms of mass production are permitted.
Jewelry: All jewelry, whether produced from metal, glass, clay, fiber, paper, plastic or other materials. No beaded jewelry will be accepted unless the beads are created by the artist. No commercial casts or molds are allowed.
Metal: All non-jewelry works crafted from medal.
Wood: Original works that are handtooled, machine-worked, turned or carved.
• Exhibitors must have direct, hands on involvement in the creation and execution of each piece of work to be exhibited.
• Collaborating artists, if accepted, may show only their collaborative works. Collaborations are intended to be true artistic collaborations rather than business collaborations. The creative contribution of each artist in the collaboration must be identified on the application.
• Artists may share a booth. However, each artist must apply to the Festival independently.
• Artists may display only work in the media category in which they are accepted and it must be comparable in style and quality to work shown in submitted slides. No other work may be exhibited or sold.
• Each application must be accompanied by a non-refundable
jury fee of $15 and a booth fee of $100.
• Applications postmarked after May 14, 2007 must be accompanied
by a $25 late fee.
In an effort to encourage students, we have reserved a special
area of the show for holders of a valid student ID.
• Applications must be accompanied by a copy of a valid student ID.
• Spaces are available on a first come-first served basis.
• Reduced booth fee ($25. US).
• Jury fee is waived.
• Slides do not need to accompany application
• You are still eligible for prize money.
Download the Prospectus for complete details.
Presented By:
Lewiston Council on the Arts
PO Box 1, Lewiston, NY 14092
Phone (716) 754-0166
Fax: (716) 754-9166
Main Line Art Center: Works on Paper
Monday, May 7, 2007 9 am to 9 pm
Tuesday, May 8, 2007 9 am to 9 pm
Works on Paper
Main Line Art Center
May 18 - June 8, 2007
Reception: June 1, 2007
Open to artists living in PA, NY, DE, NJ, MD and DC working in any media as long as what carries the image is paper. This includes: drawing, pastel, watercolor, gouache, collage, 3D pâpiér mache, hand-pulled prints, photography and digital images (no digital reproductions of other works of art).
Entry Fee
Members $15.00; Non-Members $20.00
This fee covers the cost of jurying two pieces.
Jacqueline van Rhyn, Curator of prints and photographs at The Print Center.
Sales and Liability
The Art Center will retain a 30% commission on
all sales from its galleries. All work is insured
with a $250 deductible while it is at MLAC.
All work submitted must have been completed within the past two years and not previously exhibited at Main Line Art Center. All work should be suitably framed and ready to hang. Each artist may submit up to two pieces for jurying.
Delivery & Pick-Up
Juried from original work. Entries must be wired and ready to display. All pieces must be labeled using the forms provided. Labels should be securely fastened to the back of each piece.
Delivery Date
Monday, May 7th, 9 am to 9 pm
Tuesday, May 8th, 9 am to 9 pm
Pick-Up Date (Unselected)
Thursday, May 10th, 9 am to 9 pm
Saturday, June 9th, 9 am to 5pm
Work not picked-up by June 10th will be
charged a $10.00 a day storage fee.
To be presented at the Reception
$250 POMCO Graphic Arts Award
$100 Carolyn Fielder Alber Memorial Award
$100 Arader Tree Service Award
$100 Griffith’s Printing Company Award
$100 Merion Art & Repro Center Award
Download the 2007 Works on Paper Prospectus.
Main Line Art Center exhibitions are supported by the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a Federal Agency.
Main Line Art Center
Old Buck Road &
Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041
610.525.5036 (fax)
Rome Art Coterie National Juried Exhibition
National Juried Exhibition
June 15 - June 29, 2007
Rome Area Council for the Arts Gallery
248 Broad Street
Rome, Georgia 30161
All artists must be 18 years of age or older and reside in the continental United States. Any traditional or nontraditional two-dimensional or three-dimensional medium or style, including but not limited to painting, drawing, fiber art,
clay, metal, stone, printmaking, mixed media may be submitted in the ART CATEGORY.
Work must be current since 2004 and CANNOT have previously been shown in a Rome Art Coterie juried show.
Roberta T. Griffin, Director of Galleries and Associate Professor of Art at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw,
Framed size of wall-mounted work not to exceed 40” in width. Three-dimensional base limit is 24” x 24”.
Entry Fee:
$25 non-refundable fee ($15 for Coterie members)
Up to three pieces of artwork may be submitted for consideration.
ART CATEGORY: First Place $1,000, Second Place $300, Third Place $200.
35% commission on sales.
Download the Prospectus:
Clare Gilliland
21 Lawton St.
Rome, GA 30165
2007 National Small Art Quilt Works
July 27 - September 2, 2007
The Main Street Gallery is seeking entries for the 2007 National Small Art Quilt Works exhibition.
US artists, 18 years and older are eligible to enter this exhibition. Fiber art must measure no larger than 16 inches by 20 inches. All artwork must be for sale. The gallery's commission is 40% of retail value. Cash awards. Insurance on premises. $30/3 entry fee. For full prospectus and information, please email the gallery at or send SASE to 105 Main Street, P.O. Box 161, Groton, NY 13073.
KAREN BAKKE - Associate Professor and Director, Fashion Design Program, School of Art and Design, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
ROGER SMITH - Painter, Sculptor, Educator, Director of The Main Street Gallery, Groton, NY.
June 8 - July 22, 2007
The Main Street Gallery is seeking artist submissions in all media.
The theme of the show is food whether it be concerned with greed, mass consumerism, poverty or, simply, enjoying the pleasures of food.
US artists, 18 years and older, are invited to submit CD images (jpegs 72 dpi, 600 pixels, PC compatible) or slides pertaining to the subject matter for consideration. A resume, artist statement and a SASE for return must be provided.
All styles or genre pertaining to the subject matter will be considered.
No entry fee is required. Insurance is provided on premises only.
All artwork must be for sale.
No online submissions will be accepted.
For more information email the gallery at or phone (607) 898-9010.
Hunterdon Museum of Art
2007 Juried Print Exhibition
51st Annual National Juried Print Exhibition
June 10 - September 16, 2007
Application Procedure
Artists are invited to submit up to three images (slides or CD) of prints created in the last three years and not previously exhibited at HMA.
Two or three-dimensional works using traditional print media, computer, or experimental techniques are eligible. Photographs are NOT acceptable.
Work must not exceed 130 inches (length + width + depth).
Entry Fee
$35; for members of Hunterdon Museum of Art, $30.
A one week residency to collaborate with master printmakers and papermakers at the Brodsky Center (formerly the Rutgers Center for Innovative Print and Paper) at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. The recipient can work in any media: digital, litho, etching, handmade paper, or a combination of various media. An edition will be made by the Center for the artist, the Hunterdon Museum of Art and the Rutgers’ collection. Scheduling will be mutually agreed upon during the year. Transportation and housing are available. For more information about the Center please go to
The Lynd Ward Memorial, the James R. and Anne Steele Marsh Memorial and the Hunterdon Museum of Art Purchase Awards will be included in the museum’s Anne Steele Marsh Print Collection. Johnson & Johnson will also award a purchase prize for its corporate collection. Only the impression submitted will be eligible for purchase prize consideration.
Framing and Insurance
All prints must be in ready-to-hang condition, matted (no colored mats), and framed with Plexiglas only. All work will be fully insured while at the museum. Artists are responsible for insurance during shipping or hand transport to the museum. The museum assumes no responsibility for prints improperly packed or uninsured for shipping. Damaged packages will be returned unopened.
Sales and Reproductions
A brochure of the exhibition will be published, and two copies will be sent to each entrant as well as various print organizations and museum libraries. Hunterdon Museum of Art assumes the right to reproduce for publicity any work accepted for exhibition. Work will be sold at the price stated on the entry form only. A commission of 40% will be charged for each sale.
Visit the website for complete details:
7 Lower Center Street
Clinton, NJ 08809
Tel: 908-735-8415
Fax: 908-735-8416
Handweavers Guild of America
Convergence Conference 2008
Exhibits to Enter
Handweavers Guild of America
Convergence Conference 2008
Visit website for full deadlines and complete details: Convergence Exhibits to Enter
Dance Of Flamingos - Wearable Art Fashion Show and Exhibit
River Of Grass - Basketry Exhibit
Salsa Y Salsa - Multimedia Fiber Arts Exhibit
Ebb Tide: Yardage
Small Expressions - HGA's annual Exhibit of Small Scale Works
The Eye of the Hurricane - Felting and Fusion Exhibit
The Pearl in the Oyster - Personal Adornment: Accessories Exhibit
Parrots, Peacocks and Palms - Functional Weaving/Interlacement Exhibit
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
1255 Buford Highway, Suite 211
Suwanee, GA 30024
For Questions:
Call HGA:678-730-0010
email HGA:
Handweavers Guild of America:
Salsa y Salsa
January 3, 2008 (International Entries)
January 10, 2008 (U.S. Entries)
Salsa y Salsa
Handweavers Guild of America
Convergence 2008 Tampa Bay
Multimedia Fiber Arts Exhibit
Exhibit: May 23 - August 23, 2008
The Arts Center, St. Petersburg, Florida
An international juried exhibit featuring multimedia fiber arts works.
The spicy spectrum of saturated color influenced by the Caribbean, Central and South American societies permeates Florida. Salsa fires our taste buds and puts the passion in our music. Let these images inspire this Multimedia Fiber Arts exhibit, which is open to work created using any fiber arts technique.
The juror will independently screen all images and make the preliminary selection of all work in the exhibition.
Pieces will be evaluated on concept, design, technique, and overall suitability of the technique and/or materials. Creative exploration is encouraged.
Accepted work is subject to final approval by the juror's representative after the actual work arrives at The Arts Center.
Two pieces may be entered per artist. Pieces must be originally conceived and created by the entrant. The work should be one-of-a-kind, not previously exhibited at a Convergence, and completed within the last two years (since January 2006) and not previously published.
Submitted work may exhibit one or more of any fiber technique, including, but not limited to, weaving, knitting, basketry, braiding, crochet, surface design and shibori.
The size of finished work may not exceed 60 inches (1.524 meters) in any dimension and it may not exceed 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms) in weight.
Work executed under classroom/educational guidance or supervision is not eligible.
Work on exhibit will not be for sale.
First, second and third place awards will be selected by the juror. Additional special criteria awards may be available. For updates please check the HGA Web site:
Entries postmarked after these dates will be returned unopened.
International entries: January 3, 2008
US entries: January 10, 2008
Jury notification sent: March 21, 2008
Accepted entries due at The Arts Center between: April 15 and May 1, 2008
Exhibition dates: May 23 - August 23, 2008
Return of work after September 1, 2008
Visit website for complete details: Salsa y Salsa
Salsa y Salsa
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
1255 Buford Highway, Suite 211
Suwanee, GA 30024
For Questions:
Call HGA:678-730-0010
email HGA:
Handweavers Guild of America:
River of Grass
January 2, 2008 (International Entries)
January 9, 2008 (U.S. Entries)
River of Grass
Handweavers Guild of America
Convergence 2008 Tampa Bay
Basketry Exhibit
June 25 - June 28, 2008
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
An international juried exhibit featuring functional or nonfunctional or traditional or nontraditional forms in basketry techniques.
Everglades means River of Grass and is filled with natural weaving materials for the basketmaker, used over the centuries by the native peoples that call the Everglades their home. Extending the concept of using indigenous materials, this exhibit encourages and emphasizes the use of materials from the artist's environment.
The juror will independently screen all images and make the preliminary selection of all work in the exhibition. Pieces will be evaluated on concept, design, technique, and overall suitability of the technique and/or materials. Creative exploration is encouraged.
Accepted work is subject to final approval by the juror's representative after the actual work arrives at Tampa Convention Center.
This exhibit is open to all basket makers of both functional and nontraditional forms in fiber techniques. Submitted work should be a structural, three-dimensional piece where fiber/materials cross with fiber/materials.
Two pieces may be entered per artist. Pieces must be originally conceived and created by the entrant: work should be one-of-a-kind, of exhibition quality, not previously exhibited at a Convergence, and completed within the past two years (since January 2006) and not previously published.
The size of the finished work may not exceed 48 inches (1.22 meters) by 72 inches (1.83 meters) or a weight of 20 pounds (9 kilograms).
Work executed under classroom/educational guidance or supervision is not eligible.
Work on exhibit will not be for sale.
First, second and third place awards will be selected by the juror. Additional special criteria awards may be available. For updates please check the HGA Web site:
Entries postmarked after these dates will be returned unopened.
International entries: January 2, 2008
US entries: January 9, 2008
Jury notification sent: March 21, 2008
Accepted entries due : May 23, 2008
Exhibition dates: June 25 - 28, 2008
Return of work: August, 2008
Visit website for complete details: River of Grass
River of Grass
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
1255 Buford Highway, Suite 211
Suwanee, GA 30024
For Questions:
Call HGA: 678-730-0010
email HGA:
Handweavers Guild of America:
Dance of the Flamingos
January 15, 2008 (International entries)
January 22, 2008 (US entries)
Handweaver's Guild of America
Convergence 2008 Tampa Bay
Wearable Art Fashion Show and Exhibit
Fashion Show: June 25, 2008
Exhibit: June 26 - 28, 2008
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
No flock of birds is more beautiful than the flamingo. Flamingos can swim or soar. The word flamingo comes from the Latin word for flame. Let Florida's many tropical colors and textures inspire your wearable art.
The juror will independently screen all images and make the preliminary selection of all work in the exhibition. Pieces will be evaluated on concept, design, technique, understanding the body and body movement, runway presence and overall suitability of the technique and/or materials. Creative exploration is encouraged.
Accepted work is subject to final approval by the Fashion Show Coordinator after the actual work arrives.
This exhibit is open to all fiber artists. Fashions need to be created using fiber techniques. Pieces must be originally conceived and created by the entrant: the work should be one-of-a-kind, not previously exhibited at a Convergence. Two pieces may be entered per artist. All work must be of exhibition quality, completed within the last two years (since January 2006) and not previously published.
Work executed under classroom/educational guidance or supervision is not eligible.
Work on exhibit will not be for sale.
First, second and third place awards will be selected by the juror. Additional special criteria awards may be available. For updates please check the HGA Web site
Entries postmarked after these dates will be returned unopened.
International entries: January 15, 2008
US entries: January 22, 2008
Jury notification sent: March 21, 2008
Accepted entries due: April 1, 2008
Fashion Show: June 25, 2008
Exhibition dates: June 26-28, 2008
Return of work: August 2008
Visit website for complete details: Dance of the Flamingos
Dance of the Flamingos
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
1255 Buford Highway, Suite 211
Suwanee, GA 30024
For Questions:
Call HGA:678-730-0010
email HGA:
Dieu Donné Papermill:
The Workspace Program 2007-08
The Workspace Program offers three annual residencies to New York State emerging artists to create new work in handmade paper. The program seeks to encourage emerging artists to explore the creative possibilities of handmade paper, develop this art form, and promote the Workspace artists through exhibitions of their work produced at Dieu Donné, as well as through print and digital format.
Three artists will be selected by panel & interview process to participate in the Workspace Program. Each artist will receive a $700 honorarium, advance preparation of materials and professional assistance during a seven day collaboration (days are non-consecutive). The staff consults with each artist in order to strategize a logical approach in realizing their work through handmade paper. They will also prepare the pulp, solve technical issues and collaborate with the artist in the fabrication and drying of the work.
Applications accepted ONLINE ONLY. (The online application form will be made available on the Dieu Donné Papermill website beginning Monday, April 2, 2007). Applicants will be asked to submit an artist statement, bio/CV, and ten JPEG images via the website. Please note: CDs, slides, and other formats sent via postal mail or e-mail will not be accepted.
Complete details available on the website:
Peter Russo
Program Coordinator
(212) 226-0573
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Around the Coyote Fall and Winter Artist Residency
Fall Residency applications due by May 1
Winter Residency applications due by October 1
Call for Submissions for the Around the Coyote Fall and Winter Artist Residency!
Goals of our Fall (August 1-August 31) and Winter (January 1- January 31) Artist-in-Residence Program:
To create non-market driven exhibition opportunities for emerging artists in a professional gallery.
To provide visibility for emerging artists.
To provide studio space for the production of new and possibly large-scale work.
To expand awareness of the emerging art scene throughout Chicago.
To give people the opportunity to see an artist working on art in progress.
To educate our patrons about the artistic process.
A $750 stipend is given to all Resident Artists for the completion of their site-specific work.
Fee: $15.00
Complete details available at
Multiples and Miniatures Show
Calling for Artwork in a Diminutive Scale or a Multiplicity of Instances!
Around the Coyote is seeking artwork for next year's Multiples and Miniatures Show!
Please send CD with digital images of the work or project and an application fee $15 (checks should be made out to Around the Coyote, US currency only) or an 800 word essay on why you can not pay the application fee.
Indicate the dimensions of the work, the number in the edition (if applicable), whether the work is for sale, the retail price of individual works and/or the series price (Around the Coyote takes 35% of all sales, 65% going to the artist), and a short description of the work.
We also need an artist resume. All submitted materials should be labeled with your complete contact information. Submitted materials will not be returned. Slides are not accepted.
For the 2007 Multiples and Miniatures show we are particularly interested in artwork dealing with themes of multiplicity, series-change and smallness in relation to mapping. This exhibition will be held in conjunction with city-wide exhibitions relating to mapping.
The exhibition will run November 30 thru December 22nd, 2007.
Accepted artists will be posted on our website by October 26.
Work is due to the gallery by November 17th.
If you are not accepted to the show, you will not be contacted. No calls please.
Send all materials to:
Around the Coyote
2007 Multiples and Miniatures
1935-1/2 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Additional Contact Information:
Web Address:
Phone: 773.342.6777
Fax: 773.342.4515
Art In City Hall
Art of the City
July 2 - October 5, 2007
Reception: Thurs., July 12, 5-7pm
City Hall, 2nd and 4th floor
Art In City Hall issues a call for entries for its summer exhibition, Art of the City. This show will focus on how artists use the city as an inspirational source for creating art. The sights, sounds, well as the refuse of the city, are all valid as subject matter.
Open to professional artists living or working in the Philadelphia area. Open to all media. Artwork must comply with the dimensions of the display cases, which are 84” H x 94” W x 24” D. Artists will be selected through slides, digitals or reproductions that address the exhibition’s theme.
Juror: Cavin Jones, Exhibitions Committee Chair
Download the Prospectus
POST: Philadelphia Open Studio Tours

October 20th and 21st, 2007 - Studios East of Broad Street
October 27th and 28th, 2007 – Studios West of Broad Street
POST is an annual event presented in collaboration with The Center For Emerging Visual Artists™, which is a non-profit organization.
Participating studios are open two weekends each year, 12:00 — 6:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.
To register for POST you must be a professional visual artist with a studio in the Philadelphia city limits.
Attention, professional visual artists, register by May 1st!
Click here to download registration forms.
Click here to visit the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours 2006 website.
Cat’Art, international centre for research and creation
Cat’Art, international centre for research and creation
Visual arts, writing, performing arts, music…
Cat’Art is a place where the diversity of the art expressions is encouraged and where the exchanges between cultures from all over the world can be developed, so that the art expression remains a universal language.
There are still opportunities of residency in spring 2007 at Cat’Art.
Average residency fee: 600 € (lodging, studio and energy costs included). Detailed estimation of costs on request.
Every resident has his/her own independent bedroom with common cooking facilities.
Space for the creation:
9 independent studios from 30 to 200 m²;
3 individual rooms for writers;
a 140 m² room with excellent natural light and good show conditions to visualize the works;
a specialized library with permanent Internet connection.
The environment is exceptional (unspoilt nature, mountains, lake, in the south of France). The region has a rich historical background (Cathar castles, old city of Carcassonne and above all the cave of Niaux with its original paintings). Close by cultural centres, like Toulouse, Montpellier, Barcelona.
Application open to professional artists only, for temporary stays from 2 weeks to 1 year.
The applicants must secure funding to cover the residency costs. Centre Cat'Art will assist applicant efforts by providing a letter of recommendation, an estimation of costs or any other necessary documentation.
In order to apply, please send the following:
- examples of your work or the address of your website
- a short proposal outlining your project
- a curriculum vitae
- a completed application form - print form or online form
Complete details available on the website
Centre Cat'Art
La Forge
F-11230 Sainte Colombe sur l'Hers
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 69 35 01
E-Mail :
Site Internet :
Friday, February 16, 2007
Passion For Fashion!--American Sewing Expo Contest
Passion For Fashion!
American Sewing Expo Contests
The Rock Financial Showplace, Novi, Michigan
September 28 - September 30, 2007
Passion for Fashion is a Project Runway inspired design contest for anyone who loves the art of fashion design. Entrants will have all day Friday September 28 to create their "secret project" garment and will show off their creation in a professional fashion show Saturday September 29.
Passion For Fashion Rules
Passion For Fashion Entry Form
Not Your Mother's Apron--American Sewing Expo Contest
Not Your Mother's Apron
American Sewing Expo Contests
The Rock Financial Showplace, Novi, Michigan
September 28 - September 30, 2007
Make plans now to enter your one-of-a-kind apron in our "Not Your Mother's Apron" challenge while benefiting Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan. Enter a creative or innovative apron using any technique, fabric, or embellishment you choose and let your imagination run wild.
Not Your Mother's Apron Rules
Not Your Mother's Apron Entry Form
The Art of the Quilt--American Sewing Expo Contest
The Art of the Quilt
American Sewing Expo Contests
The Rock Financial Showplace, Novi, Michigan
September 28 - September 30, 2007
The 2007 Art of the Quilt show and competition theme will be "Twirls, Swirls and Pearls." Be creative. Think outside the box and let your imagination take off to create an innovative, artistic quilt, which could include piecing, appliqué and/or surface embellishment.
2007 Art of the Quilt Rules
2007 Art of the Quilt Entry Form
Innovation Generation--American Sewing Expo Contest
Innovation Generation
American Sewing Expo Contests
The Rock Financial Showplace, Novi, Michigan
September 28 - September 30, 2007
Our contest for young sewers ages 8 - 18 is presented on the Fashion Stage at the show. These young people amaze and delight attendees with their skills and creativity!
2007 Innovation Generation Rules
2007 Innovation Generation Entry Form
The 8th Annual Inspired by Threads -- A Fashion Challenge
Threads magazine and the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Michigan, invite you to participate in the 8th Annual Inspired by Threads -- A Fashion Challenge.
Is there a garment or technique you discovered this year in Threads that really caught your interest? If so, we'd like to see your interpretation of it. Look through Threads issues No. 126 (August/September 2006) through No. 131 (June/July 2007) for inspiration, and use your favorite technique as a starting point for your new creation.
We encourage sewers of all skill levels to challenge their creativity and participate in this event.
The editors of Threads will judge all entries, and the finalists will be presented at a fashion show on Sept. 29, 2007, at the American Sewing Expo ( in Novi, Michigan.
Contest rules
1. All participants 19 years or older must submit an adult-size garment. Young Sewer entrants (18 years or younger) may submit garments sized for them or for adults.
2. Fill out the entry form (only one entry per person), and take photos or slides of your creation (for helpful hints on photography, see Taking great photos of your garments). You may also include small fabric swatches or technique samples.
Send all entry materials to:
Inspired by Threads
63 S. Main St.
PO Box 5506
Newtown, CT 06470-5506
Send materials by July 10, 2007
3. Threads editors will select the garments they want to have sent to them for final judging.
4. Criteria for judging will be the success of the design, the quality of craftsmanship, and the effective use or reinterpretation of the technique or garment chosen.
5. Awards will be given for the following categories (contestants need not specify which category their garment belongs in):
· Daywear
· Special-occasion garment or costume
· Garment or ensemble best reflecting current ready-to-wear fashions
· Editors' choice
· Young Sewer's Award (for best entry from a sewer 18 years old or younger)
6. Winners will be announced at the Inspired by Threads Fashion Show in Novi, Michigan, and their garments will be featured in Threads magazine. (Note: The 2006 Young Sewer's Award winner is not eligible for that award in 2007.)
7. Employees and family members of Threads, the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Brother International, and other sponsors are ineligible to participate. The contest is void where prohibited.
8. All entrants are responsible for their own travel to the Expo if they wish to attend.
Breaking Traditions Art Quilt Exhibit
ConnectionsNearly every aspect of life is held together by some kind of connection. Whether it is the physical fasteners holding together everyday objects or the relationships holding our spirits together, we encounter connections at every turn. This year's exhibit will feature art quilts exploring the many different facets that connections play in life.
This exhibit hangs at the American Sewing Expo in Novi, Michigan. The exhibit dates for 2007 are: September 28-September 30.
Please join the yahoo group set up for this exhibit to participate. All notices for the exhibit will be posted there.
Sign-up: no deadline, open anytime (please join yahoo group listed above)
Entry fee: None. Participants are required to provide return postage for their quilts but there is no fee to participate in the exhibit.
Quilts due: Saturday, September 8, 2007 (RECEIVE BY DATE)
Quilts returned: Quilts will be in the mail by Saturday October 13 for long distance participants. Local participants may set up a pick up time.
Size: no smaller then 15" on any side, no larger then 30" on any side
No patterns, original works only. Must contain at least two layers held together with stitching. No special hanging devices such as frames or sewn-in dowels. Please attach a 4" hanging sleeve along top edge of quilt.
This is not a juried exhibit, it is an open call for art quilts. Each participant will receive a Participation Gift for being part of the exhibit.
An Exhibit Favorite will be chosen and awarded a Prize Package. The Exhibit Favorite will also be featured on the website.
Visit the website for complete details.
American Sewing Expo Contests
American Sewing Expo Contests
The Rock Financial Showplace, Novi, Michigan
September 28 - September 30, 2007
Choose what your passion is, then enter one of our contests. You are a winner whether you take home a prize or just enter for the fun of it!
Inspired by Threads
Deadline: July 10, 2007 (Receive)
Co-sponsored by Threads magazine, Brother International and Haberman Fabrics, you are invited to make a garment based on inspiration from the pages of the past year's issues of the magazine.
Visit Threads Magazine for 2007 Inspired by Threads information!
Innovation Generation
Deadline: September 14, 2007 (Postmark)
Our contest for young sewers ages 8 - 18 is presented on the Fashion Stage at the show. These young people amaze and delight attendees with their skills and creativity!
2007 Innovation Generation Rules
2007 Innovation Generation Entry Form
The Art of the Quilt
Deadline: September 7, 2007 (Postmark)
The 2007 Art of the Quilt show and competition theme will be "Twirls, Swirls and Pearls." Be creative. Think outside the box and let your imagination take off to create an innovative, artistic quilt, which could include piecing, appliqué and/or surface embellishment.
2007 Art of the Quilt Rules
2007 Art of the Quilt Entry Form
Not Your Mother's Apron
Deadline: August 23, 2007 (Postmark)
Make plans now to enter your one-of-a-kind apron in our "Not Your Mother's Apron" challenge while benefiting Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan. Enter a creative or innovative apron using any technique, fabric, or embellishment you choose and let your imagination run wild.
Not Your Mother's Apron Rules
Not Your Mother's Apron Entry Form
Passion For Fashion!
Deadline: June 30, 2007 (Postmark)
Passion for Fashion is a Project Runway inspired design contest for anyone who loves the art of fashion design. Entrants will have all day Friday September 28 to create their "secret project" garment and will show off their creation in a professional fashion show Saturday September 29.
Passion For Fashion Rules
Passion For Fashion Entry Form
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Interiors Group Show
The Schuylkill Gallery
Deadline: Friday, February 23, 2007
Interiors Group Show
March 8 - April 8, 2007
Artist Reception: March 15, 5-8pm
The Schuylkill Gallery is looking for submissions for its “Interiors” Group Show in March 2007. The exhibition will emphasize a wide variety of home furnishings. We are encouraging a broad range of innovative submissions, such as intricate textile work, ecological light fixtures, functional sculptures, modern bureaus. Work could emphasize craftsmanship and material or concept and design. There is an exclusive emphasis on limited production, studio-made work for the bedroom, garden, home office, and kitchen.
Nestled in the heart of Sherman Mills, at East Falls, the Schuylkill Gallery’ s overall mission is to provide a means for emerging, mid-career, and professional artists to display their work and advance their careers in a professional space with a prime location. Complementing this goal is a desire to create a cultural venue unlike any other in the city by presenting a year round schedule of art exhibits showcasing various mediums. In conjunction with the “Interiors” show, the gallery also will host public lectures and workshops concerning home design.
Application Fee: $25.00
Artists may submit up to five pieces of work. Slides or jpeg images of work on a CD may be mailed to the gallery address along with your most recent bio. The application fee must be received with the work by the deadline. Please include your name, title of piece, medium(s), and price of work.
For more information contact the Schuylkill Gallery Staff:
Jocelyn Upshur-Greenburg, Founder
Jana D’Andrea, Gallery Assistant
Nike Desis, Gallery Assistant
3510 Scotts Lane
Space #3112
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Arts in the Park Juried Craft Show and Festival

Juried Craft Show and Festival
Sunday, June 3, 2007
10 am to 5 pm
Rain Date June 10th
Free Admission
Arts in the Park seeks artists to exhibit and sell original handmade crafts for its 12th annual juried craft show and festival, taking place June 3, 2007
(rain date June 10) in High School Park in Elkins Park PA.
The show is sponsored by the Friends of High School Park and raises funds for High School Park, an 11-acre native plant restoration project.
Arts in the Park is located at the corner of Montgomery Ave and High School Road, one block from the Elkins Park railroad station.
Show Features:
For application complete visit the web site at
or email
Fun for the whole family and community!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Art of the State™ 2007
40th Annual Juried Exhibition
The State Museum of Pennsylvania
June 9 - September 9, 2007
Artist must be a resident of Pennsylvania. Work must have been completed within the past three (3) years.
✧ Painting - Oils, Acrylics, Mixed Media and any
combination of materials painted on a twodimensional
✧ Works on Paper - Prints, Watercolors, Pastels or any
material or combination of materials (pencil, ink or
mixed media) on paper.
✧ Sculpture - Any three dimensional format created by
any method of construction. Limit 12’ in height.
✧ Photography - Black & White or Color Photography
which is framed, glassed and ready to hang.
(Minimum frame size 8” by 10”).
✧ Crafts - Functional or decorative three-dimensional
art in any synthetic or natural media
Awards will be selected after the artwork has been
installed at the State Museum. Awards Juror will
select three prizes in each of the 5 categories:
First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $300
Third Prize: $200
Rose Roy Memorial Award Honoring Volunteerism: $250
The State Museum Purchase Award: $2,000 maximum
William D. Davis Memorial Award for Drawing: $250
Entry Fee: $20.00 per category
Limit: Three (3) pieces per category
More than one category may be entered
The Greater Harrisburg Arts Council
444 South Second Street
Harrisburg PA 17104
1(877)826-8614 Toll Free
(717)238-6235 FAX
Download the application.
Visit the for full details.
Agora Gallery's 22nd Annual Juried Exhibition
The 2007 Chelsea International Fine Art Competition
Click here to print the submission form
The competition is open to all visual artists 18 years or older working in any media with the exception of video art, film and performance art. The exhibition will take place in Chelsea , New York City. The gallery/artist split will be 30/70 and , as part of our continued support to social awareness, Agora Gallery will be donating it's share from all artwork sales to an international children aid foundation.
Tina Kukielski, senior curatorial assistant at the Whitney Museum, New York City.
Cash - $1000 will be awarded to three (3) artists each receiving $500, $ 300 & $200 respectively.
Agora Gallery
530 West 25th Street
Chelsea, New York City
Exhibition - August 11 to August 31, 2007
Artist Reception - August 16, 2007
Competition Calendar:
February 7th - Competition opens
March 8th - Submission deadline
April 15th - Results will be announced
Online Submissions:
• The preferred submission method is online. However, your chances of being selected are the same whether you submit online or by mail. Since we use high-resolution imaging technology on our website, we will need high quality image files of your work in JPG format not exceeding 1MB (1024kb) per image.
Mailed Submissions:
• All mailed work will be judged exclusively from slides or photographs.
• Do not mail a CD of your work - use our web site to submit image files.
• Number each image according to the entry form.
• Slides must be 35mm regular slides - do not send glass or metal slides. .
• Photographs must not exceed 8x10 inches.
• Self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)
Please note: Agora Gallery is not responsible for loss or damage to any portfolio material.
Entry Fees:
• Online submissions - $35 for up to 5 images, $5 additional for each additional image.
• Mail submissions - $50 for up to 5 images, $5 additional for each additional image.
Commission structure on work sold:
The gallery‘s commission structure is 70/30, the artist receives 70% of the List/Retail price and the gallery receives 30% of the List/Retail price.
Visit the website for complete details.
Open Calls for Group Shows
Are you an innovative visual artist interested in exhibiting your work at our new gallery space? If so, HUB-BUB is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for exhibition from artists working in every genre – from installation art to painting, sculpture to graphic art and everything else in between and beyond.
The Showroom is a contemporary gallery featuring the work of progressive artists and works hard to specifically showcase those artists who are young and emerging. We welcome all regional and national artists to apply.
This is a rolling application process. To be considered for the Fall/Winter 2007, please submit your package postmarked no later than March 31, 2007.
To apply, please send the following information:
*10 images of your work on a CD readable by Mac and PCs.
Clearly label each image with the title, dimension, and medium of the work.
*A brief biographical paragraph and photograph (jpeg) of yourself (for our files and press information in case your work is selected to exhibit)
*A list of any special technical requirements your exhibit would require
Current resume
*A self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish for your materials to be returned to you.
Submissions are reviewed and shows are curated by the Hub-Bub Art Selection Committee which is composed of local artists and art professionals. The committee will schedule exhibits and choose the artist to display. The exhibit schedule consists of group shows with 2-5 artists and themed shows.
Most exhibits show for approximately one month. *The artist is responsible for transporting the exhibited pieces of art to and from the gallery in person or by mail. *2D art must be framed or mounted in some way for hanging.
Our commission rate is 20%. This fee helps to cover gallery operating expenses.
Hub-Bub will be responsible for the following:
providing a safe and secure, well-lit gallery to showcase the artists' work
creating title/ artist/price tags for each piece
advertising the exhibit in print, on the radio and on the web
set-up and break-down of the exhibit (local artists are strongly encouraged to help with this for their show.)
creating invitations to opening night galas
hosting the gala
Visit the website for complete details.
solo exhibition at the AAC 2008
The AAC continues to pursue artistic excellence and to facilitate bringing emerging and under-represented artists into contact with the public as well as museum and gallery professionals. The AAC serves as a focal point for the ongoing exchange of ideas and images between artists and the public and as a doorway to the arts for the local and Mid-Atlantic regional community.
This opportunity is open to all artists in all media working or living in PA, MD, DC, DE, VA, or WV who wish to have a solo exhibition at the AAC in calendar year 2008.
Spring Solos: [April 8-May 31, 2008], Fall Solos: [Oct. 7-Nov. 29, 2008]
The exhibition program at the AAC consists of juried group shows and solo exhibitions. The year is divided into six slots, each six to nine weeks long. Proposals are reviewed by a rotating Exhibitions Committee, which includes members of staff and Board, as well as outside curators, artists, and other arts professionals.
Artists should submit DVD or 10-20 images via CD or slides, statement, and resume. Work must have been completed within the past three years and not have been exhibited previously in the Washington, DC area.
Application fees: $15 for AAC members/$25 for non-members/$35 for combined annual membership and application.
Visit for application and further information.
Arlington Arts Center
3550 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22201
(703) 248-6800
Exec. Director
Claire Huschle
(703) 248-6800, Ext 15
Carol Lukitsch
(703) 248-6800, Ext 12
Program Director
Lisa Lewenz
(703) 248-6800 Ext 11
gallery at 3rd Ward the Solo Show
The gallery at 3rd Ward is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Solo Show to open the fall season in September 2007.
3rd Ward is offering a 4 week solo show that will include an opening reception (our receptions attract an average of 200 visitors), postcards and inclusion in our newsletter and website. The artist will also receive a 6 month I Heart Brooklyn unlimited pass to our facilities.
3rd Ward is looking for contemporary emerging to mid-career individuals or small collaborative teams (up to 3 individuals). Applicants should submit innovative and imaginative work that was done within the past five years, and/or a proposal for a new project to be completed by September.
The call is open to both national and international artist, designers and culture creators in all mediums. The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, February 28th.
Submission Guidelines
To submit online all you need is a credit/debit card and a url where we can review your portfolio. Any other information you would like to include in your submission can be emailed to
By Mail:
A CD or DVD containing up to 10 images of your work and/or a reel of up to 3 minutes. DO NOT send original works.
Up to 10 printed images of work. Prints should not be larger than 8in x 10in
Also include:
An artist statement
An Artist Resume (CV)
Your contact information
A $25 application fee made out to 3rd Ward
(Optional) a one page project proposal
Send materials to:
3rd Ward
Solo Show Open Call
195 Morgan Ave.
Brooklyn, NY, 11237
P 718.715.4961
F 718.497.7010
Earlville Opera House Gallery 2007/2008 Exhibition Call for Artists
The Earlville Opera House Art Gallery invites artists to submit slides of recent work for review for 2007/2008 exhibition schedule. The EOH Art Galleries present 11 exhibitions annually of regional and national contemporary visual artists in all media.
High quality work by professional and emerging artists who live part-time or full-time in the Central New York region is given priority. Artists from greater New York or outside New York State are also considered. All media and styles are considered, as are installations and proposals by curators.
Located at 18 East Main Street in Earlville, NY, the Earlville Opera House Art Galleries are open year-round.
Earlville Opera House Art Galleries
Gallery Program Guidelines
When to Apply
For 2007-2008 submissions, please send by 2/28/07. After this date, submissions are reviewed on an on-going basis.
What to Send
There is no fee for submissions. Please do not e-mail submissions.
- Ten to twelve 2” x 2” paper- or plastic- mounted slides of recent work. If your slides do not represent the work that you want to show, please describe your concept in a cover letter or proposal. If you wish to submit two different kinds of work or mediums, please submit at least six slides of each, so the committee can make a judgment about each submission separately.
- Number slides and include a slide script with the number of the slide and the title, medium, date, and size of the work.
- New:In lieu of submitting 35mm slides, artists may submit 10 to 12 digital images of recent work on a CD, in accordance guidelines on the website.
- A resume or short description of your art background, including an exhibit history.
- A detailed proposal, if your work is of a conceptual nature; or, if you are a curator, a proposal describing the curatorial concept, accompanied by support materials (i.e., slides, resumes, etc.)
- A self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of your slides
The Selection Process
Work is juried by the Earlville Opera House Gallery Committee, a group of three to five visual arts professionals.
Artists whose work isn’t selected in a given year may reapply one year after notification.
Artists who have exhibited at the EOH Art Gallery can reapply after a two-year period.
What to Expect
If your work is chosen, you will be assigned dates for your show and opening reception.
We provide:
- Publicity: press releases, picture releases, arrangements for interviews, etc.
- Invitations: A black and white printed invitation in postcard format. Color postcards can be done by special arrangement. The invitations are sent to the EOH’s mailing list and up to 200 addresses from the artist’s mailing list.
- Reception: Light food and beverages are served.
- Artist Fee: EOH issues an honorarium to the artist for his/her participation.
- Catalog: A printed list of the work on exhibit, with price list and artists statement or resume.
- Insurance: Work at the EOH Gallery is insured.
- Sales: At work can be for sale or not. EOH collects sales tax and receives a commission of 25%.
By mail:
PO Box 111
Earlville, NY 13332
By UPS or FedEx:
18 East Main Street
Earlville, NY 13332
School of Art Gallery
Notifications will be sent out by May 1, 2007
Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute
The School of Art Gallery awards exhibitions to highly qualified artists working in a range of media. Six shows per academic year support the PrattMWP curriculum and provide cultural enrichment to the surrounding community. Selected artists give a gallery talk or slide lecture to students working at the foundation level. Students benefit from direct contact with original works of art by practicing artists.
Gallery Submissions Process
We accept proposals in all media for the School of Art Gallery. Artists selected will receive a small stipend and exhibition postcard paid. Professional, working artists may apply.
Please submit cover letter, 10 slides or digital images, corresponding list, resume of recent work, and SASE to:
Linnea Paskow, Gallery Director
1200 State Street
Utica, NY 13502.
For further information
Phone 315-797-0000 ext. 2291
or contact via email form on website.
The Knitting and Stitching Shows
NEC, Birmingham
13-16 September 2007
Alexandra Palace, London
11-14 October 2007
RDS, Dublin
1-4 November 2007
International Halls, Harrogate
22-25 November 2007
Regular direct marketing campaigns, well placed and extensive advertising and close relations with relevant guilds and women's groups help us maintain this attendance.
Interested in exhibiting your product to a huge captive audience? Whether you're an artist or designer. a retail outlet or a manufacturer we have a package to suit you!
Stand prices vary between shows, but the earlier you book, the cheaper your stand.
Stands come complete with standard shell-scheme, carpet and fascia board. The smallest stand is 2m by 2m, but feel free to go as large as you wish! Payment methods are flexible to suit your needs.
Success breeds success! If you'd like to join us, call Rhonda on 020 8692 2299 or visit our website to complete the email form.
Country Living Magazine Christmas Fair
at the Business Design Centre in London's Islington
For each Fair the magazine assembles a special selection of independent British designers, makers and small producers who represent the spirit of the magazine - distinctive, original and authentic. The Fairs are a chance to shop for traditional furnishings and accesories for the home, contemporary jewellery and fashion, handmade crafts and fine food and drink.
14-18 November 2007
Business Design Centre
If you are a potential new exhibitor to the Fair, it is important that you enclose visual material of your products with your application. The Country Living Fair committee will review your application and will contact you with the outcome of their decision. Every application has to be reviewed which may regrettably lead to some rejections.
For stand space enquiries contact:
Nicola Irving, Senior Sales Executive:
T. 020 7288 6071
F. 020 7288 6446
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Art Craft Design Culture
Art Craft Design Culture: Call for Artists
Art Exhibition and Sale
April 7 & April 14, 2007
11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
4014 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Art Craft Design Culture is a new kind of art show. It's a cross-pollination of ideas and a cross-section of disciplines. It's an opportunity for makers of well-designed and well-crafted contemporary works to sell their wares.
Presented at The Rotunda (on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania) on two Saturdays in April 2007, Art Craft Design Culture offers visitors a chance to experience an exceptional selection of limited edition and one-of-a-kind works in a variety of media. From quirky to clean and inspired, designer-makers will present objects in the categories of Art Dolls/Art Toys, Basketry, Book Arts, Ceramics, Fiber/Textiles, Furniture, Jewelry, Metal, Mixed Media, Painting, Paper Arts/Paper Goods, Prints, Sculpture (Small Works) and Wood.
Interested in exhibiting? Well, we waived the application fee for this inaugural event. Of course, booth fees are still required.
Space is limited.
The deadline for applying is Monday, February 26, 2007 at 11:59 p.m.
Please visit How to Apply for complete details regarding the application procedure.
Juried Craft Gallery
Juried Craft Gallery
Exhibition Dates: May 20 - October 15
The Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts & Sciences, now in its 59th year, is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting current trends in the arts and sciences through classes, exhibitions, and programs. Located on a beautiful barrier island off the coast of New Jersey, the LBIF hosts approximately 30,000 visitors every summer. From May through October, the LBIF sponsors a sales gallery featuring fine, contemporary handmade crafts. Ceramics, glass,jewelry, metalwork, basketry, wood and other fine craft media will be considered. Artist/craftsmen are invited to apply for our 2007 season.
How To Enter
Send six to eight slides or digital images representative of your work, a resume
(no more than 2 pages), and the entry form.
Slides must be 35 mm 2"x2" paper or plastic mount.
Digital images may be sent on CD or DVD.
Please include on a separate sheet of paper a description of the work depicted on the slides including: media, materials, size, and retail price.
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of slides or digital media.
On a separate sheet, please list the works depicted in the slides including media, materials, size and retail price.
Daniella Kerner, Assisant Professor of Metalwork, Tyler School of Art
A commission of 33-a% will be taken by the LBI Foundation on sales of work.
Work should be no larger than 24" x 18" wide.
Entry Due – March 31, 2007 (postmarked)
Notice of Acceptance – April 15, 2007
Work due at LBI Foundation – May 15, 2007
Craft Gallery – May 20 - October 15, 2007
Download and Print the Prospectus HERE
LBI Foundation
120 Long Beach Blvd.
Loveladies, NJ 08008
Call for Artists
Red Thread Studio
Body Coverings, Bikinis to Burkas
A look at clothing as it relates to culture, history, personal identity.
A juried show.
All types of art media are eligible.
Visit the website:
Slides or ideas for show entrance to gallery- March 24, 2007
Delivery of final work – April 14, 2007
An opening reception will be presented Saturday April 21, 2007.
Show will continue through May 26, 2007.
For more information contact
Angelia Armstrong
153 W. Washington Street
Suffolk, VA 23434
Peter's Valley Craft Education Center
Scholarship and Residency Opportunities
Peter's Valley Craft Education Center is a nationally recognized education center for fine craft located in rural northwest New Jersey. The Center offers multiple scholarship and residency opportunities for artists.
Summer Assistantship Residencies: Available in Blacksmithing, Ceramics, Fine Metals, Fibers: Surface, Fibers: Structure, Wood, Photography and Special Topics.
Matriculated College Student Scholarships: Half-tuition scholarships for matriculated college students to come to a summer workshop and learn new skills or further their knowledge of craft. These scholarships require a nominal ten hours of service to the Valley in housekeeping, the kitchen or grounds. The cost of lab fees and room and board are the responsibility of the student.
High School Student Scholarships: Peters Valley will award four, full-tuition workshop scholarships to high school students. This scholarship also includes lodging (lab fees and meals are not included).
Art Teacher Scholarships: Peters Valley will award several half-tuition workshop scholarships to art teachers teaching in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and other learning institutions. The cost of the remaining tuition, lab fees and room and board are the responsibility of the workshop participant.
Work Exchange Program: A very limited number of students demonstrating proven skills will be granted the opportunity to work at Peters Valley doing various projects in exchange for workshop tuition, room and board. The projects are very specific and will include physical labor.
Artist Residency Program (Please note: deadline for this program is September 1, 2007): From November to the end of April, Peters Valley provides residency opportunities for practicing artists. These residencies may be one or two months in duration.
Peters Valley Craft Center
19 Kuhn Road
Layton, NJ 07851
phone: 973-948-5200
fax: 973-948-0011
Friday, February 02, 2007
Peter Valley 2007 Craft Fair
2007 Craft Fair
September 15 & 16, 2007
The Craft Fair is an exhibition and selling venue for artists, showcasing contemporary and traditional fine craft. The Fair is well known throughout NJ, PA and NY. It is one of the most influential fundraising events supporting the educational programs of Peters Valley Craft Center.
Exhibition Spaces & Fees
All exhibition spaces are enclosed and sheltered from the elements.
- Spaces measure 10' x 10'--A limited number of corner spaces are available and will be allotted based upon returning artist request or on a first come first serve basis.
- Electrical service is included in all booths.
- Exhibitors must design a complete booth with walls or drapes, chairs, tables, etc.
- Pipe and drape, including set up, are available at an additional fee.
- An information packet and exhibitor contract will be sent to all accepted exhibitors.
Standard Booth Fee $375 (Includes 300 watts of electric)
Corner Booth Fee $425 (Includes 300 watts of electric)
Complete show information is available for download. Right Click or Visit:
To download the application right click or visit:
Call for more information (973)948-5200
Creative Capital 2007 Grants: Visual Arts and Film/Video
Creative Capital Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that supports artists pursuing innovative approaches to form and content in the performing and visual arts, film/video, emerging fields, and innovative literature. Creative Capital Foundation is committed to working in long-term partnerships with the artists funded, making a multi-year financial commitment, and providing advisory services and professional development assistance along with financial support. Funded artists agree to share a small percentage of any profits generated by their projects with Creative Capital, which applies those funds toward new grants.
2007 Grants will be awarded in the Visual Arts and Film/Video. Visual Arts may include painting, sculpture, works on paper, installation, photo-based work, contemporary crafts, public art, and interdisciplinary projects. Film/Video may include experimental documentary, animation, experimental film or video, non-traditional narrative, installation, and interdisciplinary projects.
Three steps: inquiry, application, and panel review.
To be eligible to apply, an artist must be:
• A U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
• At least 25 years old
• A working artist with at least five years of professional experience
Review the grant guidelines (draft)
Read the press release
Questions? Email grants [at] creative-capital [dot] org
Creative Capital Foundation
65 Bleecker Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY, 10012
Smithsonian Craft Show
Mailed applications: Monday, September 3, 2007 (Postmark)
Electronic applications: Monday, September 24, 2007
April 9 - 13, 2008
Preview night: April 8, 2008
National Building Museum
401 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Judiciary Square Metro Station (Red Line)
The annual Smithsonian Craft Show is a juried exhibition and sale of contemporary crafts. Three jurors, experts in the field of American crafts and newly selected each year, choose 120 artists from a large number of applicants. Craft artists are selected on the basis of the originality, artistic conception, and quality of their work.
The show is produced by the Smithsonian Women's Committee to benefit the Smithsonian Institution's educational, outreach, and research programs.
The Show does not charge sales commissions.
Electronic applications: By Monday, September 24, 2007
The non refundable fee for applying electronically is $50, payable online by credit card.
A late fee of $125 must be included for electronic applications received after September 24, 2007.
Late electronic entries will not be accepted after October 1, 2006.
Mailed applications: mailed applications must be postmarked on or before Monday, September 3, 2007.
The non refundable fee for applying by mail is $75 ($50application fee + $25 to cover cost of scanning and entering data into electronic jury program) payable by check to the Smithsonian Craft Show.
A late fee of $125 must be included for mailed applications postmarked between September 4 and September 17, 2007. Mailed applications postmarked after September 17, 2006, will be returned unopened.
Only U.S. residents who produce their work in the U.S. are eligible to compete.
Acceptable media categories: basketry, ceramics, decorative fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, wearable art, and wood.
Unacceptable media categories: Paintings, prints, graphics, photography, mass-produced work, soap, or objects made from commercial kits. In addition, works that incorporate materials acquired from the killing of endangered species, elephant ivory, dried or silk flower arrangements, bonsai, embellished commercially-made objects (e.g., t-shirts, note cards, etc.) do not qualify.
In recognition of outstanding work, the Smithsonian Women's Committee presents cash awards for Excellence, Merit, and Honorable Mention, as well as Exhibitors' Choice Awards.
Each applicant must submit an application, a non-refundable fee, and five (5) images for consideration by the jury. The images must be fully representative of the work you will sell at the Craft Show. Craft artists who work together may apply as one if they collaborate on every piece of work.
If you enter in more than one medium, you must submit separate applications fees, and slides to each category for which you wish to be considered. If only one application is accepted, you may only exhibit work in that medium. An image of the same piece of work will not be accepted in more than one category.
The 120 top applicants with the highest scores will be invited to exhibit. You will be notified of your status directly after the jury's decision. If you applied electronically, you may look up the status of your application(s) online by clicking on the Manage Application function of the Juried Art Services web site. If you did not supply an email addressee with your application(s), you will be sent a hard copy notification letter by early December.
2007 Craft Show booth fees ranged from $1100 to $1800, depending on size and location. 2008 Craft Show booth fees may be higher.
Craft artists who work together and who applied as one will pay only one booth fee. Otherwise, you must pay the full fee even if you choose to share a booth with another craft artist. Exhibitors must supply their own booth structures. The Smithsonian Craft Show will supply electrical outlets.
Address all correspondence and inquiries to:
Smithsonian Craft Show
PO Box 37012
SI, Room 436, MRC 037
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Phone: 202-633-5006 or 888-832-9554
Web site:
The Smithsonian Craft Show complies with the American Disabilities Act to enable all craft artists to participate fully in the Craft Show.
To apply electronically, accept the Terms and Conditions specified above by clicking the "Accept Terms and Conditions" check box and click next. You will be then taken to the online application. Applicants to the 2007 Smithsonian Craft Show may submit information and electronically scanned images by online application. Applicants who do not have electronic access may submit their applications by regular mail. The higher application fee for mailed applications covers the cost of scanning images into the electronic jury program. You may only apply online through this web site.
All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply electronically - it's easy! However, if you plan to apply by regular mail, you should know that we will no longer accept photographic slides for scanning. If you apply by regular mail, you should submit only the highest possible quality photographic 4” x 6” prints of the images you want us to judge.
Applications – as they will appear to the judges- can be reviewed for one week in October. Dates TBA.